College of Fine Arts

Kymberly Pinder, Dean
College of Fine Arts
MSC04 2570
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-2112, FAX (505) 277-0708

Web site:


This section of the Catalog provides information about the College of Fine Arts to assist the student who plans to major in Art Education, Art History, Art Studio, Dance, Design and Technology for Performance, Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, Media Arts, Music, Music Education, or Theatre.

Programs offered by the college are described below. For advice in selecting a program of study, speak with a department chairperson or to an advisor in the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center, Center for the Arts 1103, (505) 277-4817.

In addition to the section on general academic regulations at the University, consult the list of courses offered by the college. These courses appear under twelve headings:

  • Applied Music
  • Art Education
  • Art History 
  • Art Studio 
  • Arts Leadership and Business
  • Dance
  • Fine Arts
  • Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media
  • Media Arts
  • Music
  • Music Education
  • Theatre

In considering the course descriptions, note the prerequisites, as they determine the sequence in which courses may be taken. Also, note that not all courses are offered every semester. While the descriptions indicate the general pattern in which courses are offered, students should consult the current Schedule of Classes to learn which courses are offered in a given semester.

Programs in the College of Fine Arts have received accreditation from the National Association of Schools of Dance, the National Association of Schools of Music, and the National Association of Schools of Theatre.

Degree Programs

Undergraduate Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
    Majors: Art Education; Art History; Art Studio; Dance; Interdisciplinary Arts; Media Arts; Music; Theatre.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
    Majors: Art Studio; Design and Technology for Performance; Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media.
  • Bachelor of Music (B.M.)
    Major: Music.
  • Bachelor of Music Education (B.M.E.)
    Major: Music Education.

Graduate Degrees Offered

  • Master of Arts (M.A.)
    Majors: Art History; Theatre and Dance.
  • Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)
    Majors: Art Studio; Dance; Dramatic Writing.
  • Master of Music (M.Mu.)
    Major: Music.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
    Major: Art History.

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Pre-Major Status

Because of the nature of the arts, students are expected to begin courses in their intended major beginning in their first semester of enrollment at UNM. Beginning freshmen are eligible for enrollment in the College of Fine Arts as “pre-majors” if they indicate an interest in one of the disciplines in fine arts on their general UNM admission application and meet general admission requirements to the University. Transfer students may be admitted as pre-majors based upon review of their academic records, and possibly a review of their portfolio. A determination is made at the time of submission of the general UNM admission application. If further information is needed, students are contacted by the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center.

Students remain in pre-major status until they submit a formal application to become a “declared major" or, until they have exhausted their eligibility in pre-major status. Students should submit an application to become a declared major during the semester in which they will satisfy eligibility requirements. However, students must submit an application to become a declared major no later than during the semester in which they earn a cumulative 66 credit hours for consideration for the following spring or fall semester. If they do not yet meet the requirements to become a declared major (see full details below) by the time they have attempted 72 credit hours and earned 66 cumulative credit hours, they are advised and admitted into another degree-granting unit of the College or University. Holds are placed on pre-major students which prevent them from registering for future semesters if they have exhausted their eligibility in pre-major status. The hold expires once a student has transitioned into another program within the College or University.

Admitted students who are required to take Foundational Mathematics or Critical Text Analysis course(s) and/or English Composition are enrolled as pre-majors in the College of Fine Arts and advised in the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center. These courses are designed to strengthen a student’s preparation for core-level work. Required enrollment in these courses is based upon established minimum standards of performance on individual tests on the ACT or SAT. Students may take a test to get placed in a higher level course. Students required to take these courses must do so in their first semester(s) at the University of New Mexico, and they must do so before they are eligible to proceed to other courses in those areas and enroll as a declared major in the College of Fine Arts. 

Declared Major Status

Due to limitations of facilities and faculty, enrollment in certain curricula offered by the College of Fine Arts is limited. Since the number of well-qualified students seeking admission to these curricula sometimes exceeds the number that can be accommodated, successful completion of the minimum requirements as stated below is not a guarantee of admission. Applications for admission in some fields of study are screened on the basis of auditions, interviews, and/or evaluation of portfolios, with selection of successful applicants made on a competitive basis. 

