Clinical Science (CLNS)

501. Foundations of Medical Science. (6)

502. Musculoskeletal, Skin and Connective Tissue. (6)

503. Hemotology. (6)

509. Cardiovascular-Pulmonary-Renal. (6)

510. Human Sexuality and Reproduction. (1-10)

513. Neurosciences. (1-10)

516. GI-Endocrine. (6)

517. Doctoring V: Transitions. (8)

522. Doctoring III: Practical Immersion Experience. (4)

537. Health of New Mexico. (3)

549. Infectious Disease. (1-10)

551. Doctoring I: Laying the Foundation for Clinical Practice. (4)

552. Doctoring II: Stepping into Roles and Exploring Perspectives. (4)

553. Doctoring IV. (4)

561. Clinical Reasoning I. (4)

562. Clinical Reasoning II. (4)

563. Clinical Reasoning III. (4)

571. Quantitative Medicine I. (2)

572. Quantitative Medicine II. (2)

573. Quantitative Medicine III. (2)

600. Medicine Clerkship. (8)

650. Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship. (8)

675. Pediatrics Clerkship. (8)

700. Neurology Clerkship. (4)

725. Psychiatry Clerkship. (4)

750. Surgery Clerkship. (8)

775. Family Practice. (8)

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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
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