Psychology (PSYC) *See also: (PSY)
Introduction to Psychology.
This course will introduce students to the concepts, theories, significant findings, methodologies, and terminology that apply to the field of psychology.
Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Social Psychology.
This course is an introduction to the scientific study of human social influence and interaction, and explores how an individual’s actions, emotions, attitudes and thought processes are influenced by society and other individuals.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Developmental Psychology.
Study of human physical and psychological change and stability from a lifespan development perspective.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Cognitive Psychology.
The course provides an overview of human cognitive processes such as attention, perception, memory, language, categorization, decision-making, reasoning, and problem solving. Includes methods, theories, and applications.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Brain and Behavior.
A general survey of the biological foundations of behavior and mental processes. Students will gain an understanding of anatomy, physiology, and chemistry of the nervous system and their relationships to human behavior.
Prerequisite: 1110 or BIOL 1110 or BIOL 1140.
Psychology of Learning and Memory.
This course provides an overview of how information is acquired, stored, retrieved, and manifested in the behavior of human and non-human animals.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Health Psychology.
This course examines how biological, psychological, and social factors interact with and affect different areas within health. Course will cover the role of stress in illness, coping with illness, pain management, and the role of health behavior in health and disease.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Psychology of Human Sexuality.
Exploration of the psychological, physiological, cultural, social and individual factors that influence sexual behavior, sex roles, and sex identity.
Prerequisite: 1110.
Statistical Principles for Psychology.
This course covers introductory-level topics in statistics that are applicable to psychological research. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are covered. Topics include applying statistical formulas to psychological data and interpreting the results of statistical analyses.
Prerequisite: 1110.
(1-6, no limit Δ)