Students graduate under the requirements in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog in effect at the time of their admission (or readmission) into the College of Fine Arts as pre-majors or declared majors. The University of New Mexico reserves the right to make changes in the curricula and degree requirements as deemed necessary, with the changes being applicable to currently enrolled students.

Admission for Declared Major Status 

To be eligible for admission as a declared major in the College of Fine Arts, student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of 26 hours of earned credit.

  2. A grade point average of at least 2.50 in all credit hours attempted or, a grade point average of at least 2.50 in the last 30 credit hours attempted.

  3. Competency in English writing as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 26 or higher on the English section of the ACT examination or 610 SAT Verbal, or completion of ENGL 110 or 112, or 113 with a grade of "C" or better, or receiving credit through Advanced Placement Exam.

  4. Competency in Mathematics as demonstrated by: achieving a score of 22 or higher on the Math section of the ACT examination or 510 SAT Math, or completion of MATH 101 and 102 with a grade of "C" or better, or placement into college-level Math by Compass exam.

  5. Completion of 12 credit hours of course work in the major area with at least a 2.5 grade point average.

  6. Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Art Education must also have completed ARTE 310 Teaching Art in the Elementary School with Field Lab and ARTE 320 Teaching Art in Secondary School with Field Lab with grades of "B-" or better and pass the National Evaluation Series (NES) exam with a score of 220 or better.

  7. Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Art Studio or the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio must also have completed ARTS 125 Art Practices I and ARTS 126 Art Practices II with grades of "C" or better.

  8. Students seeking the Bachelor of Arts in Dance must also be approved to enter the program by audition/interview. Contact the Theatre and Dance department office for further details.

  9. Students seeking the Bachelor of Music or the Bachelor of Music Education degree must also have approval to concentrate in the appropriate instrument or voice. Refer to the Music - Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for additional admission requirements to the instrumental and voice programs and the Bachelor of Music Education program.

Students who plan to major in one of the departments in the College of Fine Arts should apply for declared major status during the semester the above requirements will be completed. To apply, visit the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center located in the Center for the Arts, room 1103, to obtain and submit the application for admission as a declared major. Applications are accepted during the fall and spring semesters.

Transfer from Other Accredited Institutions

Students transferring to the University of New Mexico after having studied at another college or university may be eligible for admission directly into the College of Fine Arts as a declared major. In general, the screening procedures and admission requirements are the same as those described above for admission to become a declared major.

Graduation Requirements

Most of the requirements for graduation are listed under the specific curricula described under the department headings. A few requirements, however, are common to all of this college’s programs:

  1. A minimum of 120 credit hours is required in all curricula. Of these, at least 42 credit hours must be completed in courses numbered 300 or above.

  2. To receive a degree, a student must have a grade point average of 2.00 or higher. The student must also have achieved a grade point average of 2.00 or higher on all credit hours attempted while enrolled in the College of Fine Arts.

  3. Students must graduate with a minimum 2.75 grade point in their major. However, some CFA degrees may require a higher major grade point average to satisfy graduation requirements. See departmental sections of this Catalog for details.

  4. A minimum of one semester of resident enrollment is required after admission to the College of Fine Arts; in any case, the student must be enrolled in the College of Fine Arts for his/her final semester at the University of New Mexico.

  5. A minimum of 12 credit hours must be earned while enrolled as a declared major in the College of Fine Arts.

  6. No more than four credit hours of nonprofessional physical education courses may be counted toward a degree.

  7. During the semester prior to graduation, the application for degree must be completed and returned to the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center, Center for the Arts 1103. For summer or fall graduation, the deadline is April 1. For spring graduation, the deadline is November 1. Failure to submit the application by the deadline may delay graduation.

  8. A student must also meet the University minimum degree requirements as outlined under Graduation Requirements in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.

  9. All degrees in the College of Fine Arts require completion of the following Core Curriculum (see specific degree program for restrictions on core requirements):

Core Curriculum

•  Writing and Speaking: ENGL 110 (or 112, or 113); 120; and an additional course chosen from ENGL 219, 220; CJ 130; PHIL 156; UHON 201. Students who received an ACT English score of 29 or better or an SAT Verbal score of 650 or better are exempt from taking ENGL 110 and 120 and may substitute any six credit hours in electives.
Note: Art History, Art Studio (B.A. and B.F.A.), Media Arts, and Music (B.A. and B.M.) degrees have restricted this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details.

