Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Mathematics and Statistics Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Mathematics and Statistics admission course work with a grade of "C" or better:

  • MATH 1522.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics (B.S.)
    Concentrations: Applied Mathematics; Math Education; Mathematics of Computation; Pure Mathematics.
  • Bachelor of Science in Statistics (B.S.)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Major Study Requirements

The following is required of all Mathematics majors:

1)  MATH 1512, 1522, 2530, **321, 401. Note that MATH 401 is not required for the concentration in Mathematics of Computation.

2)  Assignment of an advisor. Students must be assigned a faculty advisor as soon as they decide to major in Mathematics. It is important for students to work closely with their advisors in designing a suitable concentration.

3)  Knowledge of a computing language at the level of CS 151L.

4)  Of the Mathematics and Statistics courses taken, at least 27 credit hours must be numbered 300 or above.

5)  Completion of one of the concentrations listed below.

6)  The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used in courses taken to satisfy requirements 1 and 4. All grades in these courses must be "C" (not "C-") or better.

Additional Information

  • Each Mathematics major should be in regular contact with their faculty advisor to discuss his or her program of studies.
  • Since many graduate schools require a reading knowledge of one or two foreign languages, it is desirable that an undergraduate take three semesters of at least one of the following: French, German, Russian.
  • A student who would like to have a course offered which is listed as offered on demand should discuss the possibility with the department chairperson.

Concentration Requirements

Applied Mathematics
MATH 311 or 402, **312, **313, **316, **375. Both 311 and 402 can be taken for credit. If 402 is not chosen, then the concentration must include one course from: **412, 441, 462, 463, 464, *466, *471, 472. Students must also take one 300-level or above Mathematics and Statistics course, which must be 3-4 credit hours.

Math Education
MATH 305, 306, **316 or **375 or **412, **314 or **321, 322, **327, 338, 401; STAT **345.

Mathematics of Computation
•   MATH **375, 441 or STAT **345, 464, *471; four courses from: MATH **312, **316, **317, **319, 322. Note that MATH 401 is not required for this concentration, but is recommended for students contemplating advanced study in mathematics.
•   A minor in Computer Science, consisting of: CS 152L, 261, 251L, two courses from: CS 341L, 351L, 361L; ECE 238L. The Computer Science advisor may make exceptions where appropriate.

Pure Mathematics
MATH **313, 322, **327, 402; two of the following courses: **319, *421, *431, **439, 441, 462, 472. Students must also take one additional 3-4 credit hour 300-level or above MATH course. Students who are unfamiliar with mathematical abstraction are encouraged to take **327 as early in their program as possible.

Minor Study Requirements

Minor in Mathematics
MATH 2530; 12 credit hours in Mathematics and Statistics courses numbered above 300. At least 6 of the 12 credit hours must be in courses labeled MATH. The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used for minor study and the grades in all mathematics and statistics courses must be "C" (not "C-") or better. Courses required for a major may not be used to fulfill a minor requirement.

Minor in Statistics: Requirements for the Mathematics Major
MATH 1350 and 2530; STAT **345, 427, 428; an additional 3 credit hours of Statistics in courses numbered 300 and above. All 12 credit hours in courses 300-level and above must be in courses labeled STAT. The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used for minor study and the grades in all statistics courses must be a "C" (not "C-") or better.

Departmental Honors

Requirements for departmental honors in Mathematics are 1) a 3.5 GPA in Mathematics and Statistics courses and a 3.2 overall GPA; 2) notification to the department program specialist no later than two full semesters prior to graduation; 3) completion of a project based on 6 credit hours of MATH 499 (project outline to be presented to the Undergraduate Honors Committee (UHC) for approval); 4) final written report to be submitted to UHC for approval; and 5) seminar to be given at the end of the project. These requirements are in addition to the major requirements.

Bachelor of Science in Statistics

Major Study Requirements

The following is required of all Statistics majors:

1)  Assignment of a faculty advisor. Students must go to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to be assigned an advisor from the Statistics Group as soon as they decide to major in statistics.

2)  MATH 1350 or approved equivalent.

3)  Knowledge of a computing language at the level of CS 151L.

4)  MATH 1512, 1522, 2530, (**314 or **321).

5)  At least 21 credit hours of statistics courses numbered 250 or above with a grade of "C" (not "C-") or better. These must include STAT **345, 427, 428, 440 and 445.

6)  Enrichment courses: At least 6 additional credit hours of courses numbered 300 or higher and approved by the student's undergraduate advisor. These can be taken in an appropriate discipline of the student's choice, for example: anthropology, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, mathematics, psychology, and statistics. These courses may overlap with the student's minor.

7)  The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used in courses taken to satisfy requirements 2, 4 and 5. All grades in these courses must be "C" (not "C-") or better.

Additional Information

  • For students interested in a career in actuarial science, preparation for the first actuarial exam consists of the courses MATH 1512, 1522, 2530, (**314 or **321). Preparation for the second actuarial exam consists of STAT 453, 461.
  • Students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in Statistics are encouraged to take MATH **321 and 401.

