Doctor of Pharmacy

Degree Offered

  • Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)

Dual Degree Programs

Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences: The College of Pharmacy offers a Dual Degree Program leading to the Pharm.D. and the Master of Science (M.S.) in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a concentration in either Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes or in Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. See the Graduate and Professional Dual Degree Programs section of this Catalog.

Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Business Administration: The College of Pharmacy and Anderson School of Management offers a Dual Degree Program leading to the Pharm.D. and the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.). See the Graduate and Professional Dual Degree Programs section of this Catalog.

Admission Requirements 

The College of Pharmacy admits students for the Fall semester only. Deadline for application is in December of each year.

All undergraduate students with intended majors in Pharmacy are admitted to University College. A detailed statement of admission requirements to University College is in the Admissions section of this Catalog.

To be considered for admission to the College of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program, an applicant must have:

1.  Successfully completed all pre-pharmacy courses* with grades of "C" or higher consisting of 91 credit hours, including:

Molecular and Cell Biology 4
Genetics 4
Human Anatomy and Physiology I 3
Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
Microbiology with Lab 4
General Chemistry I and Lab 4
General Chemistry II and Lab 4
Organic Chemistry I and Lab 4
Organic Chemistry II and Lab 4
Microeconomics 3
English Composition I 3
English Composition II 3
Statistics 3
Calculus I 3
General Physics I 3
General Physics II 3
Communications Selective 6
Critical Thinking Selective 6
General Electives* 24
Total 91

*Only 21 credit hours of nonprofessional electives are required if an appropriate Biochemistry course is taken. Prerequisite courses are subject to change.

2.  A minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 on all completed, required pre-pharmacy courses listed in the previous section taken at all colleges and universities. A competitive minimum GPA for admission for the Pharm.D. program starts at 2.7. The required grade point average does not include electives but does include each grade received on any required pre-pharmacy course (including selectives). 

3.  At least a 2.0 GPA on all coursework attempted at the University of New Mexico. 

4.  All science pre-pharmacy courses (biology, chemistry, physics) must be completed by the end of the Spring semester prior to matriculation into pharmacy school. All other prerequisites must be completed by the end of June prior to matriculation into pharmacy school.

5.  A completed and submitted PharmCAS application including:
     •  Online application.
     •  Official transcripts from all U.S. and Canadian colleges and universities attended (including courses in progress).
     •  Foreign transcript evaluation (if applicable).
     •  Three letters of recommendation from faculty or health professionals.
     •  Application fee.

6.  Completed the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT) by November in the cycle in which applying.

7.  All biology and chemistry lecture courses must have been completed within the last 7 years.

8.  Participate in an invited interview. Selected applicants are offered interviews to take place at the College of Pharmacy. Students must participate in the invited interview to be considered for admittance to the College of Pharmacy. Interviews are conducted using a Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) format.

9.  All accepted students must submit to the College of Pharmacy:
     •  An undergraduate application for admission to the University of New Mexico.
     •  Official transcripts from all other colleges and universities attended.
     •  A non-refundable application fee payable to the University of New Mexico.
     •  Experiential Education Requirement Form.
     •  A background check authorization form.

10.  All accepted students are expected to complete the background check as part of their offer of admission. Details on the background check requirements are disseminated once accepted.

Students who are offered admission to the program are required to submit a deposit to hold their position in the class. The deposit is applied to the student's expenses following matriculation into the College of Pharmacy.

To receive additional information on admission requirements and procedures, students should contact:

Office of Student Services
College of Pharmacy
MSC09 5360
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
(505) 272-3241

