Plant and Animal Form and Function

BIOL 304 (3)

Exploration of relationships between structure and function in plants and animals including plant growth; transport; nutrition; reproduction; development; control systems; and animal nutrition; circulation; reproduction; development; and immune, control and nervous systems.

Prerequisite: 303 and 303L and ((CHEM 1225 and CHEM 1225L) or CHEM 1227).

Pre- or corequisite: 304L and (MATH 1430 or MATH 1512).

Prerequisites / Corequisites

Ecology and Evolution - BIOL 303

Ecology and Evolution Laboratory - BIOL 303L

Plant and Animal Form and Function Laboratory - BIOL 304L

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors - CHEM 1225

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors Laboratory - CHEM 1225L

Principles of Chemistry II - CHEM 1227

Applications of Calculus I - MATH 1430

Calculus I - MATH 1512

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