Introduction to Chemistry for Non-Majors Lecture and Laboratory

CHEM 1120C (4)

This course covers qualitative and quantitative areas of non-organic general chemistry for non-science majors and some health professions. Students will learn and apply principles pertaining, but not limited to, atomic and molecular structure, the periodic table, acids and bases, mass relationships, and solutions. The laboratory component introduces students to techniques for obtaining and analyzing experimental observations pertaining to chemistry using diverse methods and equipment. Three lectures, 3 hours demo lab/recitation. 

Credit for both this course and CHEM 1215 may not be applied toward a degree program.
Credit for both this course and CHEM 1217 may not be applied toward a degree program.

Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences.

Prerequisite: MATH 1215Z or MATH 1220 or MATH 1240 or MATH 1430 or MATH 1440 or MATH 1512 or MATH 1522 or MATH 2530 or ACT Math =>22 or SAT Math Section =>540.

{Fall, Spring}

Prerequisites / Corequisites

Intermediate Algebra IC - MATH 1215Z

College Algebra - MATH 1220

Pre-Calculus - MATH 1240

Applications of Calculus I - MATH 1430

Applications of Calculus II - MATH 1440

Calculus I - MATH 1512

Calculus II - MATH 1522

Calculus III - MATH 2530


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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