Undergraduate Program

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Film and Digital Arts (B.A.)
    Concentrations: Film History and Criticism; Film Production; Gaming and Animation.
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Digital Arts (B.F.A.)

Bachelor of Arts in Film and Digital Arts


All students in the B.A. in Film and Digital Arts program must take the following courses, and select a concentration below:

  General Education Curriculum  
Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.
Subtotal 31
  Fine Arts Courses
Courses from at least two other disciplines in the College of Fine Arts (not including courses from the Department of Film and Digital Arts). Up to 6 credit hours from the School of Architecture and Planning and/or UHON 207 may be included.
Subtotal 18
ENGL 2120  Intermediate Composition 3
Total 52

Concentration in Film History and Criticism

  Required Courses  
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2195 Beyond Hollywood
FDMA 326  History of Film I 3
FDMA 327 History of Film II 3
FDMA 431 Film Theory
Subtotal 15
Film History and Criticism Electives  
Choose from: FDMA 308/*408, 313, 314, 330, 332/*432, 334/*434, 335/*435, 336/*436, 337/*437, 339, 400, *430, *485, *487, 497, 499; ARTH 252.
At least 3 credit hours must be at the 400-level.
FDMA Electives
Any FDMA courses in Film History and Criticism or Production. 18
Foreign Language and Additional Courses
The number of credit hours necessary to complete a second-semester course in one foreign language are required. Students may satisfy the foreign language requirement by testing into the third semester of a foreign language course. The student must select additional courses from any department (including Film and Digital Arts) to complete this section's required credit hours. 20
Subtotal 56
Total 120

Concentration in Film Production

  Required Courses  
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2520
FDMA 2610
FDMA 303
Introduction to Cinematography

Directing I

Moving Image Art
FDMA 310
FDMA 350
Writing Digital Narrative

Advanced Screenwriting
FDMA 324 Introduction to Screenwriting 3
FDMA 326 History of Film I 3
FDMA 327 History of Film II 3
FDMA 375
FDMA 410
Producing for Film and Digital Media

The Business of Law of Film and New Media
FDMA 401 Digital Post Production 3
MA 220 Intermediate Production Workshop 3
ARTS 1510 Introduction to Electronic Arts 3
Subtotal 33
Film History and Criticism Electives
Choose from: FDMA 2195, 308/*408, 313, 314, 330, 331/*431, 332/*432, 334/*434, 335/*435, 336/*436, 337/*437, 339, 400, *430, *485, *487, 497, 499; ARTH 252.
At least 3 credit hours must be at the 400-level.
Production Electives
Choose from: FDMA 1520, 1996, 2280, 2286, 2520, 2530, 2610, 2714, 2768, 300, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 350, 375, 390, 391, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, *409, 410, 411, 412, *429, 491, 492, 496, 499; ARTS 2523. 12
Foreign Language and Additional Courses
The number of credit hours necessary to complete a second-semester course in one foreign language are required. Students may satisfy the foreign language requirement by testing into the third semester of a foreign language course. The student must select additional courses from any department (including Film and Digital Arts) to complete this section's required credit hours. 14
Subtotal 35
Total 120

Concentration in Gaming and Animation

  Required Courses  
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 310
FDMA 324
Writing Digital Narrative

Introduction to Screenwriting
FDMA 410 The Business of Law of Film and New Media 3
FDMA 450 Capstone I: Senior Projects 4
FDMA 451 Capstone II: Senior Projects 4
ARTS 1510 Introduction to Electronic Arts 3
ARTS 1610 Drawing I 3
Subtotal 23
Area of Focus
CS 105L; FDMA 2768, 302, 403.
FDMA 2530, 2714, 404, 405.
Film History and Criticism Electives  
Choose from: FDMA 2110, 2195, 308/*408, 313, 314, 326, 327, 330/*430, 331/*431, 332/*432, 334/*434, 335/*435, 336/*436, 337/*437, 339, 400, *430, *485, *487, 497, 499; ARTH 252.
At least 3 credit hours must be at the 400-level.
Production Electives
Choose from: FDMA 1520, 1996, 2280, 2286, 2520, 2530, 2610, 2714, 2768, 300, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 324, 350, 375, 390, 391, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, *409, 410, 411, 412, *429, 491, 492, 496, 499; MA 220; ARTS 2523. 9
Foreign Language and Additional Courses
The number of credit hours necessary to complete a second-semester course in one foreign language are required. Students may satisfy the foreign language requirement by testing into the third semester of a foreign language course. The student must select additional courses from any department (including Film and Digital Arts) to complete this section's required credit hours. 15
Subtotal 45
Total 120

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Digital Arts

The Department of Film and Digital Arts in the College of Fine Arts administers the Film and Digital Arts program for the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.). The department also partners with Anderson School of Management and the College of Arts and Sciences to provide Film and Digital Arts curriculum for the following programs:

  • Anderson School of Management: Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) with a concentration in Film and Digital Arts.
  • College of Arts and Sciences: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Communication with a concentration in Critical Studies in Mass Media; Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Journalism and Mass Communication with a concentration in Digital Field Multimedia.


