Undergraduate Program

For advising information contact:
Margie Chavez
Johnson Center 1150
Phone: 505-277-5152

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Community Health Education (B.S.)

Twenty-six credit hours of coursework are required with a 2.5 grade point average.

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Community Health Education degree program prepares students to meet the competencies of the roles and responsibilities of the entry-level Health Education Specialist. This non-teaching degree provides students with a broad-based introduction to community health and prepares them for professional practice in community and tribal health agencies, public health-related organizations, and clinical and workplace settings. The degree also prepares students for graduate studies in Health Education at the University of New Mexico or any of the many schools of public health in the United States. Screening by Health Education faculty is a prerequisite to entering into the program. Applications for the B.S. in Community Health Education program are found on the department Web site or by contacting the program coordinator at (505) 277-5151.

NOTE: Student’s coursework must include the University of New Mexico core requirements and at least 40 credit hours of upper-division (300–level and above) courses.


First Year
ANTH 1140 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology  3
BIOL 1140
BIOL 1140L
Biology for Health Sciences

Biology for Health Sciences Laboratory
CHEM 1120C Introduction to Chemistry for Non-Majors Lecture and Laboratory 4
COMM 1130 Public Speaking 3
ENGL 1110
ENGL 1110Y
ENGL 1110Z
Composition I

Composition I: Stretch II

Enhanced Composition
ENGL 1120 Composition II 3
HLED 1220 Personal Health Management 3
PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology 3
General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics 3
Subtotal 32
Second Year  
BIOL 2305 Microbiology for Health Sciences 4
ENGL 2210 Professional and Technical Communication 3
HLED 2150 Foundations of Health Promotion 3
HLED 2530 Fundamentals of Human Sexuality 3
NUTR 2110 Human Nutrition 3
PSYC 2510 Statistical Principles for Psychology 3
General Education Curriculum: Arts and Design 3
General Education Curriculum: Second Language 3
Two electives from 1 credit hour Health Education course list (*) 2
Elective from suggested list outside of Health Education or by approval (***) 3
Subtotal 30
Third Year
EDPY 303 Human Growth and Development 3
HED 362 Introduction to Health Behavior Theory 3
HED 371 Introduction to Public and Community Health 3
HED 383 Principles of Epidemiology 3
HED 482 Social Determinants and Multicultural Health 3
SOC 380 Introduction to Research Methods 3
Three electives from 1 credit hour Health Education course list (*) 3
Elective from 3 credit hour Health Education course list (**) 3
Elective from suggested list outside of Health Education or by approval (***) 6
  Subtotal 30
Fourth Year  
HED 446 Health Promotion Program Planning 3
HED 451 Prevention Strategies in Community Health 3
HED 495 Field Experience 6
General Education Curriculum: Humanities 6
Two electives from 3 credit hour Health Education course list (**) 6
  Elective from suggested list outside of Health Education or by approval (***) 6
  Subtotal 30
Total 122


1 Credit Hour Health Education Course List (*)
Students must complete 5 credit hours from: HED 306, 310, 321, 445; HLED 2130, 2210.

3 Credit Hour Health Education Course List (**)
Students must complete 9 credit hours from: HED 333, 473, 477, 487, 493; HLED 1113.

Suggested List of electives outside Health Education (***)
Students must complete 15 credit hours from the recommended list or must get approval for other courses:
Communication: CJ 314, 327, 344, 450; COMM 2140.
Instruction and Technology: MSET 365; OILS 466, 470, 471, 472.
Multicultural: ANTH 330; SOC 308, 326; SOCI 2315; PSY 374.
Social, Political, and Environmental Factors of Health: CRP 403, 474, 483; ENVS 330; POLS 2150; PSYC 2320; SUST *402.

Minor Study

Community Health Education

The non-teaching undergraduate minor in Community Health Education is offered to students majoring in all disciplines except Health Education, and will complement majors of study in, but not limited to, nutrition, exercise science, and other health related fields.

Students pursuing this minor should plan to enroll in the required courses during the fall and spring semesters since undergraduate courses in health education are seldom offered during the summer sessions. Students should contact an advisor at the Center for Student Success in Travelstead Hall for more information.