Doctor of Pharmacy Competencies

1 Provide Patient Centered Care
Design, document, implement, monitor, evaluate, and adjust an individualized evidence-based pharmaceutical care plan that ensures patient safety and optimal therapeutic outcomes.
1.1 Collect and organize patient information to identify, prioritize, and assess medication/disease related problems necessary to formulate evidence based, patient-specific medication treatment plans.
1.2 Communicate and collaborate with patient(s), healthcare providers, caregivers, and administrative and support personnel to ensure a multidisciplinary team approach to an individualized evidence-based pharmaceutical care plan.
1.3 Design, monitor and/or modify individualized dosage regimens and treatment approaches using pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and/or pharmacogenomic data.
1.4 Select the appropriate dosage form, formulation, route/method, and schedule of drug administration.
1.5 Prepare/ compound, dispense, and/or administer safe and effective pharmaceutical products.
1.6 Perform activities for which the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy grants specific prescriptive authority certification.
2 Promote Public Health
Promote wellness, disease prevention, management of medical conditions, and reduction of health disparities through education, advocacy, and other activities at the population and individual patient levels.
2.1 Educate the public and other healthcare providers regarding health and wellness; prevention and treatment of diseases, medical conditions, adverse drug events; and optimal use of medications, medical devices, natural products and nutritional supplements.
2.2 Participate in health policy decision-making processes based on analysis of epidemiologic and pharmacoeconomic data, patient access to care, medication use criteria, and medication review and risk-reduction strategies.
2.3 Develop and provide interprofessional collaborative services to prevent, detect, and manage disease and optimize patient outcomes through effective drug management.
3 Manage medication use systems
Participate in the management of systems that promote and control safe, accurate, efficient, timely and cost-effective distribution of medications and related devices.
3.1 Explain the key features of private and public payers of healthcare, differentiating between health insurance and managed health programs.
3.2 Communicate and collaborate with patients, prescribers, professional colleagues, and support / administrative personnel to prevent, identify, and resolve problems related to medication distribution and use.
3.3 Participate in the use and evaluation of systems to identify and prevent potential medication misuse, medication errors and adverse drug events.
3.4 Apply pharmacoeconomic principles and health-related quality-of-life concepts to improve patient care and allocation of healthcare resources.
3.5 Review, interpret and apply practice guidelines and medication use policy in accordance with appropriate organizational and legal requirements.
4 Manage pharmacy operation systems
Participate in the safe and effective management of operational systems to provide drug products to patients.
4.1 Provide safe, cost-effective, quality patient care using appropriate resource management practices.
4.2 Promote human resource practices that contribute to an efficient, cost effective, safe, and satisfactory workplace for professional and technical staff.
4.3 Utilize electronic resources to optimize accurate, appropriate, and timely delivery of medication and services.
5 Manage drug and health information, informatics, and other technologies
Use information and communication technology to improve patient care and manage the practice of pharmacy.
5.1 Use information technology systems to retrieve data and literature to assist in drug information provision, patient care, drug distribution, patient safety, and compensation.
5.2 Interpret, evaluate, and apply information from primary literature as well as secondary and tertiary resources to effectively manage patient care.
5.3 Provide appropriate health and drug-related information to patients, professional colleagues, other health professionals, and community members.
5.4 Use various electronic technologies to:
     a. access and manage scientific/clinical information and data;
     b. document and manage patient care;
     c. maintain practice management records;
     d. support professional communication;
     e. support education of patients, families, and professional associates; and
     f. support safe and effective drug distribution.
6 Communicate and Collaborate
Demonstrate effective communication, collaboration, and interpersonal skills for effective information exchange and team work with patients, caregivers, prescribers and other healthcare providers.
6.1 Use oral, written, and multimedia skills to effectively communicate with patients, prescribers, other health professionals, caregivers, and members of the community.
6.2 Provide patient counseling about life-style and medication therapy management in a manner demonstrating sensitivity and responsiveness to culture, race/ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status, gender, sexual orientation, spirituality, disabilities, and other aspects of diversity and identity.
6.3 Document and present patient or drug information in an organized, logical manner appropriate for the clinical situation.
6.4 Assess and adapt communication to the ability of patients and care givers to obtain, process, understand, and use health or medication related information.
6.5 Cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with interprofessional teams to insure that healthcare is integrated, continuous, and reliable.
7 Practice professionalism
Demonstrate the attributes of a professional, including a commitment to, and accountability for, carrying out professional responsibilities, maintaining professional competence, and adhering to legal and ethical principles.
7.1 Perform all professional duties in accordance with legal, social, and economic guidelines.
7.2 Exhibit behavior supporting the ethical tenets of autonomy, beneficence and justice.
7.3 Demonstrate the traits of professionalism.
7.4 Develop, acquire and maintain personal and professional development through ongoing self-directed learning and reflection.
7.5 Maintain professional awareness by identifying emerging health-related issues, products and services, and analyzing potential implications for:
     1. disease prevention and treatment services;
     2. management of resources used in providing patient care; and
     3. patient-specific and population-based therapeutic outcomes.
7.6 Develop appropriate leadership strategies that promote safe and optimal use of medications.
7.7 Engage in innovative activities by using creative thinking to envision better ways of accomplishing professional goals.