General Education Curriculum  
  Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.  
Subtotal 31
  Required Courses  
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2520
FDMA 2610
FDMA 303
Introduction to Cinematography

Directing I

Moving Image Art
FDMA 310
FDMA 350
Writing Digital Narrative

Advanced Screenwriting
FDMA 324 Introduction to Screenwriting 3
FDMA 326 History of Film I 3
FDMA 327 History of Film II 3
FDMA 375
FDMA 410
Producing for Film and Digital Media

The Business of Law of Film and New Media
FDMA 401 Digital Post Production 3
FDMA 450 Capstone I: Senior Projects 4
FDMA 451 Capstone II: Senior Projects 4
MA 220 Intermediate Production Workshop 3
ARTS 1510 Introduction to Electronic Arts 3
Film History and Criticism Electives
Choose from: FDMA 2195, 308/*408, 313, 314, 330, 331/*431, 332/*432, 334/*434, 335/*435, 336/*436, 337/*437, 400, *430, *485, *487, 497, 499; ARTH 252.
At least 3 credit hours must be at the 400-level. 
  Production Electives  
Choose from: FDMA 1520, 1996, 2280, 2286, 2520, 2530, 2610, 2714, 2768, 300, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 350, 375, 390, 391, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, *409, 410, 412, *429, 491, 492, 496, 499; ARTS 2523. 15
Subtotal 68
Fine Arts Electives
Courses from at least two other disciplines in the College of Fine Arts (not including courses from the Department of Film and Digital Arts). Up to 6 credit hours from the School of Architecture and Planning and/or UHON 207 may be included. 12
General Electives
Electives selected from any department, including Film and Digital Media. 9
Subtotal 21
Total 120

Minor Study

Film and Digital Arts Department offers undergraduate minors in Animation, Film History and Criticism, Film Production, and Gaming.

Minor in Animation


Required Courses
FDMA 2530 Introduction to 3D Modeling 3
FDMA 2714 Introduction to Animation 3
FDMA 404  Advanced Animation
FDMA 405 Advanced Maya Production 3
ARTS 1610  Drawing I 3
Subtotal 15
Production Electives
Choose from: FDMA 1210, 1520, 1996, 2280, 2286, 2520, 2610, 2768, 300, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 324, 350, 375, 390, 391, 401, 402, 403, 406, 407, *409, 410, 411, 412, *429, 496; MA 220; ARTS 1510, 2523. 9
Total 24

Minor in Film History and Criticism


Required Courses
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 2195 Beyond Hollywood 3
FDMA 326  History of Film I
FDMA 327 History of Film II 3
FDMA 331  Film Theory 3
Subtotal 15
Film History and Criticism Electives
Choose from: FDMA 308, 313, 314, 330, 332, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 400, *485, *487, 497; ARTH 252. 9
Total 24

Minor in Film Production


Required Courses
FDMA 1210 Digital Video Production I 3
FDMA 2110 Introduction to Film Studies 3
FDMA 326
FDMA 327
History of Film I

History of Film II
MA 220 Intermediate Production Workshop 3
Subtotal 12
Production Electives
Choose from: FDMA 1520, 1996, 2280, 2520, 2610, 2714, 2768, 300, 302, 303, 304, 310, 311, 324, 350, 375, 390, 391, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, *409, 410, 411, 412, *429, 491, 496; ARTS 1510, 2523. 12
Total 24

Minor in Gaming


Required Courses
FDMA 2768 Introduction to Game Development 3
FDMA 302 Digital Game Design 3
FDMA 403 Advanced Game Development
ARTS 1610 Drawing I 3
CS 105L
CS 152L
Introduction to Computer Programming

Computer Programming Fundamentals
Subtotal 15
Production Electives
Choose from: FDMA 1210, 1520, 1996, 2286, 2530, 2610, 2714, 300, 301, 302, 304, 310, 311, 324, 350, 375, 390, 391, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, *409, 410, 411, 412, *429, 491, 496; MA 220; ARTS 1510, 2523. 9
Total 24


FDMA 1210 [MA 111]. Digital Video Production I [Technical Introduction to Video Production]. (3)

FDMA 1520 [IFDM 105L]. Introduction to Film and Digital Media [Introduction to Digital Media]. (3)

FDMA 1996 [IFDM 250]. Topics [Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media]. (1-3, no limit Δ)

FDMA 2110 [MA 210]. Introduction to Film Studies. (3)

FDMA 2195 [MA 212]. Beyond Hollywood. (3)

FDMA 2280 [MA 216]. Topics in Videomaking [Topics in Video Making]. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

FDMA 2286 [IFDM 205L]. Activating Digital Space [Studio I: Activating Digital Space]. (3)

FDMA 2520 [IFDM 301]. Introduction to Cinematography [Cinematography]. (3)

FDMA 2530 [IFDM 210]. Introduction to 3D Modeling [Introduction to Modeling and Animation]. (3)

FDMA 2610 [IFDM 241L]. Directing I [Introduction to Directing for Film and Video]. (3)

FDMA 2714 [IFDM 202]. Introduction to Animation. (3)

