Psychology (PSYC) *See also: (PSY)
1110 [PSY 105].
Introduction to Psychology [General Psychology].
Overview of the major content areas in psychology. Topics to be covered include learning, cognition, perception, motivation, biological systems, social and abnormal psychology, development, personality and approaches to psychotherapy.
Meets New Mexico Lower-Division General Education Common Core Curriculum Area IV: Social/Behavioral Sciences.
2110 [PSY 271].
Social Psychology.
Study of social influence: perception of oneself and others, attitudes, conformity, attraction, altruism, aggression, and groups.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2120 [PSY 220].
Developmental Psychology.
Overview of the physical, perceptual, motor, cognitive, emotional and social development of children from infancy through adolescence.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2220 [PSY 265].
Cognitive Psychology.
Study of the cognitive processes involved in the encoding, storage, retrieval and use of knowledge including attention, memory, comprehension, categorization, reasoning, problem solving and language.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2250 [PSY 240].
Brain and Behavior.
A general survey of the biological foundations of behavior. Emphasis is on the central nervous system.
Prerequisite: 1110 or BIOL 1110 or BIOL 1140.
2270 [PSY 260].
Psychology of Learning and Memory.
Survey of the variety of laboratory learning situations, with an emphasis on the application of principles to practical situations. Topics range from simple processes, such as conditioning, to complex processes, such as transfer, memory and concept formation.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2320 [PSY 280].
Health Psychology.
This course introduces health psychology. The course will cover the role of stress in illness, coping with chronic illness, stress, and pain, and the role of health behavior in health and disease.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2330 [PSY 231].
Psychology of Human Sexuality.
Exploration of the physiological, cultural, social and individual factors that influence sexual behavior, sex roles and sex identity.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2510 [PSY 200].
Statistical Principles for Psychology [Statistical Principles].
Presentation of basic principles of description and interpretation of data. Provides acquaintance with statistical principles appropriate to liberal arts education, as well as a basis for further work in data analysis. Students planning graduate study in any field are advised to also take 302.
Prerequisite: 1110.
2996 [PSY 250].
Special Topics [Special Topics in Psychology].
(1-3, no limit Δ)
Study of any psychological topic not otherwise included in the curriculum upon expression of mutual interest by students and faculty. May be repeated for credit provided the subject matter varies.