Minor Study Requirements

Minor in Statistics
One year of calculus: MATH 1350, (1430 and 1440) or (1512 and 1522); STAT **345, 427, 428; an additional 3 credit hours of mathematics or statistics in courses numbered 250 and above. The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used for minor study and the grades in all mathematics and statistics courses must be "C" (not "C-") or better.

Minor in Mathematics: Requirements for the Statistics Major
MATH 2530; 12 credit hours of Mathematics courses numbered above 300. All 12 credit hours must be in courses labeled MATH. The Credit/No Credit grade option may not be used for minor study and the grades in all mathematics courses must be "C" (not "C-") or better.

Departmental Honors

Requirements for departmental honors in Statistics are 1) a 3.5 GPA in Mathematics and Statistics courses and a 3.2 overall GPA; 2) notification to the department program specialist no later than two full semesters prior to graduation; 3) completion of a project based on 6 credit hours of STAT 495 (project outline to be presented to the Undergraduate Honors Committee (UHC) for approval) 4) final written report to be submitted to UHC for approval; and 5) seminar to be given at the end of the project. These requirements are in addition to the major requirements.

Undergraduate courses in Mathematics (MATH) may be categorized as an Introductory Course, or as Courses for Teachers and Education Students. Courses in these categories are identified in parenthesis at the end of the course description according to the following legend:

Introductory Courses (I), Courses for Teachers and Education Students (T).


MATH 107. Problems in College Algebra. (1)

MATH 110. Problems in Elements of Calculus. (1)

MATH 1118 [1110] [111]. Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I [Mathematics for Teachers I] [Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I]. (3)

MATH 1130 [129]. Survey of Mathematics [A Survey of Mathematics]. (3)

MATH 116. Topics in Pre-Calculus Mathematics. (1-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

MATH 1215X [101]. Intermediate Algebra IA [Intermediate Algebra Part 1]. (1)

MATH 1215Y [102]. Intermediate Algebra IB [Intermediate Algebra Part 2]. (1)

MATH 1215Z [103]. Intermediate Algebra IC [Intermediate Algebra Part 3]. (1)

MATH 1220 [121]. College Algebra. (3)

MATH 1230 [123]. Trigonometry. (3)

MATH 1240 [150]. Pre-Calculus [Pre-Calculus Mathematics]. (3)

MATH 1250 [153]. Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus [Precalculus and Trigonometry]. (5)

MATH 1350 [STAT 145]. Introduction to Statistics. (3)

MATH 1430 [180]. Applications of Calculus I [Elements of Calculus I]. (3)

MATH 1440 [181]. Applications of Calculus II [Elements of Calculus II]. (3)

MATH 1512 [162]. Calculus I. (4)

MATH 1522 [163]. Calculus II. (4)

MATH 2115 [216]. Math for Middle School Teachers [Mathematics for Middle School Teachers]. (3)

MATH 2118 [215]. Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers III. (3)

MATH 2530 [264]. Calculus III. (4)

MATH 305 / 507. Mathematics from a Historical Perspective. (3)

MATH 306. College Geometry. (3)

MATH 311. Vector Analysis. (3)

MATH **312. Partial Differential Equations for Engineering. (3)

MATH **313. Complex Variables [Complex Variables for Engineering]. (3)

MATH **314. Linear Algebra with Applications. (3)

MATH **316. Applied Ordinary Differential Equations. (3)

MATH **317. Elementary Combinatorics. (3)

MATH **319. Theory of Numbers. (3)

MATH **321. Linear Algebra. (3)

MATH 322. Modern Algebra I. (3)

MATH **327. Introduction to Mathematical Thinking and Discrete Structures. (3)

MATH 338 / 542. Mathematics for Secondary Teachers. (3)

MATH **356. Symbolic Logic. (4)

MATH **375. Introduction to Numerical Computing. (3)

MATH 391. Advanced Undergraduate Honors Seminar. (1-3 to a maximum of 8 Δ)

MATH 393. Topics in Mathematics. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 401 / 501. Advanced Calculus I. (4)

MATH 402 / 502. Advanced Calculus II. (3)

MATH **412. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. (3)

MATH **415. History and Philosophy of Mathematics. (3)

MATH *421. Modern Algebra II. (3)

MATH *431. Introduction to Topology. (3)

MATH **439. Topics in Mathematics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 441. Probability. (3)

MATH 462 / 512. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 463 / 513. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 464 / 514. Applied Matrix Theory. (3)

MATH *466. Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering. (3)

MATH *471. Introduction to Scientific Computing. (3)

MATH 472 / 572. Fourier Analysis and Wavelets. (3)

MATH 499. Individual Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

MATH 501 / 401. Advanced Calculus I. (4)

MATH 502 / 402. Advanced Calculus II. (3)