Core Requirements
HED 362 Introduction to Health Behavior Theory 3
HED 451 Prevention Strategies in Community Health 3
HLED 2150 Foundations of Health Promotion 3
Subtotal 9
Students are encouraged to select courses that complement their major field of study and that support their individual interests and career goals. At least 3 credit hours of the elective courses must be 300-level or above.
HED 306 Conflict Mediation 1
HED 310 Injury Prevention 1
HED 321 Violence Prevention 1
HED 333 Emotional Health and Interpersonal Relationships 3
HED 371 Introduction to Public and Community Health 3
HED 383 Principles of Epidemiology 3
HED 445 Strategies for Prevention of Substance Use 1
HED 473 Health Issues in Death and Dying 3
HED 477 Stress Management 3
HED 482 Social Determinants and Multicultural Health 3
HED 487 Physical Activity and Aging 3
HLED 1220 Personal Health Management 3
HLED 2130 Consumer Health 1
HLED 2210 Education for AIDS Prevention 1
HLED 2530 Fundamentals of Human Sexuality 3
Subtotal 9
Total 18

School Health Education

The curriculum leading to a minor in School Health Education is designed to prepare the student to teach health education in middle and/or junior and senior high schools (grades 7-12). Students who are awarded the School Health Education minor may apply to New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) for a health endorsement after they obtain their initial teaching license and first area of endorsement. 


All the courses listed for School Health Education minor support specific content taught as a school health educator. A grade of "C" or better is required for each content course listed. 

HED 306 Conflict Mediation 1
HED 310 Injury Prevention 1
HED 321 Violence Prevention 1
HED 333 Emotional Health and Interpersonal Relationships 3
HED 362 Introduction to Health Behavior Theory 3
HED 445 Strategies for Prevention of Substance Use 1
HED 473 Health Issues in Death and Dying 3
HED 477 Stress Management 3
Upper-Division Subtotal 16
HLED 1220 Personal Health Management 3
HLED 2130 Consumer Health 1
HLED 2210 Education for AIDS Prevention 1
HLED 2530 Fundamentals of Human Sexuality 3
Total 24


HED 306. Conflict Mediation. (1)

HED 310. Injury Prevention. (1)

HED 321. Violence Prevention. (1)

HED 333. Emotional Health and Interpersonal Relationships. (3)

HED 362. Introduction to Health Behavior Theory. (3)

HED 371. Introduction to Public and Community Health. (3)

HED 383. Principles of Epidemiology. (3)

HED 391 / 591. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 18 Δ)

HED 445. Strategies for Prevention of Substance Use. (1)

HED 446. Health Promotion Program Planning. (1-3)

HED 451 / 551. Prevention Strategies in Community Health. (3)

HED 473. Health Issues in Death and Dying. (3)

HED 477 / 577. Stress Management. (3)

HED 482. Social Determinants and Multicultural Health. (3)

HED 487 / 587. Physical Activity and Aging. (3)

HED 492 / 592. Workshop. (1-4 to a maximum of 13 Δ)

HED 493 / 593. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

HED 495. Field Experience. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

HED 506. Health Behavior Theory. (3)

HED 507. Research Design in HPER. (3)

HED 509. Media and Public Relations in HPER. (3)

HED 511. Management of Health Promotion Programs. (3)

HED 551 / 451. Prevention Strategies in Community Health. (3)

HED 560. Perspectives in Community Health Education. (3)

HED 571. Advanced Community Health Education Research. (3)

HED 572. Community Health Education Program Planning, Development and Evaluation. (3)

HED 574. Epidemiological Principles for Health Educators. (3)

HED 576. Measurement and Evaluation in Health Promotion. (3)

HED 577 / 477. Stress Management. (3)

HED 582. Advanced Multicultural Health Education Research and Applications. (3)

HED 587 / 487. Physical Activity and Aging. (3)

HED 591 / 391. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

HED 592 / 492. Workshop. (1-4 to a maximum of 13 Δ)

HED 593 / 493. Topics. (1-3)

HED 595. Advanced Field Experiences. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

HED 598. Directed Readings in Health Education. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

HED 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

HED 696. Internship. (3-6 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

HED 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

HLED 1113 [1120] [HED 164L]. First Aid and CPR [American Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED] [Standard First Aid]. (3)

HLED 1220 [HED 171]. Personal Health Management. (3)

HLED 1996. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

HLED 2130 [HED 247]. Consumer Health. (1)

HLED 2150 [HED 260]. Foundations of Health Promotion. (3)

HLED 2210 [HED 209]. Education for AIDS Prevention. (1)

HLED 2530 [HED 212]. Fundamentals of Human Sexuality. (3)

HLED 2996 [HED 293] [PEP 293]. Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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