Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Physics and Astronomy admission coursework with a grade of "C" or better:

  • PHYS 1310.

Additional Information

The basic courses PHYS 1310, 1310L, 1320, 1320, 2310, 2310L and MATH 1522, 1522 and 2530 are prerequisite to all 300-level and higher physics and astronomy courses, and are required prerequisites for major and minor study in Physics and in Astrophysics for either the B.S. or the B.A. degree. For the B.S. in Astrophysics, ASTR 2110, 2110L, 2115 and 2115L are also required.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Astrophysics (B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Physics (B.S.)
    Concentrations: Biophysics; Earth and Planetary Sciences; Optics.

The B.A. in Physics and Astrophysics is designed for people interested in physics, astrophysics and science in general who are not seeking a career in scientific research. Rather, these students should use the flexibility within the program to choose minors or an additional major in other areas, such as management, education, communications, journalism, economics, history, political science, etc.

The B.S. in Physics and the B.S. in Astrophysics are designed to prepare students to attend graduate school in those fields, and are also intended for students seeking careers which do not require graduate study.

Major Study Requirements

First year students planning to major or minor in physics or astrophysics, if they have the necessary mathematics, usually take PHYS 1310, 1310L and MATH 1512 in their first semester, and PHYS 1320, 1320L and MATH 1522 in their second semester. There is some flexibility in these prerequisites.

For admission to any degree program in the department, within the College of Arts and Sciences, in any given semester, it is required that the student have passed PHYS 1310, or a more advanced physics course, with a grade of "C" (not "C-") or higher.

Academic advisement is required each semester for students majoring in physics or astrophysics. Students in University College with an area of interest or a definite major in mind in this department should meet with a departmental advisor as soon as possible, to ensure that they obtain current curriculum and admissions policies as well as specific advice on how to meet the requirements for admission.

Students are not allowed to receive credit for both PHYS 1230 and 1310, nor for both PHYS 1240 and 1320.

Bachelor of Arts in Physics and Astrophysics

Requirements: ASTR 2115, 2115L; PHYC **330; PHYS 2415; one course chosen from PHYC **301, **303, *405, *491; four additional 3 credit hour upper-level courses in Physics or Astronomy, one of which must be in Astronomy and one of which must be a laboratory class, except for any one of the following problems courses: ASTR *455; PHYC *451,* 452.
Required supportive courses:
 MATH 311, **316.

Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics

Requirements: ASTR *421, 422; PHYC **301, **303, **304, **330, **366, *405, (*406 or *491); PHYS 2415; 6 credit hours of Astronomy courses numbered above 399 except for *455 and 456.
Required supportive courses:
 MATH **316.

No minor is required for the B.S. in Astrophysics, although an optional minor or second major may be selected.

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Requirements: PHYC **301, **303, **304, **306L, **307L, **330, **366, *405, *406, *491, *492, *493L; PHYS 2415; one 3 credit hour Physics course numbered above 300. PHYC 451, *452, and 456 cannot be substituted for the 3 credit hour elective course numbered above 300.
Required supportive courses:
CHEM 1215, 1215L, 1225, 1225L; MATH **314, **316.

No minor is required for the B.S. in Physics, although an optional minor or second major may be selected.


•   Biophysics
PHYC **301, **303, **304, **307L, **330, *405; PHYS 2415; BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303, 303L, 304, 304L. Four electives from: BIOC *423; BIOL *425, *429, 436L, 437, 444, 446, 470, 492, 547; BME 517, 544, 570; CBE 530; (CHEM **301 and 303L), (CHEM **302 and 304L), CHEM **315; PHYC **302, **302L. 
Required supportive courses: MATH 311, **312, **316.

•   Earth and Planetary Sciences
Requirements: PHYC **301, **307L, **303, **304, (**327 or EPS 436), **330, **366, *405; PHYS 2415; (GEOL 1110, 1110L) or (GEOL 1120, 1120L); four electives from EPS *439, 443, 450L, 457L, 462, 476.
Required supportive courses: MATH **314, **316.

•   Optics
Requirements: PHYC **301, **302, **302L, **303, **304, **330, **366, *405, *406; PHYS 2415. Optics elective number 1): must be chosen as one of ASTR 426; PHYC *463, *464; ECE *475. Optics elective number 2: must be chosen as one of PHYC *430, *477L, *493L, 554. In addition, these two electives must be chosen in such a way that one of the Optics electives is either PHYC *430 or ECE *475. Science/Engineering/Math elective number 1: must be at the 200-level or above; Science/Engineering/Math elective number 2: must be at the 300-level or above.
Required supportive courses:
CHEM 1215, 1215L, 1225, 1225L; MATH **314, **316.

