Graduate Program

Degrees Offered

  • Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences (M.S.)
    Concentrations: Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes Research; Radiopharmacy; Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ph.D.)
    Concentration: Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes Research.

Dual Degree Programs

Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Doctor of Pharmacy: Students may earn the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) en route to the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a concentration in either Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes Research or in Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. See the Graduate and Professional Dual Degree section of this Catalog.

Inquiries and Applications

Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program inquiries should be addressed to:

College of Pharmacy Office of Student Services
MSC09 5360
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 272-3241 

Applications to the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program use the Graduate Studies Admissions online application. Information and instructions for completing this form are available at the Graduate Studies Web site. Application materials for international students can be found through The University of New Mexico’s Global Education Office.

Prerequisite Coursework

Students wishing to pursue a graduate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences must meet the general requirements for graduate admission found in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. In addition, each concentration of study has prerequisites for admission that are described below.

Program of Study

The Committee on Studies determines the Programs of Study for graduate students for each concentration. In general, this program consists of core and elective course work required of all students. However, in some cases, the Committee on Studies may approve a Program of Study that takes advantage of previously completed coursework or provides interdisciplinary training of interest to particular students. More specific information on the programs is given below.

Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes Research

The Pharmacoeconomics, Epidemiology, Pharmaceutical Policy and Outcomes Research (PEPPOR) concentration is a program of study and research leading to the M.S. and/or Ph.D. degree emphasizing the social, psychosocial, political, legal, historical and economic factors that impact on the use, non-use and misuse of drugs. It emphasizes human behavior in health illness, cultural determinants, health service systems organization, finance and economics. Individuals examine the societal systems in which patients, pharmacists and other healthcare practitioners interact, behave, perform, generate revenues, provide services and are educated. They generate knowledge about man as a social, cultural, psychological and biological being, as well as the intervention and effect of health care systems upon man and the economics of pharmacy services. Study and research training in this discipline prepares individuals with the background and problem-solving skills to evaluate and design systems for the delivery of pharmaceutical systems and to apply behavioral and social interdisciplinary theories to the study of pharmacy practice. Two emphases areas are available:

  1. Clinical Trials Research
  2. Health Services Research

An individual program of coursework is determined for each student according to his/her career goals by a Committee on Studies. General requirements for graduate admission to and completion of the degree are specified the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. For admission information and more information on the curriculum, visit the College of Pharmacy Web site.

Emphasis in Clinical Trials Research: Required Courses

PHRM 545 Pharmacoeconomics 3
PHRM 548 Ethics Clinical Trials/Informed Consent 2
PHRM 549 Regulatory Issues in Clinical Trials 2
PHRM 551 Fundamentals of Clinical Trials 3
PHRM 591 Seminars in Administrative Pharmacy * 2
PHRM 597 Research Problems (concentration paper) 2
PH 502 Epidemiologic Methods I 3
PH 520 Epidemiologic Methods II 3
STAT Statistics course level I 3
STAT Statistics course level II 3
Electives 6
Total Required
Most students pursue Plan II (non-thesis option: 32 credit hours of coursework)


*Students are required to attend seminars every semester.


A program leading to the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a concentration in Radiopharmacy is offered either on campus or online to individuals who have received a professional degree in pharmacy or a B.S. in a health-related science. The primary mission of the Radiopharmacy Education Program is to provide a comprehensive training experience that affords individuals the opportunity to acquire the scientific knowledge, technical skills, and professional judgment required to promote patient care through assurance of the safe and efficacious use of radiopharmaceuticals and ancillary medications for diagnosis and therapy. In order to best accomplish this mission, it is necessary to develop professionals who can solve problems, think logically and work independently or in collaboration to conduct research that adds to the knowledge base in nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical science.

Moreover, nuclear pharmacy is practiced in countries all around the world. Not only are U.S. pharmacists traveling to these countries to meet their health care needs, but pharmacists from these countries are also seeking opportunities to become competently trained nuclear pharmacy practitioners in order to return to their native lands. To maintain its reputation as a premier nuclear pharmacy education program, The University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy must seek to address the idiosyncrasies and needs of nuclear pharmacy on an international scale.

The comprehensive nature of the program is related to the fact that information is made available in a variety of ways. The program, therefore, is able to achieve the following goals:

  1. To develop pharmacy generalists who can effectively manage patients requiring both diagnostic and therapeutic medications. Information regarding the rational use of radiopharmaceuticals is integrated into the professional (entry-level) Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum.
  2. To develop specialists who can serve as caregivers in the Radiology setting and provide consultation to all health care professionals, a focused curriculum is offered at the M.S. and certificate levels. (Note: the M.S. program is available to pharmacists as well as individuals with a background in the life sciences.) Realizing that these two types of students may have different career goals, both a clinical track curriculum and a basic science track curriculum are offered. The focus of the clinical track is on the care of patients who receive diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, and on practice-related issues and research, whereas the basic science track emphasizes theory of imaging technology, radiation protection, use of radiometric methodologies, development, of radioactive drugs and basic science research.
  3. To promote the expansion of knowledge and technology, to foster creative thinking and to advance the practice of nuclear pharmacy and a diverse research program is maintained by both full-time and volunteer faculty who serve as role models for students.
  4. To promote life-long learning, a correspondence continuing education program is offered to practicing nuclear pharmacists and nuclear medicine professionals.

