Graduate Program

Degrees Offered

  • Master of Arts in Communication (M.A.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Communication (Ph.D.)
    Concentrations: Health Communication; Intercultural Communication; Media Studies.

Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program

Juniors or seniors majoring or minoring in Communication or in Journalism and Mass Communication may seek admission to the M.A. in Communication under the Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program. Refer to the Communication and Journalism: Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for specific admission and coursework requirements.

Application Information

Review of applications for the M.A. and Ph.D. programs begins after the annual January 15 application due date. Accepted applicants begin the program the following Fall semester.

The GRE is required for admission to both the M.A. and the Ph.D. programs. All applications must be received on or before the due date. Complete application instructions and requirements are located in the Graduate Studies Web site.

Master of Arts in Communication

The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Communication is offered under two options, Plan I (thesis) and Plan II (non-thesis), according to regulations set forth in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. Plan II students may choose between completing a project or comprehensive examination.

Required Courses: CJ 500, 501, 507, (604 or 605 or 606), and one seminar course in an area of interest.
Electives: 15 credit hours, 9 of which may come from courses outside the department with advisor's approval.

Note: Students are required to complete 500 and 501 during the earliest semesters they are available following admission.

All plans require a minimum of 36 credit hours, with at least 27 credit hours in communication. A tentative plan of study should be submitted by the third semester, so as to reflect the student's major and minor interests. Contact the Director of Graduate Studies for additional information.

Each candidate is assisted by a committee of at least three faculty members. Candidates must prepare a detailed prospectus for committee approval prior to proceeding with thesis research or project work. The written thesis or project report is then submitted to their committee for examination.

Candidates in Plans I and II are required to complete an oral master’s examination. These examinations are conducted by the candidate’s committee following completion of the thesis or project. This examination emphasizes the thesis or project and assesses the candidate’s ability to relate his or her formal course of study to the thesis or project. Candidates must submit their Program of Studies for approval for a master’s degree prior to completing this examination. Candidates should consult with their thesis or project advisor concerning deadlines and specific procedures.

In order to take the comprehensive exam, students must have completed 30 credit hours and have taken all the required courses. Comprehensive exams are offered once a semester.

Doctor of Philosophy in Communication

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Communication program aims to prepare students to become scholars and professionals who are conversant with one or more areas in the field of communication. Because of the wide diversity of disciplinary approaches represented in the work of the department, the graduate program is open to students with undergraduate preparation in communication, journalism, the humanities, the social sciences and other fields related to the study of communication. For all candidates, admission must be approved by the departmental Committee on Graduate Studies.

Academic requirements for the Ph.D. in Communication consist of an intensive program of coursework, research and professional development. The doctoral degree requires a minimum of 39 credit hours beyond the Master's degree, plus 18 credit hours for the dissertation.

Required Core  
CJ 509 Ph.D. Professional Seminar 3
CJ 600 History and Philosophy of Communication 3
CJ 602 Theorizing Culture and Communication
Subtotal 9
  Research Methods  
CJ 507
CJ 607
Introduction to Quantitative Methods 

Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
Select two:
CJ 506 Critical and Cultural Studies 3
CJ 604 Survey of Qualitative Research Methods 3
CJ 605 Qualitative Research Design and Analysis 3
CJ 606 Qualitative Methods Practicum 3
CJ 609  Mixed Methods Research Designs 3
Subtotal 9
  Concentration Seminars   
Choose two courses from from one concentration. Choose one additional course from any concentration:
  Health Communication  
CJ 550 Health Communication 3
CJ 552 Topics in Health Communication
CJ 553 Health Communication Campaigns
CJ 555 Culture, Disparities, and Health Communication
  Intercultural Communication  
CJ 514 Seminar: Intercultural Communication
CJ 517 Culture, Identities and Subjectivities 3
CJ 518 Culture, Places and Spaces 3
CJ 519 T: Intercultural Communication 3
  Media Studies  
CJ 566 Media Theories
CJ 567 Digital and Social Media
CJ 568 Political Economy of Media
CJ 569 Media, Culture, and Society
Subtotal 9
Courses selected in consultation with the student's Program of Studies Committee. 6 credit hours must be chosen from CJ courses. 12
Subtotal 12
Total 39

 Students who have not completed a quantitative methods course at the M.A.-level equivalent to CJ 507 are required to take CJ 507.