Credit Conflicts

Content on specific courses overlaps enough to necessitate restricting credit of both courses toward a student’s degree. These courses are not considered equivalent and the completion of the second course in a pair will not affect a student’s earned hours on the transcript. Students should consult their advisor if they feel the incorrect course is applied for credit on their degree audit.

Students will be allowed to apply only one of the following courses in each pair for credit towards a degree:

  • PHYS 1230 -or- PHYS 1310
  • PHYS 1240 -or- PHYS 1320

Minor Study Requirements


The two courses PHYS 2415; **MATH 316; three courses chosen from PHYC **301, **302, **302L or **307L, **303, **304, **330, *405, *406.


The four courses ASTR 2115; PHYC **330; PHYS 2415; MATH **316; one course chosen from PHYC **301, **302, **302L or **307L, **303, *405; 3 credit hours of Astronomy courses numbered above 399.

Departmental Honors

The Departmental Honors program in Physics and Astronomy is designed to provide additional depth to the student’s knowledge in a special area of contemporary physics, and to ground that knowledge in their understanding of the world around them. As the standard undergraduate curriculum is rather tightly defined and scheduled, the Honors Program allows each Honors Student the opportunity to be directly involved in the choice of an addition to his/her educational program. In addition, the program offers the student the opportunity to work closely with one or two professors.

During each of the last two semesters of the student’s undergraduate program, and upon selecting an original research topic that is developed in consultation with a faculty mentor, the student should register for the 1 credit hour honors course, ASTR/PHYC 456. This registration requires the prior approval of the faculty mentor in question. As an honors award is of a departmental nature, the student and mentor should submit an initial proposal outlining the intended work as early as possible, and certainly before the end of the fourth week of the semester in which the work is begun. The proposal is submitted to the department’s Undergraduate Majors Committee for initial approval.

Successful completion is demonstrated by a final, formal, written thesis as well as oral and poster presentations. Approval of the thesis as achieving the level and standard intended for Honors work is made by a subcommittee of the Undergraduate Majors Committee, thereby providing some uniformity for the department. Finally, the student’s overall grade point average within the major must be 3.25 or greater at the time of graduation.


ASTR 1115 [101]. Introduction to Astronomy. (3)

ASTR 1115L [101L]. Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory [Astronomy Laboratory]. (1)

ASTR 1996 [109]. Selected Topics [Selected Topics in Astronomy]. (3, may be repeated three times Δ)

ASTR 2110 [270]. General Astronomy I [General Astronomy]. (3)

ASTR 2110L [270L]. General Astronomy I Laboratory [General Astronomy Laboratory I]. (1)

ASTR 2115 [271]. General Astronomy II [General Astronomy]. (3)

ASTR 2115L [271L]. General Astronomy II Laboratory [General Astronomy Laboratory I]. (1)

ASTR *421. Concepts of Astrophysics I. (3)

ASTR 422 / 538. Concepts of Astrophysics II. (3)

ASTR 423 / 539. Radio Astronomy. (3)

ASTR 426 / 526. Optics and Instrumentation. (3)

ASTR *427. Topics in Planetary Astronomy. (3)

ASTR *455. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

ASTR 456. Honors Problems. (1, may be repeated once Δ)

ASTR 526 / 426. Optics and Instrumentation. (3)

ASTR 536. Advanced Astrophysics I. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

ASTR 537. Advanced Astrophysics II. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

ASTR 538 / 422. Concepts of Astrophysics II. (3)

ASTR 539 / 423. Radio Astronomy. (3)

PHYC **300. Topics in Physics and Astronomy. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PHYC **301. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. (3)

PHYC **302. Introduction to Photonics. (3)

PHYC **302L. Optics Lab. (3)

PHYC **303. Analytical Mechanics I. (3)

PHYC **304. Analytical Mechanics II. (3)

PHYC **306L. Junior Laboratory. (3)

PHYC **307L. Junior Laboratory. (3)

PHYC 311. Problems in Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics. (1)

PHYC 313. Problems in Analytical Mechanics I. (1)

PHYC 314. Problems in Analytical Mechanics II. (1)

PHYC **327. Geophysics. (3)

PHYC **330. Introduction to Modern Physics. (3)

PHYC 331. Problems in Introduction to Modern Physics. (1)

PHYC **366. Mathematical Methods of Physics. (4)

PHYC *400. Seminar. (1, may be repeated five times Δ)

PHYC *405. Electricity and Magnetism I. (3)

PHYC *406. Electricity and Magnetism II. (3)

PHYC 415. Problems in Electricity and Magnetism I. (1)

PHYC 416. Problems in Electricity and Magnetism II. (1)

PHYC *430. Introduction to Solid State Physics. (3)

