Clinical Science (CLNS)
Foundations of Medical Science.
Foundations of Medical Science focuses on the genetic, molecular and cellular principles required for the study of the rest of the MD Phase I curriculum.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Musculoskeletal, Skin and Connective Tissue.
The Musculoskeletal, Skin and Connective Tissue Block that focuses on basic anatomical concepts, the normal anatomy and development of back and extremities, structure and function of skin and the pathophysiology of disorders effecting these systems.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
The Hematology Block focuses on basic principles of hematology and hemostasis. This course builds on earlier FMS concepts in the consideration of the impact of diseases of the circulating elements of blood.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Human Sexuality and Reproduction.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Doctoring V: Transitions.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Doctoring III: Practical Immersion Experience.
Phase I required course. Longitudinal MD curriculum studies
Health of New Mexico.
This course provides transformational learning experiences for entering health professional students that create a conceptual framework for understanding health and illness from a socio-ecological perspective.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Infectious Disease.
Phase I required course.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Doctoring I: Laying the Foundation for Clinical Practice.
Student introduction to being a clinical practitioner. Learn the basic techniques that clinicians use to forge the clinician-patient relationship, and learn the communication and examination techniques used to obtain essential information about the patient.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Doctoring II: Stepping into Roles and Exploring Perspectives.
Introduction to healthcare in two different settings: a primary care clinic and a community healthcare center. Observation and practice patient evaluations under mentorship of primary care physician. Development of written documentation encounter skills.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Doctoring IV.
This course supports students in their clinical role in Continuity Clinic while simultaneously preparing them for clerkships and nurturing their professional identity formation.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Clinical Reasoning I.
A block-integrated curriculum designed to explicitly model the clinical reasoning process; and to provide structure, guidance and assessment for self-directed learning, critical judgment skills, and medical problem-solving during block relevant case associations.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Clinical Reasoning II.
A block-integrated curriculum designed to 1) explicitly model the clinical reasoning process 2) provide structure, guidance and assessment for self-directed learning, for critical judgment skills, and medical problem solving during block relevant case associations.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Clinical Reasoning III.
Students will actively engage in the clinical reasoning process. Students will be provided structure in in self-directed learning and skills in critical judgment and medical problem solving.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Quantitative Medicine I.
Quantitative Medicine is designed to prepare students to understand and critically evaluate medical information based on epidemiology, biostatistics, Evidence-Based Practice, and other subjects.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Quantitative Medicine II.
Quantitative Medicine is designed to prepare students to understand and critically evaluate medical information based on epidemiology, biostatistics, Evidence-Based Practice, and other subjects.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Quantitative Medicine III.
Quantitative Medicine is designed to prepare students to understand and critically evaluate medical information based on epidemiology, biostatistics, Evidence-Based Practice, and other subjects.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Restriction: admitted to M.D. program.
Medicine Clerkship.
Internal Medicine core clerkship.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship.
OB-GYN core clerkship requirement.
Pediatrics Clerkship.
This supervised pediatric clerkship focuses on the development of skills in the health care of pediatric and adolescent patients.
Neurology Clerkship.
Neurology core clerkship.
Psychiatry Clerkship.
Psychiatry core clerkship.
Surgery Clerkship.
General Surgery core clerkship.
Family Practice.
Family Community Medicine core clerkship.