
      Samuel J. Keith, M.D., Chairperson
      The University of New Mexico School of Medicine
      2400 Tucker NE
      Family Medicine Center, 4th Floor
      MSC09 5030
      1 University of New Mexico
      Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
      (505) 272-0518

      Patrick J. Abbott, M.D., The University of Nebraska
      Steven Adelsheim, M.D., The University of Cincinnati
      William Apfeldorf, M.D., Ph.D., Yale University
      Robert Bailey, M.D., Stanford University
      Jerald Belitz, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
      Michael Bogenschutz, M.D., Harvard Medical School
      Juan Bustillo, M.D., Universidad del Rosario School of Medicine (Bogata)
      Richard Campbell, Ph.D., Utah State University
      Jose Canive, M.D., Universidad de Madrid
      P. Rodrigo Escalona, M.D., The University of Chile
      Jan Fawcett, M.D., Yale Medical School
      David Graeber, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Kathleen Y. Haaland, Ph.D., University of Rochester
      Jeffrey Katzman, M.D., The University of California (San Diego)
      Mary Kaven, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
      Samuel J. Keith, M.D., Emory University
      David Mullen, M.D., The University of Oklahoma
      H. George Nurnberg, M.D., Upstate Medical College at Syracuse
      Helene Silverblatt, M.D.,The University of Pennsylvania
      Sean Yutzy, M.D., Eastern Virginia Medical School

      Associate Professors
      Jeanne A. Bereiter, M.D., McGill Medical School
      Mario Cruz, M.D., Tufts University School of Medicine
      Jeffrey Dunn, M.D., New Jersey Medicine School
      Stephanie Fallon, M.D., The University of Iowa
      Kathryn Fraser, M.D., Dartmouth Medical School
      Cynthia Geppert, M.D., Ph.D., The University of Texas Medical School
      Dina Hill, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
      Anju Jaiswal, M.D., Burdwan Medical College, India
      Cynthia King, M.D., East Carolina University
      Stephen Lewis, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      E. Jonathan Lisansky, M.D., The University of Maryland
      Teresita McCarty, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Irene Ortiz, M.D., Michigan State University
      Brooke Parish, M.D., The University of Tennessee
      Alya Reeve, M.D., The University of Connecticut
      Rashmi Sabu, M.D., Louisiana State University Medical Center in Shreveport
      Donna Sigl, M.D., The University of Arkansas College of Medicine
      Robert Thoma, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
      Luis A. Vargas, Ph.D., The University of Nebraska
      Gerardo Villarreal, M.D., Escuela Mexicana de Medicina

      Assistant Professors
      Christopher Abbott, M.D., Texas A&M University
      Swala Abrams, M.D., Wright State University
      Pamela Arenella, M.D., The University of Pittsburgh
      Richard Barendsen, M.D., Creighton University
      Snehal Bhatt, M.D., University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
      Jonathan Bolton, M.D., Michigan State University
      Caroline Bonham, M.D., University of Nottingham, U.K.
      Gary Borrell, M.D., University of Oklahoma
      Aaron Brodsky, M.D., University of Florida
      Carl Brown, M.D., University of Nevada School of Medicine
      Scott Carroll, M.D., Louisiana State University (New Orleans)
      Gray Clarke, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Diane Clawson, D.O., The University of New Mexico
      Rob Coberly, M.D., University of South Alabama
      Chandra Cullen, M.D., University of Nebraska Medical Center
      Anilla Del Fabbro, M.D., University of The Witwatersrand
      Deborah Dellmore, M.D., The University of Texas, Houston
      Daniel Duhigg, D.O., Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
      Alyssa Forcehimes, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
      Patricia Kelly, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Avron Kriechman, M.D., The University of Michigan
      Eric Ross Levensky, Ph.D., University of Nevada
      Darren Mancuso, D.O., New York Institute of Technology
      Sergio Naranjo, Ph.D., Central Michigan University
      Judith Pentz, M.D., Medical College of Ohio
      Virginia Porterfield, M.D., Medical University of South Carolina
      Davin Quinn, M.D., Harvard Medical School
      Gayani Reynolds, M.D., Albany Medical College
      Maurits Rol, M.D., The University of Virginia
      Elizabeth Romero, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Nils Rosenbaum, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Joseph Sadek, Ph.D., The University of Florida
      Shannon Stromberg, M.D., The University of Washington (Seattle)
      Asia Teufel, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      Christina Trevino, M.D., University of California, Davis, CA
      Dora-Linda Wang, M.D., Yale University
      Elizabeth R. Weil, M.D., Northwestern University Medical School
      Claire Wilcox, M.D., University of Minnesota

      Research Professor
      Richard Hough, Ph.D., The University of Illinois, Urbana

      Research Associate Professor
      Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, Ph.D., Smith College School for Social Work
      Annette Crisanti, Ph.D., University of Calgary

      Research Assistant Professor
      Deborah Altschul, Ph.D., The University of Georgia (Athens)
      Brian Isakson, Ph.D., Georgia State University

      Martha (Molly) Faulkner, C.F.N.P., L.I.S.W., R.N., The University of New Mexico

      Emeritus Faculty
      R. Gregory Franchini, M.D., The University of New Mexico
      L. Roger Hammond III, M.D., The University of Texas
      Carol Larroque, M.D., Temple University
      Nancy Morrison, M.D., The University of Colorado
      Stephen R. Perls, Ed.D., The University of Oregon
      Vicente Tuason, M.D., Washington University Medical School
      Eberhard H. Uhlenhuth, M.D., Johns Hopkins University
      Albert Vogel, M.D., The University of California (Los Angeles)
      Joel Yager, M.D., Albert Einstein University

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      Office of the Registrar

      MSC11 6325
      1 University of New Mexico
      Albuquerque, NM 87131

      Phone: (505) 277-8900
      Fax: (505) 277-6809