Professional Physical Education (PRPE) *See also: (PEP)

1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

2110. Introduction to Athletic Training. (3)

2120. Teaching Fund Motor Skills [Physical Education Skills and Content I]. (3)

2125. Teaching Sport and Physical Activity [Physical Education Skills and Content II]. (3)

2130. Athletic Training Observation Laboratory. (3)

2135. Athletic Training Clinical I. (4)

2140. Evaluation of Athletic Injuries: Extremities. (4)

2145. Evaluation of Athletic Injuries: Trunk and Torso. (4)

2150. Motor Learning and Performance. (3)

2155. Tests and Measurements. (3)

2165. Kinesiology. (3)

2170. Teaching Fitness Concepts. (3)

2175. Introduction to Sport Pedagogy [Professional Laboratory Experiences]. (3)

2180. Introduction to Exercise Science. (3)

2996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

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