PHYC *450. Introduction to Subatomic Physics. (3)

PHYC 451 / 551. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PHYC *452. Research Methods. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PHYC 456. Honors Problems. (1, may be repeated once Δ)

PHYC *463. Advanced Optics I. (3)

PHYC *464. Laser Physics I. (3)

PHYC *466. Methods of Theoretical Physics I. (3)

PHYC *467. Methods of Theoretical Physics II. (3)

PHYC 468. Problems in Methods of Theoretical Physics I. (1)

PHYC *476L. Experimental Techniques of Optics. (3)

PHYC *477L. Experimental Techniques of Optics. (3)

PHYC 480. Special Topics in Physics and Astronomy. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PHYC *491. Intermediate Quantum Mechanics I. (3)

PHYC *492. Intermediate Quantum Mechanics II. (3)

PHYC *493L. Contemporary Physics Laboratory. (3)

PHYC 496. Problems in Intermediate Quantum Mechanics I. (1)

PHYC 497. Problems in Intermediate Quantum Mechanics II. (1)

PHYC 500. Advanced Seminar. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PHYC 501. Advanced Seminar. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

PHYC 503. Classical Mechanics I. (3)

PHYC 505. Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. (3)

PHYC 511. Electrodynamics. (3)

PHYC 521. Graduate Quantum Mechanics I. (3)

PHYC 522. Graduate Quantum Mechanics II. (3)

PHYC 523. Quantum Field Theory I. (3)

PHYC 524. Quantum Field Theory II. (3)

PHYC 529. Condensed Matter I. (3)

PHYC 534. Plasma Physics I. (3)

PHYC 542. Particle Physics I. (3)

PHYC 551 / 451. Problems. (1-4 to a maximum of 16 Δ)

PHYC 552. Problems. (1-4 to a maximum of 16 Δ)

PHYC 554. Advanced Optics II. (3)

PHYC 559. Internship in Optical Science and Engineering. (3)

PHYC 564. Laser Physics II. (3)

PHYC 566. Quantum Optics. (3)

PHYC 568. Nonlinear Optics. (3)

PHYC 569. Advanced Topics in Modern Optics. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

PHYC 570. Theory of Relativity. (3)

PHYC 571. Quantum Computation. (3)

PHYC 572. Quantum Information Theory. (3)

PHYC 581. Advanced Topics in Physics and Astrophysics. (3, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHYC 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PHYC 650. Research. (1-12 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

PHYC 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

PHYS 1110 [PHYC 105]. Physics and Society. (3)

PHYS 1115 [PHYC 102]. Survey of Physics [Introduction to Physics]. (3)

PHYS 1115L [PHYC 102L]. Survey of Physics Laboratory [Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1120 [PHYC 110]. Introduction to Applied Physics. (3)

PHYS 1125 [PHYC 108]. Physics of Music [Introduction to Musical Acoustics]. (3)

PHYS 1125L [PHYC 108L]. Physics of Music Laboratory [Musical Acoustics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1230 [PHYC 151]. Algebra-Based Physics I [General Physics]. (3)

PHYS 1230L [PHYC 151L]. Algebra-Based Physics I Laboratory [General Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1231 [PHYC 157]. Problems in Algebra-Based Physics I [Problems in General Physics]. (1)

PHYS 1240 [PHYC 152]. Algebra-Based Physics II [General Physics]. (3)

PHYS 1240L [PHYC 152L]. Algebra-Based Physics II Laboratory [General Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1241 [PHYC 158]. Problems in Algebra-Based Physics II [Problems in General Physics]. (1)

PHYS 1310 [PHYC 160]. Calculus-Based Physics I [General Physics]. (3)

PHYS 1310L [PHYC 160L]. Calculus-Based Physics I Laboratory [General Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1311 [PHYC 167]. Problems in Calculus-Based Physics I [Problems in General Physics]. (1)

PHYS 1320 [PHYC 161]. Calculus-Based Physics II [General Physics]. (3)

PHYS 1320L [PHYC 161L]. Calculus-Based Physics II Laboratory [General Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 1321 [PHYC 168]. Problems in Calculus-Based Physics II [Problems in General Physics]. (1)

PHYS 2310 [PHYC 262]. Calculus-Based Physics III [General Physics]. (3)

PHYS 2310L [PHYC 262L]. Calculus-Based Physics III Laboratory [General Physics Laboratory]. (1)

PHYS 2311 [PHYC 267]. Problems in Calculus-Based Physics III [Problems in General Physics]. (1)

PHYS 2415 [PHYC 290]. Computational Physics. (3)

PHYS 2996 [PHYC 103]. Selected Topics [Selected Topics in Physics]. (3, may be repeated three times Δ)


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