Interdisciplinary Arts

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts (B.A.)

The mission of the College of Fine Arts is to equip young artists with the skills necessary to succeed in today's rapidly changing artistic world. Career paths exist today that could not even have been imagined a decade ago. To be prepared for this varied and fluid arts world, many students will find it valuable to train not solely or predominantly in a single arts discipline, but rather to have freer rein to choose precisely those teachings that resonate with their specific gifts and interests. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Interdisciplinary Arts offers a broad and multi-focused arts education of the highest rigor and value to prepare students to succeed in the arts world of today.

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Arts

Applicants to the program must meet all UNM and College of Fine Arts admission requirements. See the Admissions and College of Fine Arts sections of this Catalog.

To complete the B.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts, students must complete requirements including:

  • Completion of 120 credit hours.
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75 in all courses from the major requirements.
  • Completion of the curriculum requirements as described below.
  • An approved Plan of Study with a 250-word essay which describes how the courses listed support and coalesce to prepare the student for program completion and eventual work in the intended field.
  • Fulfillment of general undergraduate degree requirements as stipulated in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.

Students must earn a minimum grade of "C" (not "C-") in all courses used toward the General Education curriculum, major requirements, and areas of focus courses.


1. General Education Curriculum
Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.
Subtotal 31
2. Major Requirements
a. Core Courses
• ALB 250: The Business of Being an Artist
• FA 387: Seminar in Interdisciplinary Arts
• FA *395: Topics in Arts and Community
• FA 496: Interdisciplinary Arts Capstone Project
• 3 credit hours from one of the following: ARCH 1120; ARTH 1120, 2110, 2120, 2130; DANC 1110; FA 284; FDMA 2110; MUSC 1120, 1130; THEA 1110; UHON 207.
Subtotal 15
b. Areas of Focus
• Two areas of focus at 18 credit hours each. At least one area of focus must be comprised of courses from the College of Fine Arts, and at least half the credit hours of each area must be comprised of upper-division (300-level and above) courses.
• Three areas of focus at 12 credit hours each. At least two areas of focus must be comprised of courses from the College of Fine Arts, and at least half of the credit hours of each area must be comprised of upper-division (300-level and above) courses.
  Subtotal 36
3. Electives
Select from any field. May be chosen from courses used toward a second major or minor, or used to partially satisfy the upper-division requirement.
Subtotal 38
Total 120


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