•  Mathematics: One course chosen from MATH 121, 129, 150, 153, 162, 163, 180, 181, 215; STAT 145; UHON 202. MATH 101, 102, 103, and 120 do not satisfy the core Math requirement.
Note: Art Education and Music Education degrees have restricted this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details.

•  Physical and Natural Sciences: Two courses, one of which must include a laboratory chosen from: ANTH 120 and 122L, 150 and 151L, 160 and 161L; ASTR 101 and 101L; BIOL 110 and 112L, 123 and 124L; CHEM 101, 111, 121 and 123L (or 131), 122 and 124L (or 132); CS 108L; EPS 101 and 105L, 201L; ENVS 101 and 102L; GEOG 101 and 105L; NTSC 261L, 262L, 263L; PHYC 102 and 102L, 105, 108 and 108L, 151 and 151L, 152 and 152L, 160 and 160L, 161 and 161L; UHON 203.
Note: Art Education degree has restricted this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details.

•  Social and Behavioral Sciences: Two courses chosen from: AFST 109; AMST 182, 185; ANTH 101, 110, 130, 220; CCS 109; CRP 181; ECON 105, 106; ENG 200; GEOG 102, 217; IFDM 105L; LING 101; ME 217; NATV 109; PCST 240; POLS 110, 200, 220, 240; PSY 105; SOC 101, 216; SUST 109; UHON 204; WMST 109.
Note: Art Education and Music Education degrees have restricted this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details.

•  Humanities: one course chosen from: AFST 104; AMST 186, 201; CCS 201; CLST 204, 205; HIST 101, 102, 161, 162, 181, 182; NATV 105, 201; and one course chosen from: CLST 107; COMP 222, 224; ENGL 150, 292, 293; GEOG 140; IFDM 105L; MLNG 101; PHIL 101, 201, 202; RELG 107, 263, 264; UHON Legacy Seminars at the 100- and 200-level; UHON 205.
Note: Art Education degree has restricted this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details.

•  Foreign Language (non-English language; minimum 3 credit hours): One course chosen from any of the lower-division non-English language offerings of the Departments of Linguistics (including Sign Language), Spanish and Portuguese, Foreign Languages and Literatures, and foreign languages in other departments and programs. Students with knowledge of a second language equivalent to four semesters of study are deemed to have satisfied this requirement. CLEP and AP credit can be used for placement, but unless the student has demonstrated knowledge equivalent to four semesters of study, an additional semester of a second language must be taken. While the core curriculum stipulates that students must complete a minimum of 3 credit hours of a foreign language, students majoring in Art History or Media Arts must complete the fourth semester of a second language to satisfy the requirements for the degree.
Note: Art History and Media Arts degrees have explicit requirements for this area of core. See specific degree requirements for further details. 

•  Fine Arts (minimum of 3 credit hours): One course chosen from: ARCH 121; ARTH 101, 201, 202; DANC 105; FA 284; IFDM 105L; MA 210; MUS 139, 142; THEA 105; UHON 207. Students may elect to take one three-hour studio course offered by the departments of Art, Media Arts, Music, and Theatre and Dance to fulfill this requirement. A studio course is a course with primary, but not exclusive, emphasis on student activity leading to skill development and the enhancement and encouragement of the student’s design or performance ability and/or artistic growth. Evaluation of individual learning may include public display of proficiency and/or evaluation by faculty other than the student’s instructor.

A grade of "C" or better (not "C-") is required in all courses used to fulfill the requirements of the Core Curriculum.

IFDM 105L may be applied for credit in only one of the Core Curriculum areas.

Other specific courses are required by some of the degree programs in Fine Arts. Consult the specific program for these courses.

Additional Information

The faculty reserve the right to disqualify from further enrollment or participation in departmental programs:

  1. students who fail to demonstrate reasonable progress in the professional development of their discipline,
  2. students whose conduct reveals a persistent inability to work effectively with others or an unwillingness to adhere to generally recognized standards of professional behavior or,
  3. students who have exceeded the number of allowable hours earned in pre-major status and/or fail to meet CFA admission requirements to become a declared major.

