Latin (LATN)
1110 [101].
Latin I [Elementary Latin I].
Introduction to the Latin language; grammar, syntax and readings in Roman authors.
{Fall, Spring}
1120 [102].
Latin II [Elementary Latin II].
Continuation of 1110. Introduction to the Latin language; grammar, syntax and readings in Roman authors.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2110 [201].
Latin III [Intermediate Latin I].
Systematic review of Latin grammar and syntax; readings in simple prose authors such as Cicero and Caesar; introduction to Latin poetry and scansion.
Prerequisite: 1120.
2120 [202].
Latin IV [Intermediate Latin II].
Systematic review of Latin grammar and syntax; readings in simple prose authors such as Cicero and Caesar; introduction to Latin poetry and scansion.
Prerequisite: 1120.
Advanced Latin I.
(3, no limit Δ)
Readings in Classical authors such as Plautus, Catullus, Vergil, Horace and Ovid. Occasional composition in Latin.
Prerequisite: 2110 or 2120.
Advanced Latin II.
(3, no limit Δ)
Readings in Classical authors such as Plautus, Catullus, Vergil, Horace and Ovid. Occasional composition in Latin.
Prerequisite: 2110 or 2120.
Undergraduate Problems.
(1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Topics in Latin Language and Literature.
(3, no limit Δ)
Graduate readings in Latin authors.
Prerequisite: *303, *304 or the equivalent.
Survey of Ancient Latin Literature.
This course will give students experience reading a wide range of texts and authors in Latin literature, from the Republican period to the Late Empire, touching on key authors and works of literature in Latin.
Prerequisite: 503 with a grade of "B+" or better.
Graduate Problems.
(1-9 to a maximum of 9 Δ)