Research Skill/Second Language Requirement: Students must demonstrate competency in either a foreign/second language or research tool. There are two options to meet this requirement:

  1. Students may demonstrate competency in a language other than English. Competency is demonstrated by proof of fluency in the language (e.g., being a native speaker) or by passing the equivalent of a second-year proficiency-level course with a grade of "B" or better.
  2. Competency may also be demonstrated by passing a 201-level foreign language course with a grade of "B" or better, or by passing two courses in research tool or methodology. A few examples include statistics, ethnography, visual communication, and women studies. Students must pass these courses with grades of "B" or better. Courses can be taken in other departments when approved by the students' Program of Studies Committee. Courses cannot be those from the M.A. program and may include methods that are applied in the dissertation. Credit for courses taken to meet this requirement are taken in addition to the required Ph.D. credit hours. The Program of Studies Committee makes the final determination as to credit hours that may be substituted or transferred.

Communication Background: Students entering the Ph.D. in Communication program and do not have an M.A. in Communication may be required to take CJ 500 and CJ 501. The Ph.D. Program Director makes this determination after a review of the student's application materials and/or a meeting with the student. These courses are taken in addition to the required Ph.D. credit hours.

Graduate Minor in Communication

Students getting a Master’s degree in other departments may select a graduate minor in Communication. The minor requires 12 credit hours of graduate coursework. CJ 500 Foundations of Communication Theory is required and should be taken as soon as possible. Students must consult with the Communication and Journalism Graduate Director for advisement before taking CJ 500. There is a 3 credit hour maximum on CJ 593 Graduate Problems.


CJ 262. Radio/Television Performance. (3)

CJ 292. Beginning Internship in Communication and Journalism. (1 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 293. Topics. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 300. Theories of Communication. (3)

CJ 301. Communication Research Methods. (3)

CJ 313. EcoCultural Communication: Humans and "The Environment". (3)

CJ 314. Intercultural Communication. (3)

CJ 317. International Cultural Conflict and Community Building. (3)

CJ 318. Language, Thought and Behavior. (3)

CJ 319. Language and Culture. (3)

CJ 320. Conflict Management and Mediation. (3)

CJ 323. Nonverbal Communication. (3)

CJ 326. Gender and Communication. (3)

CJ 327. Persuasive Communication. (3)

CJ 331. Argumentation. (3)

CJ 332. Business and Professional Speaking. (3)

CJ 333. Professional Communication. (3)

CJ 334. Political Communication. (3)

CJ 337. Rhetorical Theory. (3)

CJ 339. Rhetoric and the Environment. (3)

CJ 340. Communication in Organizations. (3)

CJ 344. Interviewing. (3)

CJ 350. Data Tools for Media Professionals. (3)

CJ 360. Video Journalism. (3)

CJ 361. Photojournalism. (3)

CJ 363. Journalism and New Technologies. (3)

CJ 365. History of Media. (3)

CJ 367. Social Media for Journalists [Social Media]. (3)

CJ 370. Audio Journalism. (3)

CJ 373. Magazine Writing. (3)

CJ 374. Design and Visual Presentation I. (3)

CJ 375. Intermediate Reporting. (3)

CJ 376. Media Management. (3)

CJ 387. Introduction to Strategic Communication. (3)

CJ 389. Creative Concepts. (3)

CJ 390. Strategic Writing. (3)

CJ 391. Strategic Social Media. (3)

CJ 393. Topics in Communication and Journalism. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 400. Senior Seminar: Perspectives on Communication. (3)

