- UNM 2010-2011 Catalog
- »Colleges
- »Health Sciences Center
- »Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
Robert C. Schenck, Jr., M.D., Chairperson
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine
University Hospital Ambulatory Care Center 2nd Floor
MSC10 5600
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 272-4107 FAX (505) 272-8098
Tahseen Cheema, M.D., Nishtar Medical College, Pakistan
Thomas A. DeCoster, M.D., University of Missouri
Paul G. Echols, M.D., The University of Texas
Christopher A. McGrew, M.D., Louisiana State University
Richard A. Miller, M.D., University of California
Robert H, Quinn, M.D., Hahnemann University
Robert C. Schenck, Jr., M.D., Johns Hopkins University
Elizabeth A. Szalay, M.D., The University of New Mexico
Daniel C. Wascher, M.D., St. Louis University
Associate Professors
Kathryn A. Dieruf, P.T., Ph.D., N.C.S., The University of New Mexico
Rick J. Gehlert, M.D., University of Maryland
Burke Gurney, P.T., Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
Elizabeth Provost, P.T., Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
Susan A. Queen, P.T., Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
Elizabeth A. Mikola, M.D., University of Missouri-Kansas City
Assistant Professors
Ronald P. Andrews, P.T., Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
Eric Benson, M.D., Georgetown University Medical Center
Patrick Bosch, M.D., University of Iowa
Christopher Hanosh, M.D., Johns Hopkins University
Dale V. Hoekstra, M.D., Wayne State University
Beth-Anne Jones, P.T., D.P.T., M.S., O.C.S., Old Dominion, Norfolk, Virginia
Andrew Paterson, M.D., University of Louisville
Gehron Treme, M.D., Louisiana State University
Andrew J. Veitch, M.D., The University of New Mexico
John M. Veitch, M.D., University of Minnesota
James G. Dexter, P.T., M.A., The University of New Mexico
Zina Daniels, P.T., M.A., M.O.M.T., The University of New Mexico
Professor Emeritus
Robert McRoberts,
Moheb S. Moneim, M.D., Cairo University, Egypt
George Omer, M.D., University of Kansas
Frederick C. Sherman, M.D., Yale University
Richard Worrell, M.D., Meharry Medical College
MSC 11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-8900
Phone: (505) 277-6809
Fax: studentinfo.unm.edu