Introductory Physical Chemistry

CHEM **315 (4)

Fundamentals of physical chemistry with primary emphasis upon biological and biochemical applications.

(Cannot be used for credit toward B.S.)

(Credit not allowed for both (CHEM 311 or 312) and 315)

Prerequisite: (122 and 124L) or 132L and (MATH 163 or MATH 181) and (PHYC 152 or PHYC 161)

Prerequisites / Corequisites

General Chemistry II - CHEM 122

General Chemistry II Laboratory - CHEM 124L

Principles of Chemistry - CHEM 132L

Calculus II - MATH 163

Elements of Calculus II - MATH 181

General Physics - NONE 152

General Physics - NONE 161

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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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