Major and Minor Studies. Although fine arts students are not required to do so, they may choose a minor or a second major field of study. Fulfilling the requirements for a minor or second major may extend the credit hours required for a degree beyond 120 (may vary by degree) but does not necessarily constitute a second degree. The same courses may not be used to fulfill both major and minor requirements. However, if the same course(s) are required for both major and minor, or for both majors in the case of double majors, an equivalent number of approved alternative credit hours may be added to the total combined credit hours required. Alternative credit hours may be determined by the faculty in the appropriate department(s) via written petition. However, to facilitate the completion of a second major within the College of Fine Arts, some courses required by both majors may be counted toward each. A total of 12 credit hours of courses may be double-counted. At least 30 credit hours unique to each major must be included in the student's degree program. Any exceptions must be approved by CFA faculty. Students who have earned an undergraduate major or minor at another accredited postsecondary institution may not use the same courses for additional majors or minors in College of Fine Arts.

This does not apply to courses considered "supportive course work" which refers to courses required for a degree, but not specifically listed in the major area. For example, Music majors in vocal performance are required to have 15 credit hours of foreign language included in their supportive course work. If students have also selected a second major or minor in Foreign Languages, they are then able to apply those same courses toward either the second major or minor. Contact the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center for further information. Supportive course work must be completed with a grade of "C" or better unless otherwise specified by the major department.

If the minor or second major is outside the College of Fine Arts, the student must submit an Application for Second Major or Minor obtained from the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center. The form must be completed by the appropriate academic or faculty advisor in the unit offering the minor or second major as soon as possible and submitted to the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center to process and monitor academic progress.

Two Undergraduate Degrees. For a student in the College of Fine Arts, the possibilities of a second degree are limited due to the extensive amount of time required for the practice of the fine arts. If a second degree is desired, students must consult with an advisor in the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center. Students who wish to pursue a second undergraduate degree must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in addition to those required for the first degree, and fulfill all requirements for the second degree. To facilitate the completion of a second degree, some credit hours may be counted toward each degree. No more than 12 credit hours of courses may be double-counted. At least 30 credit hours unique to each degree must be included in the student's degree program. Any exceptions must be approved by College of Fine Arts faculty. Two diplomas will be granted upon completion of the requirements for each degree. The awarding of a degree is consistent with the regulations as stated in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.

Consult with the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center for details and restrictions regarding double majors, dual degrees, and minors.

Tamarind Institute

Diana Gaston, Director
2500 Central Ave SE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
(505) 277-3901
Web site:

Tamarind Institute, founded in June of 1970 as a division of the College of Fine Arts, is a professional center for training, study, and research in fine-art lithography. At the institute, students refine their technical and collaborative skills, and distinguished artists create original lithographs under conditions that fulfill the highest aesthetic and ethical traditions of the art.

Programs of advanced professional study are offered for qualified individuals who intend to pursue careers as master printers or teachers of lithography. The Department of Art, in cooperation with Tamarind Institute, offers an M.F.A. degree with a focus in collaborative printmaking. With prior acceptance, credit hours are transferable to the M.F.A. program. Required courses in the history of the graphic arts and workshop management are offered through the Department of Art. University resources include the Fine Arts Library and the University Art Museum, which has an extensive collection of original lithographs by major artists of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Information on the Institute’s services for artists, its professional printer training programs and its publications are available on request, or online at the Tamarind Institute Web site.

Additional Information

Advisement. The College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center, room 1103 in the Center for the Arts, provides undergraduates with advisement services during walk-in and appointment advisement hours. Check advisement hours on the College of Fine Arts Web site. Advisement is required for freshman and transfer students before registration. Art Studio transfer students may be required to present a portfolio for placement in the program. Music transfer students are required to take the theory and ear-training placement exams and to audition in their principle instrument or in voice. For further information, call the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center at (505) 277-4817.

College of Fine Arts Dean’s List. Each fall and spring the semester grades are reviewed by the College of Fine Arts Student Success and Advisement Center. If a student enrolled in the College of Fine Arts has achieved a semester grade point average of 3.50 or higher on 12 or more graded credit hours, the student will be on that semester’s College of Fine Arts Dean’s List. Each student on the list receives a congratulatory letter by mail.