CJ 413. Studies in Intercultural Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 421. Communication and Relationships. (3)

CJ *435. Legal Communication. (3)

CJ *438. Communicating Community, Food, and Change: Lobo Gardens. (3)

CJ 443. Topics in Organizational Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 446. Organizational Analysis and Training. (3)

CJ 450. Health Communication. (3)

CJ 460. Broadcast News II. (3)

CJ 461. Media Criticism. (3)

CJ 463. Topics in Mass Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 464. Multimedia Production. (3)

CJ 469. Multiculturalism, Gender and Media. (3)

CJ 475. Advanced Multimedia Journalism. (3)

CJ 478. Media Theory and Research. (3)

CJ 488. Strategic Planning and Campaign Development. (3)

CJ 490. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ *491. Internship in Communication Education. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 492. Internship in Communication. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 494. Senior Thesis. (3)

CJ 495. Internship in Strategic Communication. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 in all CJ internships Δ)

CJ 496. Internship in Multimedia Journalism. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 in all CJ internships Δ)

CJ 500. Foundations of Communication Theory. (3)

CJ 501. Foundations of Communication Research. (3)

CJ 502. Special Topics in Communication. (1-6, no limit Δ)

CJ 506. Critical and Cultural Studies. (3)

CJ 507. Introduction to Quantitative Methods [Quantitative Data Analysis]. (3)

CJ 509. Ph.D. Professional Seminar. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

CJ 514. Seminar: Intercultural Communication. (3)

CJ 517. Culture, Identities and Subjectivities. (3)

CJ 518. Culture, Places and Spaces. (3)

CJ 519. Topics in Intercultural Communication. (3 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

CJ 535. Seminar: Argumentation. (3)

CJ 550. Health Communication. (3)

CJ 552. Topics in Health Communication. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 553. Health Communication Campaigns. (3)

CJ 555. Culture, Disparities, and Health Communication. (3)

CJ 566. Media Theories. (3)

CJ 567. Digital and Social Media. (3)

CJ 568. Political Economy of Media. (3)

CJ 569. Media, Culture, and Society. (3)

CJ 584. Teaching Communication for Communication and Journalism Teaching Assistants. (1)

CJ 592. Intercultural Engagement Project. (3 to 6, may be repeated once Δ)

CJ 593. Graduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

CJ 595. Special Topics. (3)

CJ 598. Master's Project. (1-6)

CJ 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

CJ 600. History and Philosophy of Communication. (3)

CJ 602. Theorizing Culture and Communication. (3)

CJ 604. Survey of Qualitative Research Methods. (3)

CJ 605. Qualitative Research Design and Analysis. (3)

CJ 606. Qualitative Methods Practicum. (3)

CJ 607. Advanced Quantitative Research Methods [Communication Research Methods: Quantitative]. (3)

CJ 609. Mixed Methods Research Designs. (3)

CJ 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

COMM 1115 [CJ 101L]. Introduction to Communication. (3)

COMM 1130 [CJ 130]. Public Speaking. (3)

COMM 1140 [CJ 171L]. Introduction to Media Writing. (3)

COMM 1145. Sex, Lies, and Fake News: How to Use Media Wisely. (3)

COMM 1150 [CJ 110]. Introduction to Mass Communication. (3)

COMM 1155 [CJ 115]. Communication Across Cultures. (3)

COMM 2120 [CJ 221]. Interpersonal Communication. (3)

COMM 2130 [CJ 268]. Media Theories. (3)

COMM 2135 [CJ 466]. Media Ethics and Law. (3)

COMM 2140 [CJ 225]. Small Group Communication. (3)

COMM 2150 [CJ 220]. Communication for Teachers. (3)

COMM 2185 [CJ 269]. Multimedia and Visual Communication. (3)

COMM 2190 [CJ 278]. Writing and Editing for Multimedia Journalism. (3)

COMM 2245 [CJ 279]. Web Design. (3)


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