Nuclear Engineering

101. Introduction to Nuclear Engineering. (1)

213. Laboratory Electronics for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineers. (3)

230. Principles of Radiation Protection. (3)

231. Principles of Nuclear Engineering. (3)

311. Introduction to Transport Phenomena. (3)

312. Unit Operations. (3)

313L. Introduction to Laboratory Techniques for Nuclear Engineering. (3)

314. Thermodynamics and Nuclear Systems. (3)

315. Nuclear Engineering Analysis and Calculations. (3)

**323L. Radiation Detection and Measurement. (3)

*330. Nuclear Engineering Science. (3)

371. Nuclear Materials Engineering. (2)

*410. Nuclear Reactor Theory. (3)

*413L. Nuclear Engineering Laboratory I. (3)

439 / 539. Radioactive Waste Management. (3)

449. Seminar in Hazardous Waste Management. (1, no limit Δ)

452. Senior Seminar. (1)

462. Monte Carlo Techniques for Nuclear Systems. (3)

464 / 564. Thermal-Hydraulics of Nuclear Systems. (3)

468 / 568. Introduction to Space Nuclear Power. (3)

470. Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials. (3)

*485. Fusion Technology. (3)

491 - 492. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ, 1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

495 - 496. Nuclear Engineering Honors Problems I and II. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ, 1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

*497L. Nuclear Engineering Computational Methods. (3)

498L. Nuclear Engineering Design. (4)

499. Selected Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

501. Nuclear Engineering Seminar. (1, no limit Δ)

502. Nuclear Engineering Research Methods Seminar. (1, no limit Δ)

508. Nuclear Engineering Research Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)

511. Advanced Nuclear Reactor Theory. (3)

513L. Graduate Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. (1-4 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

515. Special Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

520. Radiation Interactions and Transport. (3)

523L. Environmental Measurements Laboratory. (1-4 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

524. Interaction of Radiation with Matter. (3)

525. Methods of Analysis in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineering. (3)

527. Radiation Biology for Engineers and Scientists. (3)

528. External Radiation Dosimetry. (3)

529. Internal Radiation Dosimetry. (3)

539 / 439. Radioactive Waste Management. (3)

551 - 552. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3)

564 / 464. Thermal-Hydraulics of Nuclear Systems. (3)

568 / 468. Introduction to Space Nuclear Power. (3)

591. Practicum. (3 or 6 to a maximum of 6 Δ )

599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

610. Advanced Methods in Radiation Transport [Advanced Nuclear Reactor Theory]. (3)

699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

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