FDMA 2768 [IFDM 201]. Introduction to Game Development. (3)

FDMA 300 [IFDM 300]. Critical Intermediations. (3)

FDMA 302. Digital Game Design. (3)

FDMA 303. Moving Image Art. (3)

FDMA 304. Experiments in Cinema. (3)

FDMA 308 / *408 [MA 310 / *410]. Latin American Film. (3)

FDMA 310 [IFDM 310]. Writing Digital Narrative [Studio II: Writing Digital Narrative]. (3)

FDMA 311 [IFDM 311]. Fundamentals of Music Technology. (2-3)

FDMA 313. Avant-Garde Film History. (3)

FDMA 314. History of Animation. (3)

FDMA 324 [MA 324]. Introduction to Screenwriting. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

FDMA 326 / *426 [MA 326 / *426]. History of Film I [History of Film I: Silent]. (3)

FDMA 327 / *427 [MA 327 / *427]. History of Film II [History of Film II: Sound]. (3)

FDMA 330 [MA 330]. Studies in Film. (3, no limit Δ [3, may be repeated seven times Δ])

FDMA 331 / *431 [MA 331 / *431]. Film Theory. (3)

FDMA 332 / *432 [MA 332 / *432]. Documentary Film History and Theory. (3)

FDMA 334 / *434 [MA 334 / *434]. Teen Rebels. (3)

FDMA 335 / *435 [MA 335 / *435]. International Horror Film. (3)

FDMA 336 / *436 [MA 336 / *436]. Images of (Wo)men. (3)

FDMA 337 / *437 [MA 337 / *437]. Alfred Hitchcock. (3)

FDMA 339 [MA 339]. Russian Culture and History through Film. (3)

FDMA 350 [MA 350]. Advanced Screenwriting. (3)

FDMA 375. Producing for Film and Digital Media. (3)

FDMA 390 [MA 390]. Topics in the Elements of Filmmaking. (3, no limit Δ [3, may be repeated twice Δ])

FDMA 391 [MA 391]. 16mm Filmmaking. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FDMA 400 [IFDM 400]. Ethics, Science and Technology. (3)

FDMA 401 [IFDM 401]. Digital Post Production. (3)

FDMA 402 [IFDM 402]. Documentary Film Production. (3)

FDMA 403 [IFDM 403]. Advanced Game Development. (3)

FDMA 404 [IFDM 404]. Advanced Animation. (3)

FDMA 405 [IFDM 405]. Advanced Maya Production. (3)

FDMA 406 [IFDM 406]. Virtual Reality Cinema. (3)

FDMA 407 [IFDM 407]. Compositing for Visual Effects. (3)

FDMA *408 / 308 [MA *410 / 310]. Latin American Film. (3)

FDMA *409 [MA *409]. Advanced Video Art. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

FDMA 410 [IFDM 410]. The Business and Law of Film and New Media. (3)

FDMA 411. Advanced Cinematography. (3)

FDMA 412 [IFDM 412]. Fundamentals of Audio Technology. (2-3)

FDMA *426 / 326 [MA *426 / 326]. History of Film I [History of Film I: Silent]. (3)

FDMA *427 / 327 [MA *427 / 327]. History of Film II [History of Film II: Sound]. (3)

FDMA *429 [FDMA *429]. Topics in Production. (1-3, no limit Δ [1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ])

FDMA *430 [MA *430]. Topics in Film History. (3, no limit Δ [3, may be repeated seven times Δ])

FDMA *431 / 331 [MA *431 / 331]. Film Theory. (3)

FDMA *432 / 332 [MA *432 / 332]. Documentary Film History and Theory. (3)

FDMA *434 / 334 [MA *434 / 334]. Teen Rebels. (3)

FDMA *435 / 335 [MA *435 / 335]. International Horror Film. (3)

FDMA *436 / 336 [MA *436 / 336]. Images of (Wo)men. (3)

FDMA *437 / 337 [MA *437 / 337]. Alfred Hitchcock. (3)

FDMA 450 [IFDM 450]. Capstone I: Senior Projects [IFDM Capstone I Senior Projects Course]. (4)

FDMA 451 [IFDM 451]. Capstone II: Senior Projects [IFDM Capstone II Senior Projects Course]. (4)

FDMA *485 [MA *485]. Problems in Interdisciplinary Studies. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FDMA *487 [MA *487]. Contemporary Interdisciplinary Topics. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

FDMA 491 [IFDM 491]. Topics in Film and Digital Media. (1-3, no limit Δ)

FDMA 492 [FDMA 492]. Film and Digital Arts Internship [IFDM Internship]. (1-12 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

FDMA 496 / 596 [MA 496 / 596]. Undergraduate Production Project. (1-3 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

FDMA 497 / 597 [MA 497 / 597]. Undergraduate Independent Study. (2-3 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

FDMA 499 [MA 499]. Honors Thesis. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

FDMA 596 / 496 [MA 596 / 496]. Graduate Production Project. (1-3 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

FDMA 597 / 497 [MA 597 / 497]. Graduate Independent Study. (2-3 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

MA 220. Intermediate Production Workshop. (3)


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