Other Courses of Instruction

The courses listed in this category are of three types:

  1. engineering courses for students not majoring in engineering;
  2. general courses for engineering students; and
  3. courses taken by students participating in the Engineering Cooperative Education Program.

I. Engineering Courses for Students not Majoring in Engineering (ENGN)

These courses are designed for students in the humanities, social sciences, business management, fine arts and education.

II. General Courses for Engineering Majors (ENG)

III. Cooperative Education Program (ECOP)

The School of Engineering offers a cooperative education program (Co-op) for students majoring in any field in the School of Engineering. The Co-op curriculum is a program that combines classroom study with a planned program of related engineering or computer science work experience in industry and government agencies. The program extends the period necessary to complete a student’s degree to at least five years. Co-op students gain work experience that enhances their academic studies and provides the opportunity to earn a major portion of college expenses.

This experience allows students to better understand their field of study through work in a related area. The following rules apply to students seeking to participate in the ECo-op program:

• Co-op programs for School of Engineering (SOE) students are approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

• Co-op experiences are in the area of engineering or computer science, and the student works as an engineer or computer scientist, or similar job classification. Examples of work that do not meet this guideline are: technician, computer network or database manager, webmaster, etc.

• Co-op experiences are supervised by an engineer or computer scientist, or someone with equivalent experience. A short resume of the proposed supervisor must be submitted to the Associate Dean with the Co-op application.

• The Co-op work should mostly be performed at the sponsor’s site. Telecommuting does not meet this requirement.

• Co-op jobs located on the UNM campus and/or performed for a unit, department, or division of UNM are allowed only under unusual circumstances.

• Normally, all paperwork, including applicable signatures and approvals for a Co-op position, should be completed before the first day of classes during the semester in which the work is to be performed. In unusual circumstances, the application may be completed and the Co-op started up to the end of the second week of classes.

• The following academic conditions apply:

  • The job will be an integral part of the student’s academic program.
  • The student must be in good standing in his/her department and be making satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree program.
  • A minimum degree GPA of 3.0 or higher is required.
  • The student cannot be finished with all other requirements for his/her degree program at the time the Co-op starts. A student is considered to have completed requirements for his/her degree when all required course work is completed, and research applicable to the thesis or dissertation is substantially completed. Students may not delay defense or submission to the graduate office of a thesis, project, or dissertation in order to qualify for the Co-op.
  • A brief letter from the student’s faculty advisor or department chair stating that these conditions are fulfilled should be submitted to the Associate Dean with the application.

In addition, the student must have completed at least two semesters at the University of New Mexico and have completed the normal first semester of his or her curriculum. A transfer student from another university or college becomes eligible for the Co-op Program upon completion of 12 credit hours in a degree program in the School of Engineering.

While on each work phase Co-op students must register in ECOP 105. This registration maintains student academic status, including eligibility for dormitory, Lobo Card, library and insurance. After completing each work phase, the undergraduate Co-op student is encouraged to register in one of the School of Engineering courses, Evaluation of Co-op Work Phase, for 1 credit hour. A maximum of 6 credit hours of academic credit earned from the Co-op work phase may be counted as technical elective credit toward the student’s undergraduate degree with the approval of the student’s department. For computer science majors, Co-op may be applied for credit only as a general elective. Co-op is not counted toward the requirements for graduate degree.

To enroll in the following courses, contact:

The University of New Mexico Career Services
Cooperative Education
Student Service Center, Room 220
MSC06 3710
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-2531

Students may receive credit for the evaluation phase only in the same semester or in the semester immediately following the related work-phase.


ECOP 105. Cooperative Education Work Phase. (0)

ECOP 109. Evaluation of Cooperative Education Work Phase 1. (1)

ECOP 110. Evaluation of Cooperative Education Work Phase 2. (1)

ECOP 209. Evaluation of Cooperative Education Work Phase 3. (1)

ECOP 210. Evaluation of Cooperative Education Work Phase 4. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

ECOP 505. Cooperative Education Work Phase. (0, no limit Δ)

ENG 116. Introduction to Engineering. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

ENG 120. Mathematics for Engineering Applications. (4)

ENG 150. Emerging Technologies in Engineering and Science in Spanish I. (3)

ENG 195. Special Topics. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

ENG 200. Technology in Society. (3)

ENG 250. Emerging Technologies in Engineering and Science in Spanish II. (3)

ENG 301. Fundamentals of Engineering: Dynamics. (1)

ENG 302. Fundamentals of Engineering: Electronic Circuits. (1)

ENG 303. Fundamentals of Engineering: Thermodynamics. (1)

ENG 304. Fundamentals of Engineering: Ethics for Engineers. (1)

ENG 401. Interdisciplinary Design I. (3)

ENG 402. Interdisciplinary Design II. (3)

ENG 495. Special Topics. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

ENGN 322. Special Topics. (1-3)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC 11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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