Undergraduate Program

Undergraduate Advisor for Spanish
Kate Merrill (505) 277-7364, kateem@unm.edu

Undergraduate Advisor for Portuguese
Leila Lehnen, llehnen@unm.edu 

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Spanish and Portuguese Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Spanish and Portuguese major admission coursework with a grade of "C" or better:

  • Portuguese: PORT 2115 or 2120.
  • Spanish: SPAN 2120 or 2220 or 301 or 302 or 307.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese (B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Spanish (B.A.)

Major Study Requirements


30 credit hours in Spanish courses numbered 300 and above. In addition, demonstrated SPAN 2120 skill level in Portuguese (PORT 2115 or PORT 2120) must be documented or completed. Use of courses toward this requirement in a language other than Portuguese must be approved by the Spanish and Portuguese department.

  • Required courses (21 credit hours): SPAN 301, 302, (306 or 307), **352, (**350 or 351), (**411 or **412), (**431 or **432).
  • Elective courses (9 credit hours): must be above SPAN 307, with at least one course (3 credit hours) at the 400-level.

No more than 3 credit hours of SPAN 301 may be applied toward the Spanish major.

A student may follow a general course of studies or a group of courses in the following areas: Spanish Peninsular Literature, Spanish American Literature, Southwest Hispanic Studies or Hispanic Linguistics.

Students planning to enter the major in Spanish should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Spanish. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses SPAN 301, **429, **439, 449, and **479 are repeatable as topics change.


30 credit hours in Portuguese courses numbered 2115 and above. In addition, demonstrated PORT 2115 skill level in a language other than Portuguese or English must be documented or completed.

  • Required courses (12 credit hours) include: PORT 2115 or 2120; two of the following: PORT 301, 311, 312.
  • Elective courses (18 credit hours) at the 300- to 400-level.

Students planning to enter the major in Portuguese should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Portuguese. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses PORT 414 and *461 are repeatable as topics change.

Second Major Study Requirements


24 credit hours in Spanish courses numbered 300 and above.

  • Required courses (12 credit hours): SPAN 301, 302, (306 or 307), (**350 or 351 or **352).
  • Elective courses (12 credit hours): one course (3 credit hours) above SPAN 307; two courses (6 credit hours) at the 400-level; any appropriate course (3 credit hours) numbered 300 or above.

Students planning to enter the second major in Spanish should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Spanish. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses SPAN 301, **429, **439, 449, **479 are repeatable as topics change.


24 credit hours in Portuguese courses numbered 2115 and above.

Students planning to second major in Portuguese should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Portuguese. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses PORT 414 and *461 are repeatable as topics change.

Credit Conflicts

Content on specific courses overlaps enough to necessitate restricting credit of both courses toward a student’s degree. These courses are not considered equivalent and the completion of the second course in a pair will not affect a student’s earned hours on the transcript. Students should consult their advisor if they feel the incorrect course is applied for credit on their degree audit.

Students will be allowed to apply only one of the following courses in each pair for credit towards a degree:

  • PORT 1110 -or- PORT 2110
  • PORT 1120 -or- PORT 2110
  • PORT 2110 -or- PORT 2120
  • PORT 2115 -or- PORT 2120
  • SPAN 306 -or- SPAN 307

Minor Study Requirements


18 credit hours in Spanish courses numbered 300 and above.

  • Required courses (12 credit hours): SPAN 301, 302, (306 or 307), (**350 or 351 or **352).
  • Elective courses (6 credit hours): at least one course (3 credit hours) above SPAN 307; one course (3 credit hours) may be any appropriate courses numbered 300 or above.

Students planning to enter the minor in Spanish should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Spanish. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses SPAN 301, **429, **439, 449, and **479 are repeatable as topics change.


18 credit hours in courses numbered PORT 2115 and above.

Students planning to minor in Portuguese should consult with the Undergraduate Advisor for Portuguese. All grades must be "C" or better. Topics courses PORT 414 and *461 are repeatable as topics change.

Courses in Spanish (SPAN) are categorized in content areas. The category for each course appears in parenthesis at the end of the course description according to the following legend:

Language (L); Linguistics, Philosophy, and Methodology (LPM); Literature (LT); Peninsular Literature (PL); Spanish American Literature (SA); Southwest Hispanic Studies (SH).


PORT 1110 [101]. Elementary Portuguese I. (3)

PORT 1120 [102]. Elementary Portuguese II. (3)

PORT 2110 [275]. Intensive Elementary Portuguese [Introduction to Portuguese for Business]. (6)

PORT 2115 [276]. Intensive Intermediate Portuguese. (6)

PORT 2120 [277]. Intensive Portuguese for Spanish Speakers. (6)

PORT 2130. Intermediate Portuguese I. (3)

PORT 301. Conversation and Pronunciation. (3)

PORT 311 / 511. Culture and Composition. (3)

PORT 312 / 512. Culture and Conversation. (3)

PORT 335. Brazilian Popular Culture. (3)

PORT 414 / 514. Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature and Culture. (3, no limit Δ)

PORT 416 / 516. Brazilian Cinema. (3)

PORT 417 / 517. Popular Brazilian Music. (3)

PORT 421 / 521. Brazilian Theater. (3)

PORT 457 / 557. Encounters with the New World I. (3)

PORT 458 / 558. Encounters with the New World II. (3)