Doctor of Pharmacy Curriculum

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program is a four-year professional curriculum. Pre-pharmacy courses may be completed at the University of New Mexico or at any two- or four-year college. Equivalent courses taken at these schools transfer as part of the pre-pharmacy program. Verify equivalencies with the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy advisement office.

The University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy awards the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree upon completion of all specified requirements.

Graduation Requirements:

  1. Satisfactory completion of all required and elective Pharmacy courses.
  2. Satisfactory completion of 232 credit hours of coursework.
  3. Maintain a 2.0 GPA on all University of New Mexico coursework and a 2.0 GPA on all courses in the professional curriculum.
  4. Removal of any “F” or “NCR” grade earned in a course by repeating the course with at least a “C-” or “CR” grade. No student may graduate with an “F” or “NCR” grade in the professional curriculum.
  5. Students who have more than two class grades of less than “C-” or more than 6 credit hours of grades less than “C-” in required courses in the professional curriculum are not eligible to graduate from the program.

NOTE: Students must be admitted to the pharmacy program to enroll in pharmacy courses.

The courses listed below are the University of New Mexico course numbers. Any course taken at other colleges and universities are accepted according to the University of New Mexico equivalency standards and transfer credit is given by the College of Pharmacy as equivalent to the corresponding University of New Mexico coursework.

Recommended First Pre-Professional Year
  Fall Semester  
ENGL 1110
ENGL 1110Y
ENGL 1110Z
Composition I