Departmental Honors. Students interested in graduating with departmental honors should read carefully the guidelines on honors in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog and should visit their department office, department Web site, or faculty advisor to request a copy of specific departmental honors guidelines and an application form.

To be eligible to apply for the departmental honors program in the College of Fine Arts, the student must have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 on a minimum of 60 credit hours in residence at the University of New Mexico. The application must be submitted at least two semesters prior to graduation. In addition, applicants should have demonstrated a high level of maturity, pursuit of excellence and the ability to work and think independently. The minimum requirement for graduation with departmental honors in the College of Fine Arts is the completion of six credit hours in honors thesis.

Probation and Suspension. Students enrolled in the College of Fine Arts are placed on probation at the end of any semester in which the cumulative grade point average on University of New Mexico course work falls below 2.00. At the end of the next semester of enrollment, the student’s grades are reviewed. If the semester grades raise the cumulative grade point average to 2.00, the student is released from probation. If the cumulative grade point average remains below 2.00, but the semester grades show reasonable progress (usually a 2.5 or higher), the college considers continuing the student on probation for another semester. If the semester grades are below 2.00, academic suspension may follow. For further information on the suspension period, see Scholastic Regulations in the Student Services Information section of this Catalog.

Students placed on suspension that have documentable extenuating circumstances may appeal the decision after meeting with a CFA advisor. Suspension appeal decisions are final.

Students on probation and/or returning after suspension are required to meet with a Student Success Specialist in the CFA Student Success and Advisement Center on a regular basis for coaching. Together, the advisor and student utilize Academic Recovery Tools (ART) to formulate a plan to return to good academic standing. Failure to do so may result in suspension.

Scholastic Standards. The curricula that lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Music Education are pre-professional curricula. They are designed for students who plan to enter graduate school for the professional study of the fine arts. Most graduate schools require a grade point average of 3.00 in the student’s major field of study as a condition of admission. For this reason, a student should enter one of these curricula only if willing to make a firm commitment to work rigorously and intensively at the highest level of his/her creative and intellectual capacities. The faculty reserves the right to require any student whose grades fall substantially below 3.00 in his or her major to transfer to another program.

If a student's grades are low, or if the student has had academic difficulties in the past, he/she should consult with an advisor in the CFA Student Success and Advisement Center.

No student may undertake a program in excess of 18 credit hours during the regular semester and 9 credit hours in summer session without prior permission of the Dean of the College.

College of Fine Arts Student Fees

  • College Technology Fee: A fee charged to support general student technology needs in the college and used to pay for technology equipment, technical support services, and IT instruction capabilities provided to students.
  • Departmental Curriculum Fee: A fee charged to support the instructional needs of multiple courses in a curriculum or program and used to pay for general equipment and services provided to students.
  • Special Course Fee: A fee charged to support the instructional needs of a specific course and used to pay for materials or services provided to students.

Special Facilities in the College of Fine Arts. Instruction in the fine arts is enriched by the University Art Museum; several outstanding performance series in Popejoy Hall, Keller Hall, Rodey Theatre and Theatre X; a Fine Arts Library containing more than 105,000 volumes and a listening center with an extensive collection of CDs, tapes and records; the Bunting Visual Resources Library, containing 300,000 fine arts slides; and two research centers–the Arts of the Americas Institute and the Arts Technology Center.

Fine Arts Graduate Advisors
Kat Heatherington, Advisor, Art
Donna Jewell, Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance (Dance)
Sarah Lentz, Theatre and Dance (Graduate Coordinator)
Gregory Moss, Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance (Dramatic Writing)
Mary Anne Newhall, Associate Professor, Theatre and Dance (Dance)
Kevin Vigneau, Professor, Music

Students who wish to pursue graduate programs in art history, art studio, music and theatre and dance must meet both minimum requirements for admission to graduate study and to the departmental programs listed below.

Graduate degrees offered in the fine arts include the Master of Arts, with majors in Art History and Theatre and Dance; Master of Music; Master of Fine Arts, the terminal degree in Art studio, Dramatic Writing and Dance; and the Doctor of Philosophy in Art History.

Associated Departments


Cinematic Arts

Interdisciplinary Arts


Theatre and Dance

Fine Arts Minors

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Office of the Registrar

MSC 11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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