Physical Education (Non-Professional) (PHED) *See also: (PENP)

1110. Topics in Dance. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1210. Basketball: Competition. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1230. Topics in Individual Sport. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1280. Topics in Volleyball. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1290. Team Sport: Soccer. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1310. Swim I: Beginning Swimming. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1320. Aqua Fit: Water Polo. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1410. Yoga: Beginning Yoga. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1420. Topics in Stretching and Relaxation. (1, no limit Δ)

1430. Pilates. (1, no limit Δ)

1440. Tai Chi. (1, no limit Δ)

1510. Training: Resistance Training. (1, no limit Δ)

1620. Topics in Fitness. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1710. Topics in Martial Arts. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1830. Topics in Running. (1-2, no limit Δ)

1910. Topics in Outdoor Experience. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2110. Topics in Dance II. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2230. Topics in Individual Sport II. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2310. Swim II: Intermediate Swimming. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2320. Aqua Fit II: Advanced Swimming and Conditioning. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2410. Yoga II: Intermediate Yoga. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2510. Training II: Intermediate Weight Training. (1, no limit Δ)

2710. Topics in Martial Arts II. (1-2, no limit Δ)

2996. Topics [Topics in Physical Education]. (1-6, no limit Δ [1-2, no limit Δ])


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