Composition I: Stretch II

Enhanced Composition
  Selective A or B 3
  General Elective 3
  General Elective 3
Total 12
  Spring Semester  
CHEM 1215 General Chemistry I for STEM Majors 3
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry I for STEM Majors Laboratory 1
ECON 2120 Microeconomic Principles 3
ENGL 1120 Composition II 3
MATH 1430 Applications of Calculus I (1) 3
  General Elective 3
Total 16
  Recommended Second Pre-Professional Year  
  Fall Semester  
BIOL 2110C Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory  4
CHEM 1225 General Chemistry II for STEM Majors 3
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry II for STEM Majors Laboratory 1
PHYS 1230 Algebra-Based Physics I Laboratory (2) 3
  General Elective 3
  Selective A or B 3
Total 17
Spring Semester
BIOL 2210 Human Anatomy and Physiology I  3
BIOL 2410C Principles of Biology: Genetics Lecture and Laboratory 4
CHEM **301 Organic Chemistry 3
CHEM 303L Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1
General Elective 3
Total 14
  Recommended Third Pre-Professional Year  
  Fall Semester  
BIOL 2225 Human Anatomy and Physiology II  3
CHEM **302 Organic Chemistry 3
CHEM 304L Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1
PHYS 1240 Algebra-Based Physics II (3) 3
  Selective A or B 3
  General Elective 3
Total 16
  Spring Semester  
Biochemistry Course (optional)
CHEM 421, CHEM 425, BIOC *423 or BIOC 445 accepted
BIOL 2305 Microbiology for Health Sciences (5) 4
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics (4) 3
  Selective A or B 3
  General Elective 3
Total 16
Subtotal 91
First Professional Year
Fall Semester  
PHRM 801 Applied Biochemistry 3
PHRM 802 Physical Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics 3
PHRM 803 Aspects of Patient Care I 3
PHRM 804 Public Health 2
PHRM 805 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology and Immunology 3
PHRM 807 Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Communication 2
PHRM 809 Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery Systems 2
Total 18
Spring Semester  
PHRM 810 Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics and Dosage Forms 3
PHRM 811 Introduction to Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry 4
PHRM 813 Aspects of Patient Care II 2
PHRM 815 Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics and Self Care 4
PHRM 817 Introduction to Law, Ethics and Social Issues in Pharmacy 2
PHRM 819 Professional Development I 1
Total 16
  Second Professional Year  
  Fall Semester  
PHRM 771 Introductory Community Pharmacy Practice Experience 4
PHRM 820  Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I 3
PHRM 823  Aspects of Patient Care III 2
PHRM 824 Dosage Forms 3
PHRM 825  Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics II 3
PHRM 828 Pharmacoepidemiology and Research Design 2
PHRM 829 Professional Development II 1
PHRM 7XX Elective 2
Total 20
  Spring Semester  
PHRM 830 Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics III 3
PHRM 832 Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Making 2
PHRM 833 Aspects of Patient Care IV 2
PHRM 835 Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics IV 3
PHRM 836 Pharmacoeconomics 2
PHRM 837 Pharmacy Management and Operations 3
PHRM 839 Professional Development III 1
PHRM 7XX Elective 2
Total 18
  Third Professional Year  
  Fall Semester  
PHRM 772 Introductory Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience 3
PHRM 840 Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics V 2
PHRM 842 Safe Medications and Pharmacy Informatics 3
PHRM 843 Aspects of Patient Care V 1
PHRM 845  Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VI 4
PHRM 847  Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VII 2
PHRM 849 Professional Development IV 1
PHRM 880 Direct Patient Care Experience I 1
Total 17
  Spring Semester  
PHRM 850 Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VIII 3
PHRM 851 Emerging Trends in Pharmacy 1
PHRM 853 Aspects of Patient Care VI 1
PHRM 854 Advanced Law and Ethics 2
PHRM 855 Clinical Capstone 5
PHRM 859 Professional Development V 1
PHRM 881 Direct Patient Care Experience II 1
PHRM 7XX Elective 2
Total 16
  Fourth Professional Year  
  Fall Semester  
PHRM 890 Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice Experience 4
PHRM 891 Advanced Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience
PHRM 893 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice Experience 4
PHRM 894 General and Adult Medicine Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 4
PHRM 895 Direct Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience 8
PHRM 896 Indirect Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience 4
Additional two Pharmacy Practice Experience rotations selected from above. 8
Total 36
Subtotal 141
Degree Total 232


(1) MATH 1512 fulfills requirements for 1430.
(2) PHYS 1310 fulfills requirements for 1230.
(3) PHYS 1320 fulfills requirements for 1240.
(4) STAT 245 or PSYC 2510 fulfills requirements for MATH 1350.
(5) BIOL **351 and **352L fulfills requirements for BIOL 2305.

General elective courses to be taken from the following categories:

  1. Communication: advanced English writing, technical or professional writing, linguistics or journalism.
  2. Humanities: literature (including American, English, foreign and comparative literature), history or philosophy.
  3. Social/behavioral sciences: anthropology, psychology, economics, geography, political science or sociology.
  4. Foreign languages.
  5. Fine arts: the history, appreciation, and criticism of art, music, theater or dance.
  6. Health promotion: first aid, nutrition, and health.

*Non-professional physical education (PENP, PHED) courses and courses numbered 001 through 100 are not acceptable.

Selective A from a list of courses that emphasize the development of communication skills: Students with a previous Bachelor-level degree (or higher) are only required to have one communication selective course.

