Spanish for Heritage Learners I

SPAN 1210 (3)

This is a beginning-level Spanish course designed for students who have a cultural connection to the Spanish language. Some students have had very little exposure to the language and enter the class to develop beginning-level skills. Other students may have grown up hearing the heritage language in the community and may understand some Spanish and speak at a basic level as a result. The objective is to draw upon the connection to the heritage language as a source of motivation and engagement for our learning communities. At the same time, we build upon the language base that students may already have as a result of their heritage learner experience in order to develop new proficiencies in Spanish and reactivate the Spanish that students have learned previously. By the end of this course, students will be able to describe their home, campus surroundings and common activities including cultural traditions. At the same time, students gain cultural competency and develop a critical understanding of their linguistic and cultural background. (L)

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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

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