Graduate Program

Graduate Certificate in Race and Social Justice

The Race and Social Justice interdisciplinary graduate certificate aims to expose students to a vibrant interdisciplinary community of scholars at the University of New Mexico who conduct research, teaching and service in the area of race and social justice. The key student learning outcomes include investigating and interpreting the social construction of race in a given sociohistorical context as well as reflecting on the premises, concepts and categories used in different disciplines to conceptualize race and racism. Other major student learning outcomes include cross-disciplinary critical appraisals, investigations and applications of theories of race, racialization, decolonization and social justice across a variety of social domains and institutions. The interdisciplinary focus provides an opportunity to examine how social justice can be embedded in all policies at the individual, institutional and structural levels across the disciplines.

The certificate requires completion of fifteen credit hours. Up to six credit hours can be earned in one department, including a maximum of three credit hours of independent study. Courses can double-count with any departments core or elective requirements.

Shared Credit Hours Between Graduate Certificates and Degrees

The University allows for shared coursework between a graduate certificate and a master’s or doctoral degree. See "Shared Credit Hours Between Graduate Certificates and Degrees" in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog.

For information on the current faculty advisor, staff advisor, and a list of approved courses for the certificate, consult the Institute for the Study of "Race" and Social Justice Web site


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