Earth and Planetary Sciences

101. How the Earth Works - An Introduction to Geology. (3)

105L. Physical Geology Laboratory. (1)

110. Topics in the Earth Sciences. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

115. Geological Disasters. (3)

201L. Earth History. (4)

203. Energy and the Environment. (3)

225. Oceanography. (3)

250. Geology of New Mexico. (3)

251. Meteorology. (3)

252. Volcanoes!. (3)

**300. Topics in Geology. (1-4, may be repeated once Δ)

**301. Mineralogy/Earth and Planetary Materials. (3)

**302L. Mineralogy Laboratory. (2)

**303L. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. (4)

**304L. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. (4)

**307L. Structural Geology. (4)

310L. New Mexico Field Geology. (4)

**319L. Introductory Field Geology. (4)

**333. Environmental Geology. (3)

352. Global Climate Change. (3)

**365. Exploring the Solar System. (3)

*400. Topics in Earth and Planetary Sciences. (1-4, may be repeated once Δ)

401 / 501. Colloquium. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

405L / 505L. Stable Isotope Geochemistry. (3)

410 / 510. Fundamentals of Geochemistry. (3)

*411L. Invertebrate Paleontology. (4)

415 / 515. Geochemistry of Natural Waters. (3)

420L / 520L. Topics in Advanced Field Geology. (2-4 to a maximum of 8 Δ)

427 / 527. Geophysics. (3)

428 / 528. Applied Mathematics for Earth and Environmental Sciences. (3)

433. Statistics and Data Analysis in Earth Science. (3)

436 / 536. Climate Dynamics. (3)

*439. Paleoclimatology. (3)

443 / 543. Aquifers and Reservoirs. (3)

445 / 545. Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. (1-4, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

450L / 550L. Volcanology. (4)

455L / 555L. Computational and GIS Applications in Geomorphology. (3)

457L / 557L. Mathematical Modeling in the Geosciences. (3)

462 / 562. Hydrogeology. (3)

465 / 565. Mars Evolution. (3)

476 / 576. Physical Hydrology. (3)

481L / 581L. Geomorphology and Surficial Geology. (4)

482L / 582L. Geoarchaeology. (3)

485L / 585L. Soil Stratigraphy and Morphology. (3)

*490. Geologic Presentation. (1)

491-492. Problems. (1-3, 1-3)

493. Independent Study. (3)

495. Senior Thesis. (3)

501 / 401. Colloquium. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

505L / 405L. Stable Isotope Geochemistry. (3)

507L. Thermodynamics and Physical Foundations of Geochemistry. (4)

510 / 410. Fundamentals of Geochemistry. (3)

513. Planetary Materials and the Evolution of the Solar System. (3)

515 / 415. Geochemistry of Natural Waters. (3)

516. Selected Topics in Geomorphology. (3, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

518L. Electron Microprobe Analysis. (3)

520L / 420L. Topics in Advanced Field Geology. (2-4 to a maximum of 8 Δ)

522. Selected Topics in Geophysics. (3, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

523. Topics in Tectonics. (3, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

527 / 427. Geophysics. (3)

528 / 428. Applied Mathematics for Earth and Environmental Sciences. (3)

534. Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry. (3)

535. Freshwater Ecosystems. (3)

536 / 436. Climate Dynamics. (3)

538L. Analytical Electron Microscopy. (3)

543 / 443. Aquifers and Reservoirs. (3)

545 / 445. Topics in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. (1-4, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

547-548. Seminar. (2-3, 2-3, may be repeated 5 times Δ)

550L / 450L. Volcanology. (4)

551-552. Problems. (1-3, 1-3)

555L / 455L. Computational and GIS Applications in Geomorphology. (3)

557L / 457L. Mathematical Modeling in the Geosciences. (3)

558. Geomicrobiology. (3)

562 / 462. Hydrogeology. (3)

565 / 465. Mars Evolution. (3)

576 / 476. Physical Hydrology. (3)

581L / 481L. Geomorphology and Surficial Geology. (4)

582L / 482L. Geoarchaeology. (3)

585L / 485L. Soil Stratigraphy and Morphology. (3)

587. Advanced Mineralogy. (3)

599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

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