Spanish for Heritage Learners IV

SPAN 2220 (3)

A fourth-semester course designed for students who have been raised in a Spanish-speaking environment and speak, or understand, Spanish as a result of having heard it in the home and in the community. It is also for students with a cultural connection to heritage language speech communities or who have achieved proficiency from study in previous courses. This course will help the student build confidence in their Spanish abilities and expand the language use in the areas of writing, reading, oral production and listening comprehension. In addition to scaffolding skills that students already have, in this class they will expand their ability to describe abstract and hypothetical situations. Students will write essays, reaction papers, and creative pieces. Students will also examine formal and informal contexts of language use in speaking and writing. By studying the cultural and historical background shared by students as part of the program, students will develop an increased critical awareness of Spanish language speech communities. (L)

Meets University of New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 6: Second Language.

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