Political Science

Timothy B. Krebs, Chairperson
The University of New Mexico
Department of Political Science
MSC05 3070
Social Sciences 2063
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-5104, FAX (505) 277-2821
e-mail: tbkrebs@unm.edu
Web site: http://polisci.unm.edu/

Lonna R. Atkeson, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Wendy L. Hansen, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Mala Htun, Ph.D., Harvard University
Timothy B. Krebs, Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago
Deborah McFarlane, Dr.P.H., University of Texas
Mark Peceny, Ph.D., Stanford University
Gabriel R. Sanchez, Ph.D., University of Arizona
William D. Stanley, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Associate Professors
Christopher K. Butler, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Loren Collingwood, Ph.D., University of Washington
Jessica Feezell, Ph.D., University of California (Santa Barbara)
Kathy L. Powers, Ph.D., Ohio State University
Michael S. Rocca, Ph.D., University of California (Davis)

Assistant Professors
Sergio Ascencio, Ph.D., University of Rochester
Sarah Dreier, Ph.D., University of Washington
Jami Nunez, Ph.D., University of Colorado, (Boulder)

Principal Lecturer
Peter S. Kierst, J.D., University of New Mexico

Adjunct and Associated Faculty
Alexis Adams, Ph D., University of New Mexico
Yury Bosin, Ph D., University of New Mexico
Michael Hess, Ph.D., University of New Orleans
Lucio Lanucara, J.D., University of Rome (La Sapienza)
Matthew Simpson, Ph.D., Boston University
Jerome Stermer, M.A., University of Illinois (Chicago)
Robert Wright, Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Professors Emeriti
F. Chris Garcia, Ph.D., University of California (Davis)
Gregory W. Gleason, Ph.D., University of California (Davis)
Ellen Grigsby, Ph.D., University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Fred R. Harris, J.D., University of Oklahoma
Peter A. Lupsha, Ph.D., Stanford University
Neil J. Mitchell, Ph.D., Indiana University
Karen L. Remmer, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Christine M. Sierra, Ph.D., Stanford University
Harry P. Stumpf, Ph.D., Northwestern University



Political Science is the study of politics, power and government, including U.S. and foreign governments, as well as relationships among governments, their actions and policies. Political Science is useful for people seeking careers in law, business, government service, urban planning, education or journalism. It is also a vital part of a liberal arts education.

Undergraduate courses in Political Science (POLS) are categorized in content areas. The category for each course appears in parenthesis at the end of the course description according to the following legend:

Introductory and General (I); Core (C); American Politics (AP); Comparative Politics (CP); International Politics (IP); Political Theory (PT); Public Policy (PP).


POLS 1120. American National Government. (3)

POLS 1140. The Political World. (3)

POLS 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

POLS 2110. Comparative Politics. (3)

POLS 2120. International Relations. (3)

POLS 2130. Political Ideas: Introduction to Political Theory. (3)

POLS 2140. Introduction to Political Analysis. (3)

POLS 2150. Public Policy and Administration. (3)

POLS 2996. Topics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 2998 [291]. Internship. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

POLS *300. Political Topics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS *302. Comparative State Politics. (3)

POLS 303. Law in the Political Community. (3)

POLS *305. Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior. (3)

POLS *308. Hispanics in U.S. Politics. (3)

POLS 309. Black Politics. (3)

POLS *311. The Legislative Process. (3)

POLS *312. The American Presidency. (3)

POLS 313. Women and the Law. (3)

POLS 314. Sex and the State. (3)

POLS *315. Constitutional Law: Powers. (3)

POLS *316. Constitutional Law: Liberties. (3)

POLS 317. Constitutional Law: Rights. (3)

POLS *320. Topics in Comparative Politics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 323. The Politics of Global Development. (3)

POLS 324. The Politics of Poverty and Inequality. (3)

POLS 325. European Politics. (3)

POLS 327. Qualitative Research Methods. (3)

POLS 329. Introduction to African Politics. (3)

POLS *340. Topics in International Politics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 341. International Conflict and Cooperation. (3)

POLS *342. American Foreign Policy. (3)

POLS 346. International Political Economy. (3)

POLS 360. Latin American Culture and Society. (3)

POLS *361. Ancient and Medieval Political Theory. (3)

POLS *362. Modern Political Theory. (3)

POLS 372. Urban Politics. (3)

POLS 373. Politics, Policy and Management in Local Government. (3)

POLS 376. Health Policy and Politics. (3)

POLS 377. Population Policy and Politics. (3)

POLS *400. Advanced Political Topics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS *410. U.S. Campaigns and Elections. (3)

POLS 441. Civil Wars. (3)

POLS 442. International Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution. (3)

POLS 453. Asian Studies Thesis. (3)

POLS *478. Seminar in International Studies. (3)

POLS 491. Internship. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

POLS 495. Junior Honors Seminar. (3)

POLS 496. Undergraduate Seminar. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 497. Senior Thesis. (3)

POLS 499. Independent Study. (1-3)

POLS 510. Pro-Seminar in American Government and Politics. (3)

POLS 511. Research Seminar in American Government and Politics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 512. Topics in Government and Politics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 520. Pro-Seminar in Comparative Politics. (3)

POLS 521. Research Seminar in Comparative Politics. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 525. Pro-Seminar in Latin American Politics. (3)

POLS 540. Pro-Seminar in International Relations. (3)

POLS 541. Research Seminar in International Relations. (3, no limit Δ)

POLS 551–552. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3, no limit Δ)

POLS 570. Pro-Seminar in Public Policy. (3)

POLS 580. Introduction to Empirical Research. (3)

POLS 581. Statistics for Social Research. (4)

POLS 582. Survey of Political Science as a Discipline and a Profession. (1)

POLS 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

POLS 681. Advanced Statistical Analysis for Social Science Research. (3)

POLS 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809