Leslie Danielson, Director
Medical Laboratory Sciences / Clinical Laboratory Science
The University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Health Sciences and Services Bldg., Rm. 217
MSC09 5250
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 272-5434
Margaret Alba, DOM, MLS (ASCP)CM, BB(ASCP), University of Texas at El Paso
Leslie Danielson, Ph.D., MLS (ASCP)CM, The University of New Mexico
Bonnie L. Griffin, B.S., MLS (ASCP), University of Albuquerque
Barbara Masten, Ph.D., MLS (ASCP)CM, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
John Scariano, Ph.D., MLS (ASCP), The University of New Mexico
The Medical Laboratory Sciences Program trains students to enter the fast paced world of the Medical Technologist (MT)/Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS). This career encompasses clinical testing in the fields of chemistry, hematology, microbiology, immunology, urinalysis, and blood banking. With the significant advances in medical research, health care has become increasingly dependent on a growing number of complex laboratory tests and procedures to diagnose and treat diseases. The MT/CLS student will become an important member of the health care team who will be responsible for providing this essential service.
The MT/CLS profession requires a broad general science background and specialized laboratory education to become proficient in the performance of laboratory procedures. After graduation, our students will be able to choose from a variety of career paths ranging from management to clinical bench work in a hospital or research laboratory. They will be responsible for the quality and accuracy of these lab results, providing critical information for diagnosis and treatment of patients. Our trained professionals will find challenging opportunities for employment in hospitals and independent laboratories, physicians’ offices, clinics, research, industry, and educational institutions.
MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-8900
Phone: (505) 277-6809