Educational Psychology
Human Growth and Development.
Principles of human growth and development across the life span and implications for education.
Learning and the Classroom.
The basic principles of learning, particularly cognition, motivation and assessment, and their application to classroom situations.
391 / 591.
(1-3, no limit Δ)
472 / 572.
Classroom Assessment.
Provides educators with skills in assessment and knowledge of issues in measurement and assessment. Skills necessary to understand and communicate large-scale test information are also developed.
Survey of Research Methods in Education.
Overview of quantitative and qualitative research methods for research consumers. Emphasis is on locating published research and reading research reports with critical understanding of researchers’ methods of data collection and analysis.
Survey of Statistics in Education.
Non-technical overview of statistical methods in educational research; computation is not covered. Emphasis on developing critical understanding of statistical methods and results when reading and interpreting research, not on producing research or calculating statistics.
Pre- or corequisite: 500.
Principles of Human Development.
Principles of human growth and development, which include cognitive, psychosocial and physical development across the life span, with a particular focus on educational implications.
Statistical Software Applications for Education Research.
Provides open lab, practicum-style opportunity to learn SPSS® for Windows. First five weeks (1 unit) cover introduction, orientation and basics. Remainder covers other techniques (1-2 credits) by arrangement with instructor.
Prerequisite: 511.
Restriction: permission of instructor.
Conducting Quantitative Educational Research.
Provides students with skills for designing quantitative educational research, including identifying a problem, reviewing literature, formulating hypotheses, considering ethical issues, selecting participants, selecting or constructing measures, making valid inferences, writing reports.
Principles of Classroom Learning.
Research and theory in learning, particularly cognition, motivation and assessment, with emphasis on educational implications.
Introductory Educational Statistics.
Foundations of statistical methods for research producers. Covers sampling methods, descriptive statistics, standard scores, distributions, estimation, statistical significance testing, t-tests, correlation, chi-square and effect size using SPSS® for Windows and computation.
Pre- or corequisite: 505.
Aging and Education.
Characteristics of the aging process and theories about aging which have special relevance for educators dealing with adults.
Survey and Questionnaire Design and Analysis.
Covers survey research from item writing and survey development to sampling, administration, analysis and reporting. Emphasizes applications and interpretations in educational and social science research and use and interpretation of statistical software for survey research.
Prerequisite: 511.
Motivation Theory and Practice.
The course promotes understanding of current theories and research in motivation with an emphasis on applications in educational settings. Strategies for establishing motivation-rich environments will be developed.
Computers in the Educational Process.
Students will be introduced to several ways computers may be used in educational settings. Also programming in BASIC.
Restriction: permission of instructor.
Seminar in Thought and Language.
(Also offered as LING, PSY 565.)
572 / 472.
Classroom Assessment.
Provides educators with skills in assessment and knowledge of issues in measurement and assessment. Skills necessary to understand and communicate large-scale test information are also developed.
Introduction to Educational and Psychological Measurement.
(3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
A survey of classical and modern approaches to measurement and assessment as applied to education and/or psychology. Includes measurement and scaling, reliability and validity, traditional and alternative assessment methods.
Prerequisite: 511.
Psychological Development of Women.
Prerequisite: an introductory course in the psychology of personality. An introductory course in women studies is recommended but not essential.
Prerequisite: PSY 331.
591 / 391.
(1-3 to a maximum of 18 Δ)
(1, no limit Δ)
Advanced Field Experiences.
(3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)
Prerequisite: acceptance into a graduate program and permission of instructor.
Directed Readings.
(3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Master’s Thesis.
(1-6, no limit Δ)
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Applied Statistical Design and Analysis.
Includes factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA), planned comparisons, post hoc tests, trend analysis, effect size and strength of association measures, repeated measures designs. Emphasis on solving applied problems using statistical analysis with computer software.
Prerequisite: 511.
Multiple Regression Techniques as Applied to Education.
(3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Includes bivariate regression, multiple regression with continuous and categorical independent variables and interactions, orthogonal and nonorthogonal designs and selected post hoc analyses. Computer analysis, conceptual understanding and applications to educational research are stressed.
Prerequisite: 603.
Applied Multivariate Statistics.
(1-3, may be repeated twice Δ)
Advanced statistical techniques including discriminant function analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation, principal components analysis and exploratory factor analysis. Emphasis on conceptual understanding and use and interpretation of computer software.
Prerequisite: 603. Grading Option: A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, F, CR/NC.
Structural Equation Modeling.
Theory, application, interpretation of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques. Includes covariance structures, path diagrams, path analysis, model identification, estimation and testing; confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling and linear structural relations using latent variables.
Prerequisite: 604 or 606.
Seminar in Classroom Learning.
(3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
An examination of selected research and theory on learning and cognition in specific domains with emphasis on application to classrooms or other learning situations.
Seminar in Human Growth and Development.
(3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Examination of selected topics in research and theory relevant to human growth and development, including implications for instruction and child rearing. May be repeated once for credit when topics differ.
Advanced Seminar in Educational Psychology.
(3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)
Seminar introduces students to current research topics and professional issues in Educational Psychology.
Dissertation Seminar.
(1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Advanced Seminar in Quantitative Educational Research.
(1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Seminar introduces advanced students to current research designs and controversies, statistical analysis techniques and computer applications.
Prerequisite: 603.
Advanced Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Topics and issues in measurement, including generalizability theory, item response theory, differential item functioning, test development, bias, and fairness.
Prerequisite: 574 and 603.
Co-requisite: 604.
(3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Directed Readings.
(3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)
(3-12, no limit Δ)
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.