Nuclear Engineering (NE)
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering.
An introduction to the profession of nuclear engineering; current research in this field; career choices; guidance and advice on curricular matters and effective study techniques for nuclear engineering students.
Laboratory Electronics for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineers.
(Also offered as CBE 213)
Basic DC and AC circuits including capacitors and inductors and their applications in radiation measurement equipment and chemical process parameter measurements. Oscilloscopes, Op Amps, and Sensors and their use in the NE laboratories.
{Fall & Spring}
Principles of Radiation Protection.
Nuclear reactions, decay, interactions of physical radiation with matter, methods of radiation detection and biological effects of radiation, external and internal dosimetry. Open-ended exercises and design project.
Prerequisite: (CHEM 1215 or CHEM 1217) and CHEM 1215L.
Principles of Nuclear Engineering.
Introduction to nuclear engineering and nuclear processes; neutron interactions with matter, cross sections, fission, neutron diffusion, criticality, kinetics, chain reactions, reactor principles, fusion and the nuclear fuel cycle. Includes open-ended exercises.
Prerequisite: CHEM 1215 and CHEM 1215L and MATH 1522.
Corequisite: 314.
Introduction to Transport Phenomena.
The mechanisms and the related mathematical analysis of momentum and heat transport in both the molecular and turbulent regimes. Similarities and differences between transport types and the prediction of transport properties.
Prerequisite: 314 and MATH **316.
Corequisite: 315.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Unit Operations.
A study of the unit operations involved with momentum and heat transfer. Focus will be on the basics of equipment design and how to synthesize a process from the basic units. Includes extensive use of computer techniques and design exercises.
Prerequisite: 311.
Corequisite: 313L.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Introduction to Laboratory Techniques for Nuclear Engineering.
Techniques for error analysis, experiments in fluid flow, heat transfer, neutron detectors and neutron activation plus neutron diffusion theory and Fermi age. Design and development of experiments, emphasis on written presentations.
Prerequisite: ENGL 2210.
Corequisite: 312.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Thermodynamics and Nuclear Systems.
First and second law of thermodynamics and application to electrical generation, particularly nuclear energy conversion systems. Types of nuclear power plants, primary, secondary systems, feedwater, regeneration, and superheating.
Corequisite: 231.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Engineering Analysis and Calculations.
Application of analytical and numerical techniques to neutron diffusion problems and point reactor kinetics. Includes data analysis; solution of ODEs and PDEs for nuclear criticality problems, and point kinetics with and without delayed neutrons.
Prerequisite: 231 and ENG 130L and MATH **316.
Corequisite: 311.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Radiation Detection and Measurement.
Radiation interaction with matter and detection techniques for nuclear radiations. Experiments will be performed using gas, scintillation and semiconductor counters and include the design of experiments and identification of unknown radionuclides.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Engineering Science.
Nuclear reactions, cross-sections and reaction rates, special relativity, quantum effects, atomic structure, nuclear properties, nuclear stability, decay modes, and neutron scattering.
Prerequisite: 230 and MATH **316 and PHYS 1320.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Materials Engineering.
Understanding of material behavior from a molecular viewpoint. The effects of structure, properties, and processing of materials used in nuclear systems on their behavior in radiation environments.
Corequisite: 231.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
410 / 510.
Nuclear Reactor Theory.
Neutron transport equation, differential scattering cross section, diffusion approximation, one group diffusion theory including green’s function and eigenfunction expansion, Breit-Wigner formula, slowing down theory, reactor kinetics, multigroup methods, topics selected from numerical methods for reactor analysis.
Prerequisite: 315.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Engineering Laboratory I.
Laboratory investigations of the theory and practice of nuclear chain-reacting systems including open-ended experiments and experimental design, covering reactor kinetics, importance functions and criticality. One lecture, 6 hours lab.
Prerequisite: 313L and 410.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
439 / 539.
Radioactive Waste Management.
(Also offered as CE 539)
Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes. Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements. Radwaste management technologies and disposal options.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Seminar in Hazardous Waste Management.
(1, no limit Δ)
Invited lectures on a variety of topics in hazardous waste, environmental engineering and science and related topics. Students prepare short written assignments. May be counted twice toward a degree.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Senior Seminar.
Senior year. Reports on selected topics and surveys; presentation and discussion of papers from current technical journals, and topics of interest to nuclear engineers.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
462 / 562.
Monte Carlo Techniques for Nuclear Systems.