MATH 504. Introductory Numerical Analysis: Numerical Linear Algebra. (3)

MATH 505. Introductory Numerical Analysis: Approximation and Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 507 / 305. Mathematics from a Historical Perspective. (3)

MATH 510. Introduction to Analysis I. (3)

MATH 511. Introduction to Analysis II. (3)

MATH 512 / 462. Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 513 / 463. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 514 / 464. Applied Matrix Theory. (3)

MATH 519. Selected Topics in Algebra and Number Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 520. Abstract Algebra I. (3)

MATH 521. Abstract Algebra II. (3)

MATH 530. Algebraic Geometry I. (3)

MATH 532. Algebraic Topology I. (3)

MATH 533. Algebraic Topology II. (3)

MATH 535. Foundations of Topology. (3)

MATH 536. Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds. (3)

MATH 537. Riemannian Geometry I. (3)

MATH 538. Riemannian Geometry II. (3)

MATH 539. Selected Topics in Geometry and Topology. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 540. Stochastic Processes with Applications. (3)

MATH 542 / 338. Mathematics for Secondary Teachers. (3)

MATH 549. Selected Topics in Probability Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 551. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 557. Selected Topics in Numerical Analysis. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 561. Functions of a Complex Variable I. (3)

MATH 562. Functions of a Complex Variable II. (3)

MATH 563. Measure Theory. (3)

MATH 565. Harmonic Analysis. (3)

MATH 569. Selected Topics in Analysis. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 570. Singular Perturbations. (3)

MATH 572 / 472. Fourier Analysis and Wavelets. (3)

MATH 576. Numerical Linear Algebra. (3)

MATH 578. Numerical Partial Differential Equations. (3)

MATH 579. Selected Topics in Applied Mathematics. (3, no limit Δ)

MATH 581. Functional Analysis I. (3)

MATH 583. Methods of Applied Mathematics I. (3)

MATH 584. Methods of Applied Mathematics II. (3)

MATH 598. Practicum. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

MATH 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

MATH 605. Graduate Colloquium. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

MATH 639. Seminar in Geometry and Topology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 649. Seminar in Probability and Statistics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 650. Reading and Research. (1-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

MATH 669. Seminar in Analysis. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 679. Seminar in Applied Mathematics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

MATH 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

STAT 279. Topics in Introductory Statistics. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

STAT **345. Elements of Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory. (3)

STAT 427 / 527. Advanced Data Analysis I. (3)

STAT 428 / 528. Advanced Data Analysis II. (3)

STAT 434 / 534. Contingency Tables and Dependence Structures. (3)

STAT 440 / 540. Regression Analysis. (3)

STAT 445 / 545. Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design. (3)

STAT 453 / 553. Statistical Inference with Applications. (3)

STAT 461 / 561. Probability. (3)

STAT 470 / 570. Industrial Statistics. (3)

STAT 472 / 572. Sampling Theory and Practice. (3)

STAT 474 / 574. Biostatistical Methods: Survival Analysis and Logistic Regression. (3)

STAT 476 / 576. Multivariate Analysis. (3)

STAT 477 / 577. Introduction to Bayesian Modeling. (3)

STAT 479. Topics in Statistics. (3, no limit Δ)

STAT 481 / 581. Introduction to Time Series Analysis. (3)

STAT 495. Individual Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

STAT 520. Topics in Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences. (3, no limit Δ)

STAT 527 / 427. Advanced Data Analysis I. (3)

STAT 528 / 428. Advanced Data Analysis II. (3)

STAT 534 / 434. Contingency Tables and Dependence Structures. (3)

STAT 540 / 440. Regression Analysis. (3)

STAT 545 / 445. Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design. (3)

STAT 546. Theory of Linear Models. (3)

STAT 547. Multivariate Analysis and Advanced Linear Models. (3)

STAT 553 / 453. Statistical Inference with Applications. (3)

STAT 556. Advanced Statistical Inference I. (3)

STAT 557. Advanced Statistical Inference II. (3)

STAT 561 / 461. Probability. (3)

STAT 565. Stochastic Processes with Applications. (3)

STAT 569. Selected Topics in Probability Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

STAT 570 / 470. Industrial Statistics. (3)

STAT 572 / 472. Sampling Theory and Practice. (3)

STAT 574 / 474. Biostatistical Methods: Survival Analysis and Logistic Regression. (3)

STAT 576 / 476. Multivariate Analysis. (3)

STAT 577 / 477. Introduction to Bayesian Modeling. (3)

STAT 579. Selected Topics in Statistics. (3, no limit Δ)

STAT 581 / 481. Introduction to Time Series Analysis. (3)

STAT 586. Nonparametric Curve Estimation and Image Reconstruction. (3)

STAT 590. Statistical Computing. (3)

STAT 595. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

STAT 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

STAT 605. Graduate Colloquium. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

STAT 649. Seminar in Probability and Statistics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

STAT 650. Reading and Research. (1-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

STAT 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)


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