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  • >Military Science and Leadership

Military Science and Leadership (MLSL)

101. Introduction to Leadership I. (1)

101L. Introduction to Leadership Lab I. (1)

102. Introduction to Leadership II. (1)

102L. Introduction to Leadership Lab II. (1)

201. Foundations of Tactical Leadership I. (2)

201L. Foundations of Tactical Leadership Lab I. (1)

202. Foundations of Tactical Leadership II. (2)

202L. Foundations of Tactical Leadership Lab II. (1)

225. Directed Studies. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

229. Military Fitness I. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

230. Military Fitness II. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

*301. Adaptive Tactical Leadership. (3)

*301L. Adaptive Tactical Leadership Lab. (1)

*302. Leadership in Changing Environments. (3)

*302L. Leadership in Changing Environments Lab. (1)

303. Military History of the United States. (3)

*325. Advanced Directed Studies. (1-4, may be repeated twice Δ)

*350. Advanced Leadership Seminar. (6)

*401. Developing Adaptive Leaders. (3)

*401L. Developing Adaptive Leaders Lab. (1)

*402. Leadership in a Complex World. (3)

*402L. Leadership in a Complex World Lab. (1)

*425. Practicum. (1-4, may be repeated twice Δ)

429. Military Fitness III. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

430. Military Fitness IV. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

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