Monte Carlo methods for nuclear criticality and reactor analysis and radiation shielding calculation using production Monte Carlo codes, understand basics of probability and statistics and of particle transport in the context of Monte Carlo methods.
Prerequisite: 410.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
464 / 564.
Thermal-Hydraulics of Nuclear Systems.
Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems.
Prerequisite: 312 and 313L and 410.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
468 / 568.
Introduction to Space Nuclear Power.
Introduction to design and mass optimization of Space Power Systems, passive and active energy conversion systems and design of RTG’s, radiation shield, heat pipe theory, design and applications, advanced radiators, TE-EM pumps and orbital lifetime calculations and safety.
Prerequisite: MATH **312 or MATH **316.
Pre- or corequisite: 464.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials.
Materials for use in nuclear reactors, metallurgy and irradiation behavior, fundamentals of the nuclear fuel cycle including the uranium, thorium, and advanced fuel cycles.
Prerequisite: 371 and 410 and 464.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Fusion Technology.
The technology of fusion reactor systems including basic magnetic and inertial confinement physics, system designs, material considerations, shielding, blanket designs, fuel cycle, plant operations, magnets, and ICF drivers.
Prerequisite: MATH **316.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Undergraduate Problems.
(1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ, 1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Advanced studies in various areas of nuclear engineering.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{Summer, Fall, Spring}
Nuclear Engineering Honors Problems I and II.
(1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ, 1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
Senior thesis for students seeking departmental honors.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{Summer, Fall, Spring}
Nuclear Engineering Computational Methods.
Problem solving techniques, nuclear systems, design, interactions of parameters and the importance of trade-offs and optimization in design. Neutronics, computer models and impact of cross sections and materials on fissile systems. Two lectures, 2 hours lab.
Prerequisite: 410.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Nuclear Engineering Design.
Students will work in teams on a capstone design project requiring the application of nuclear engineering principles and the integration of material from other disciplines, with emphasis on creativity, decision-making and interactive design. Three lectures, 3 hours lab.
Prerequisite: 410 and 462 and 464 and *497L.
Corequisite: 470.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
Selected Topics.
(1-3, no limit Δ)
A course which permits various faculty members to present detailed examinations of developing sciences and technologies in a classroom setting.
Restriction: admitted to School of Engineering.
{Offered upon demand}
Nuclear Engineering Seminar.
(1, no limit Δ)
Colloquia, special lectures and individual study in areas of current research. A maximum of 3 credit hours can be applied toward degree.
{Fall, Spring}
Nuclear Engineering Research Methods Seminar.
(1, no limit Δ)
Students will work on developing research proposals for their masters or doctoral degree. The course will involve oral presentations of proposals and journal article critiques.
Nuclear Engineering Research Seminar.
(2, may be repeated nine times Δ)
Discussion of topics such as space nuclear power and propulsion, reactor design thermal-hydraulics, nuclear fuel cycles and materials, energy conversion, computation and simulation, space radiation effects and shielding, criticality safety, and instrumentation and control.
{Fall, Spring, offered upon demand}
510 / 410.
Nuclear Reactor Theory.
Neutron transport equation, differential scattering cross section, diffusion approximation, one group diffusion theory including green’s function and eigenfunction expansion, Breit-Wigner formula, slowing down theory, reactor kinetics, multigroup methods, topics selected from numerical methods for reactor analysis.
Prerequisite: 315.
Advanced Nuclear Reactor Theory.
The theory of nuclear chain-reacting systems with emphasis on computer methods used in current applications. Multigroup diffusion theory, transport theory and Monte Carlo methods and applications to nuclear system design.
Prerequisite: 510 and 525.
Graduate Nuclear Engineering Laboratory.
(1-4 to a maximum of 4 Δ)
Laboratory investigations of the theory and practice of nuclear chain-reacting systems. Experiments on the UNM AGN-201M reactor and the ACRR at SNL. Course credit based on the extent of related course work in student’s undergraduate program. One lecture, 6 hours lab.
{Spring, offered upon demand}
Special Topics.
(1-3, no limit Δ)
A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.
{Offered upon demand}
Radiation Interactions and Transport.
Theoretical and numerical methods for neutral and charged particle interactions and transport in matter. Linear transport theory, spherical harmonics expansions, PN methods, Gauss quadra, discrete ordinates SN methods, discretization techniques, Fokker-Planck theory. Development of calculational methods including computer codes. Applications to nuclear systems.