  1. CJ 332: Business and Professional Speaking
  2. CJ 333: Professional Communication
  3. CJ 450: Health Communication
  4. COMM 1130: Public Speaking
  5. COMM 2120: Interpersonal Communication
  6. COMM 2140: Small Group Communication

Selective B from a list of courses that emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving:

  1. BIOL *416L: Histology
  2. BIOL *429: Molecular Cell Biology I
  3. BIOL 445/545: Biology of Toxins
  4. BIOL 456/556: Immunology
  5. BIOL *460: Microbial Physiology
  6. BIOL 482L/582L: Parasitology
  7. BIOL *490: Biology of Infectious Organisms
  8. CHEM 2310C: Quantitative Analysis Lecture and Laboratory
  9. CHEM **311: Physical Chemistry -or- CHEM **315: Introductory Physical Chemistry
  10. ENGL 2120: Intermediate Composition
  11. MATH 1130: A Survey of Mathematics
  12. MATH 1230: Trigonometry
  13. MATH 1440: Applications of Calculus II
  14. PHIL 1115: Introduction to Philosophy
  15. PHIL 1120: Logic, Reasoning, and Critical Thinking
  16. PHIL 1130: Contemporary Moral Issues
  17. PHIL 2140: Professional Ethics 

6 credit hours of professional electives are required for the Doctor of Pharmacy program.


PHRM 476 / 576. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. (3)

PHRM 496. Topics in Pharmacy. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

PHRM 497. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5, no limit Δ)

PHRM 498. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5, no limit Δ)

PHRM 507 / 707. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery. (3)

PHRM 511 / 773. Nuclear Pharmacy Instrumentation. (3)

PHRM 512 / 774. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. (1)

PHRM 513 / 775. Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety. (3)

PHRM 516 / 776. Radiopharmacology. (3)

PHRM 521. Radiopharmaceutics. (2)

PHRM 523. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. (1)

PHRM 528 / 728. Pharmacoepidemiology and Biomedical Literature Evaluation. (3)

PHRM 535. Supplementary Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1)

PHRM 536 / 736. Introduction to Pharmacogenomics. (2)

PHRM 545. Pharmacoeconomics. (3)

PHRM 546. Healthcare Systems Review. (3)

PHRM 547. Research Design and Analysis. (3)

PHRM 548. Ethics Clinical Trials-Informed Consent. (2)

PHRM 549. Regulatory Issues in Clinical Trials. (2)

PHRM 551. Fundamentals of Clinical Trials. (3)

PHRM 560 / 760. Pharmacy Healthcare Management and Economics. (3)

PHRM 566 / 766. Public Health in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 570. Multicenter Clinical Trials. (4, may be repeated twice Δ)

PHRM 576 / 476 [576]. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. (3)

PHRM 580. General Toxicology. (3)

PHRM 591. Seminar in Administrative Pharmacy. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 592. Seminar in Radiopharmacy. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 593. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Toxicology Seminar. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 594. Topics in Environmental Disease. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

PHRM 597. Research Problems in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PHRM 598. Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

PHRM 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PHRM 699. Dissertation. (1-9 to a maximum of 18 Δ)

PHRM 701. Pharmaceutics I. (3)

PHRM 702. Pharmaceutics II. (3)

PHRM 703L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab I. (3)

PHRM 704L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab II. (3)

PHRM 705. Pathophysiology. (4)

PHRM 706. Foundations of Drug Action. (3)

PHRM 707 / 507. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery. (3)

PHRM 709. Introduction to Pharmacy Practice. (1)

PHRM 710. Mechanisms of Drug Action I. (5)

PHRM 713. Pharmaceutical Calculations. (1)

PHRM 715. Pathophysiology II. (4)

PHRM 717. Introductory Pharmacy Law. (1)

PHRM 718L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab III. (2)

PHRM 719. Self-Care Therapeutics. (2)

PHRM 720. Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 721. Self-Care Therapeutics II. (1)

PHRM 726. Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics. (3)

PHRM 728 / 528. Pharmacoepidemiology and Biomedical Literature Evaluation. (3)

PHRM 731. Mechanisms of Drug Action II. (5)

PHRM 732. Mechanisms of Drug Action III. (5)

PHRM 733L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab IV. (2)

PHRM 735. Substance Abuse Elective. (2)

PHRM 736 / 536. Introduction to Pharmacogenomics. (2)