PORT *461. Topics in Brazilian Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

PORT 497. Undergraduate Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PORT 498. Reading and Research for Honors. (3)

PORT 499. Honors Essay or Teaching. (3)

PORT 511 / 311. Culture and Composition. (3)

PORT 512 / 312. Culture and Conversation. (3)

PORT 514 / 414. Topics in Luso-Brazilian Literature and Culture. (3, no limit Δ)

PORT 516 / 416. Brazilian Cinema. (3)

PORT 517 / 417. Popular Brazilian Music. (3)

PORT 521 / 421. Brazilian Theater. (3)

PORT 551. Graduate Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PORT 557 / 457. Encounters with the New World I. (3)

PORT 558 / 458. Encounters with the New World II. (3)

PORT 570. Seminar in Luso-Brazilian Literature and Culture. (3, no limit Δ)

PORT 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SPAN 1110 [101]. Spanish I [Elementary Spanish I]. (3)

SPAN 1120 [102]. Spanish II [Elementary Spanish II]. (3)

SPAN 1125 [103]. Conversational Spanish I [Elementary Spanish Conversation I]. (1)

SPAN 1210 [111]. Spanish for Heritage Learners I [Elementary SHL I]. (3)

SPAN 1220 [112]. Spanish for Heritage Learners II [Elementary SHL II]. (3)

SPAN 200. Intermediate Spanish Abroad. (3)

SPAN 2110 [201]. Spanish III [Intermediate Spanish I]. (3)

SPAN 2120 [202]. Spanish IV [Intermediate Spanish II]. (3)

SPAN 2125 [203]. Conversational Spanish II [Spanish Conversation]. (3)

SPAN 2210 [211]. Spanish for Heritage Learners III [Intermediate SHL I]. (3)

SPAN 2220 [212]. Spanish for Heritage Learners IV [Intermediate SHL II]. (3)

SPAN 2420 [205]. Introduction to Medical Spanish. (3)

SPAN 301. Topics in Hispanic Culture and Language. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 302. Developing Spanish Writing Skills. (3)

SPAN 305. Medical Spanish and Public Health. (3)

SPAN 306. Health and Healing in Hispanic Literature. (3)

SPAN 307. Introduction to Hispanic Literature. (3)

SPAN 329. Topics in Health and Culture in the Hispanic World. (3, may be repeated three times Δ)

SPAN **350. Introduction to the Sound Patterns of Spanish. (3)

SPAN 351. Introduction to Spanish Linguistics. (3)

SPAN **352. Spanish Grammar in Society [Advanced Grammar]. (3)

SPAN 370. Survey of Chicano Literature. (3)

SPAN 371. Spanish of the Southwest. (3)

SPAN 375. Southwestern Hispanic Folklore. (3)

SPAN **411. Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature I. (3)

SPAN **412. Survey of Spanish Peninsular Literature II. (3)

SPAN *423. Cervantes: The Quijote. (3)

SPAN **429. Topics in Spanish Peninsular Culture and Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN **430. Spanish American Short Story. (3)

SPAN **431. Spanish American Literature Survey I. (3)

SPAN **432. Spanish American Literature Survey II. (3)

SPAN **433. Modern Spanish American Poetry. (3)

SPAN **435. Modern Spanish American Fiction. (3)

SPAN *438. Mexican Literature. (3)

SPAN **439. Topics in Spanish American Culture and Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 445 / 545. The Sound Patterns of Spanish. (3)

SPAN 449. Topics in Hispanic Linguistics. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 461. Spanish Writing Workshop. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN **479. Topics in Southwest Folklore-Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN **481. El Arte de la Escritura. (3, may be repeated four times Δ )

SPAN **482. Topics in Cultural Geographies in the Spanish-Speaking World. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

SPAN 497. Undergraduate Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPAN 498. Reading and Research for Honors. (3)

SPAN 499. Honors Essay. (3)

SPAN 502. Proseminar: Research and Critical Methodology. (3)

SPAN 504. Seminar in Ibero-American Studies. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 515. Spanish Medieval Paleography. (3)

SPAN 519. Medieval Literature. (3)

SPAN 520. Seminar in the Spanish Peninsular Picaresque Novel. (3)

SPAN 522. Seminar in Spanish Peninsular Poetry. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 526. Seminar in Twentieth-Century Spanish Peninsular Theater. (3)

SPAN 529. Spanish Peninsular Post-War Novel. (3)

SPAN 536. Colonial Literature. (3)

SPAN 541. Approaches to Language Teaching Methodology. (3)

SPAN 545 / 445. The Sound Patterns of Spanish. (3)

SPAN 546. Seminar in Hispanic Sociolinguistics. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 547. Seminar in Southwest Spanish. (3)

SPAN 549. Seminar in the Language of Spain or Spanish America. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 551. Graduate Problems. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SPAN 578. Topics in Southwest Hispanic Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 579. Topics in Southwest Culture and Folklore. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SPAN 601. Literary Theory. (3)

SPAN 629. Seminar in Spanish Peninsular Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 639. Seminar in Spanish American Literature. (3, no limit Δ)

SPAN 681. El Arte de la Escritura. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

SPAN 682. Topics in Cultural Geographies in the Spanish-Speaking World. (3, may be repeated four times Δ)

SPAN 683. Topics in Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender. (3, may be repeated ten times Δ)

SPAN 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)


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Albuquerque, NM 87131

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