Prerequisite: 317 and 510 and 525.
{Spring, offered upon demand}
Environmental Measurements Laboratory.
(1-4 to a maximum of 4 Δ)
In-depth consideration of radiation detection systems and nuclear measurement techniques. Experiments using semiconductor devices, MCA/MCSs, sampling techniques, dosimeters, tracer techniques and radiochemistry. Emphasis on selection of sampling techniques and instrumentation for measuring low-levels of radiation in air, soil and water. Course credit determined for each student based on the extent of related laboratory work in his or her undergraduate program. Two lectures, 3 hours lab.
Interaction of Radiation with Matter.
Nuclear models and energy levels, cross sections, decay processes, range/energy relationships for alphas, betas, gammas, neutrons and fission products. Ionization, scattering and radiative energy exchange processes. Effect of radiation on typical materials used in the nuclear industry. Both theory and application will be presented.
Prerequisite: 330 and MATH **316.
Methods of Analysis in Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear Engineering.
(Also offered as CBE 525)
Mathematical methods of analysis for chemical, biological, and nuclear engineers. Topics will include vector calculus, curvilinear coordinate systems, linear algebra, and others. Emphasis will be on the use of MATLAB to solve engineering problems.
Radiation Biology for Engineers and Scientists.
(Also offered as MPHY 527)
Covering fundamentals of the biological effects of ionizing radiation on living systems, especially man; basic biological mechanisms which bring about somatic and genetic effects; and the effect of ionizing radiation on cell cultures.
Restriction: permission of instructor.
External Radiation Dosimetry.
Ionizing radiation, Kerma, Fluence, Dose, and Exposure, Attenuation and Buildup, Charged Particle Equilibrium, Bragg-Gray Cavity Theory and other Cavities, Fundamentals of Dosimetry, Ionizations Chambers, Integrating Dosimetry, and Pulse Mode Detectors, and Neutron Interactions and Dosimetry. Both theory and applications will be presented.
Pre- or corequisite: 524.
Internal Radiation Dosimetry.
Internal contamination, radiation quantities, ICRP dose methodologies, lung models, bioassay, whole body counting, uranium and plutonium toxicology and metabolism, alpha dosimetry and ventilation control/air sampling.
Prerequisite: 524.
539 / 439.
Radioactive Waste Management.
(Also offered as CE 539)
Introduction to the nuclear fuel cycle emphasizing sources, characteristics and management of radioactive wastes. Types of radiation, radioactive decay calculations, shielding requirements. Radwaste management technologies and disposal options.
(1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3)
Advanced study, design or research either on an individual or small group basis with an instructor. Recent topics have included convective diffusion, reactor safety, inertial confinement fusion and nuclear waste management.
562 / 462.
Monte Carlo Techniques for Nuclear Systems.
Monte Carlo methods for nuclear criticality and reactor analysis and radiation shielding calculation using production Monte Carlo codes, understand basics of probability and statistics and of particle transport in the context of Monte Carlo methods.
Prerequisite: 410.
564 / 464.
Thermal-Hydraulics of Nuclear Systems.
Nuclear system heat transfer and fluid flow; convection in single and two phase flow; liquid metal heat transfer, pressure loss calculations; fuel element design and heat transfer; thermal-hydraulics design of nuclear systems.
568 / 468.
Introduction to Space Nuclear Power.
Introduction to design and mass optimization of Space Power Systems, passive and active energy conversion systems, and design of RTG’s, radiation shield, heat pipe theory, design and applications, advanced radiators, TE-EM pumps and orbital lifetime calculations and safety.
Prerequisite: 231 and MATH **316.
Radiation Damage in Materials.
Fundamentals of radiation damage and long term evolution of damage structure in structural materials for nuclear applications.
(3 or 6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
(Also offered as MPHY 591)
Professional practice experience in radiation protection and environmental measurements in non-traditional settings under the guidance of health physicists and radiation protection engineers. Internship arrangement with a local facility employing health physicists or related personnel such as a national laboratory, analytical facility, or hospital.
{Summer, Fall, Spring}
Master's Thesis.
(1-6, no limit Δ)
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.
Advanced Methods in Radiation Transport.
Advanced numerical methods in neutral and charged particle transport, including discontinuous finite element methods, structured and unstructured grids, adjoint techniques and Monte Carlo methods.
Prerequisite: 511.
(3-12, no limit Δ)
Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. See Graduate Programs section for total credit requirements.
Offered on a CR/NC basis only.