PHRM 737. Introductory Spanish in the Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 738. Intermediate Spanish in the Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 739. Pharmacotherapy I. (6)

PHRM 740. Self-Selected Supplementary Pharmacy Education. (1-2 to a maximum of 2 Δ)

PHRM 748. Research Project (Initial). (1)

PHRM 751. Pharmacotherapy II. (6)

PHRM 752. Pharmacotherapy III. (6)

PHRM 755. Seminar in Pharmacy. (1 to a maximum of 2 Δ)

PHRM 756. Safe Medication Practices. (2)

PHRM 758. Research Project. (1)

PHRM 759. Advanced Law and Ethics. (2)

PHRM 760 / 560. Pharmacy Healthcare Management and Economics. (3)

PHRM 761. Introduction to Managed Care Pharmacy Practice. (2)

PHRM 762L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab V. (2)

PHRM 764. Emerging Technologies in Pharmaceutical Care. (1)

PHRM 765L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab VI. (2)

PHRM 766 / 566. Public Health in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 769. Pharmacy Practice Experience. (0-4, may be repeated four times Δ)

PHRM 770. Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. (2-4 to a maximum of 36 Δ)

PHRM 771. Introductory Community Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4)

PHRM 772. Introductory Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience. (3 [4])

PHRM 773 / 511. Nuclear Pharmacy Instrumentation. (3)

PHRM 774 / 512. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. (1)

PHRM 775 / 513. Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety. (3)

PHRM 776 / 516. Radiopharmacology. (3)

PHRM 781. Geriatric Medication Management - An Interprofessional Elective. (2)

PHRM 782. Clinical Toxicology. (2)

PHRM 784. Advanced Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy. (1)

PHRM 785. Advanced Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. (1)

PHRM 786. Geriatric Interprofessional Elective. (2)

PHRM 790. Physical Assessment for the Pharmacist. (2)

PHRM 798. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5 to a maximum of 10 Δ)

PHRM 801. Applied Biochemistry. (3)

PHRM 802. Physical Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics. (3)

PHRM 803. Aspects of Patient Care I. (3)

PHRM 804. Public Health. (2)

PHRM 805. Fundamentals of Pathophysiology and Immunology. (3)

PHRM 807. Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Communication. (2)

PHRM 809. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery Systems. (2 [3])

PHRM 810. Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics and Dosage Forms. (3)

PHRM 811. Introduction to Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. (4)

PHRM 813. Aspects of Patient Care II. (2 [1])

PHRM 815. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics and Self Care. (4)

PHRM 817. Introduction to Law, Ethics and Social Issues in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 819. Professional Development I. (1)

PHRM 820. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I. (3)

PHRM 823. Aspects of Patient Care III. (2)

PHRM 824. Dosage Forms. (3)

PHRM 825. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics II. (3 [2])

PHRM 828. Pharmacoepidemiology and Research Design. (2)

PHRM 829. Professional Development II. (1)

PHRM 830. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics III. (3)

PHRM 832. Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Making. (2)

PHRM 833. Aspects of Patient Care IV. (2)

PHRM 835. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics IV. (3)

PHRM 836. Pharmacoeconomics. (2)

PHRM 837. Pharmacy Management and Operations. (3)

PHRM 839. Professional Development III. (1)

PHRM 840. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics V. (2)

PHRM 842. Safe Medications and Pharmacy Informatics. (3)

PHRM 843. Aspects of Patient Care V. (1 [2])

PHRM 845. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VI. (4)

PHRM 847. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VII. (2)

PHRM 849. Professional Development IV. (1)

PHRM 850. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VIII. (3)

PHRM 851. Emerging Trends in Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 853. Aspects of Patient Care VI. (1 [2])

PHRM 854. Advanced Law and Ethics. (2)

PHRM 855. Clinical Capstone. (5)

PHRM 859. Professional Development V. (1)

PHRM 880. Direct Patient Care Experience I. (1)

PHRM 881. Direct Patient Care Experience II. (1)

PHRM 890. Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 891. Advanced Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 893. Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 894. General and Adult Medicine Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 895. Direct Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 896. Indirect Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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