The entire pharmacy profession, including the specialty of nuclear pharmacy, is an applied science. However, nuclear pharmacy, even more so than general pharmacy practice, relies upon a firm grounding in multiple basic sciences. To practice nuclear pharmacy, you must be able to extemporaneously compound and test a wide range of radioactive medications, develop and enforce adequate radiation protection measures for one’s self and coworkers, meet the demand of numerous regulators and troubleshoot a variety of imaging pitfalls and artifacts and also provide patient care in a setting that is foreign to most pharmacists. Therefore, to achieve an optimal learning environment for nuclear pharmacy, it is essential to have an appropriate blending of the clinical sciences with multiple basic sciences.

College-level organic chemistry, physics and mathematics through calculus are prerequisites for entry into the program. Didactic and laboratory coursework, research leading to a Plan I (thesis) or Plan II (non-thesis) degree and an opportunity for experience in radiopharmacy practice are components of the program.

General requirements for graduate admission to and completion of the degree are specified the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. The student’s program is developed and supervised by a Committee on Studies. Requirements for this degree can be completed entirely online.

For admission information, visit the College of Pharmacy Web site.

Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences with a concentration in Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences encompasses a broad range of scientific disciplines that are critical to the discovery and development of new drugs and therapies, including drug design and chemical biology, pharmaceutics and drug delivery, radiopharmaceutical target imaging, and pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics, and toxicology. The group is focused on developing outstanding scientists through training in the biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences and disease processes. Specific strengths of the program include gene-environment interactions and the mechanisms by which exposure to environmental hazards adversely affect living organisms. Highly innovative programs such as the New Mexico Center for Environmental Health Sciences, the New Mexico Center for Isotopes in Medicine, the UNM Biomedical Research and Integrative Imaging (BRaIN) Center offer excellent opportunities for collaborative basic and translational research among faculty in the College of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, and Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute.

The Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on toxicology and pharmaceutical sciences is offered through the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. During the first year of study, students take core courses through the UNM Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. This core coursework emphasizes basic concepts in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, and reading in the biomedical sciences literature. In the second and subsequent years, students are required to take Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology and General Toxicology, followed by advanced courses in pharmaceutical sciences and toxicology and other topics related to the student's research. These courses may be further supplemented with elective courses chosen by the student and their Committee on Studies. See the School of Medicine: Biomedical Sciences section of this Catalog.

These programs are designed to develop outstanding M.S. and Ph.D. research scientists by providing a firm foundation of knowledge in biomedical sciences augmented by an emphasis on research-based, experimental approaches to learning. Areas of research are diverse and current research interests can be found on the program’s Web site. Typically, students graduating from this program have gone on to careers in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, government regulatory agencies, and biotechnology firms.


PHRM 476 / 576. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. (3)

PHRM 496. Topics in Pharmacy. (1 to a maximum of 3 Δ)

PHRM 497. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5, no limit Δ)

PHRM 498. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5, no limit Δ)

PHRM 507 / 707. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery. (3)

PHRM 511 / 773. Nuclear Pharmacy Instrumentation. (3)

PHRM 512 / 774. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. (1)

PHRM 513 / 775. Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety. (3)

PHRM 516 / 776. Radiopharmacology. (3)

PHRM 521. Radiopharmaceutics. (2)

PHRM 523. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. (1)

PHRM 528 / 728. Pharmacoepidemiology and Biomedical Literature Evaluation. (3)

PHRM 535. Supplementary Training in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1)

PHRM 536 / 736. Introduction to Pharmacogenomics. (2)

PHRM 545. Pharmacoeconomics. (3)

PHRM 546. Healthcare Systems Review. (3)

PHRM 547. Research Design and Analysis. (3)

PHRM 548. Ethics Clinical Trials-Informed Consent. (2)

PHRM 549. Regulatory Issues in Clinical Trials. (2)

PHRM 551. Fundamentals of Clinical Trials. (3)

PHRM 560 / 760. Pharmacy Healthcare Management and Economics. (3)

PHRM 566 / 766. Public Health in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 570. Multicenter Clinical Trials. (4, may be repeated twice Δ)

PHRM 576 / 476 [576]. Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology. (3)

PHRM 580. General Toxicology. (3)

PHRM 591. Seminar in Administrative Pharmacy. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 592. Seminar in Radiopharmacy. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 593. Pharmaceutical Sciences and Toxicology Seminar. (1, no limit Δ)

PHRM 594. Topics in Environmental Disease. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

PHRM 597. Research Problems in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PHRM 598. Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences. (1-3 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

PHRM 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PHRM 699. Dissertation. (1-9 to a maximum of 18 Δ)

PHRM 701. Pharmaceutics I. (3)

PHRM 702. Pharmaceutics II. (3)

PHRM 703L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab I. (3)

PHRM 704L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab II. (3)

PHRM 705. Pathophysiology. (4)

PHRM 706. Foundations of Drug Action. (3)

PHRM 707 / 507. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery. (3)

PHRM 709. Introduction to Pharmacy Practice. (1)

PHRM 710. Mechanisms of Drug Action I. (5)

PHRM 713. Pharmaceutical Calculations. (1)

PHRM 715. Pathophysiology II. (4)

PHRM 717. Introductory Pharmacy Law. (1)

PHRM 718L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab III. (2)

PHRM 719. Self-Care Therapeutics. (2)

PHRM 720. Introduction to Nuclear Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 721. Self-Care Therapeutics II. (1)

PHRM 726. Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics. (3)

PHRM 728 / 528. Pharmacoepidemiology and Biomedical Literature Evaluation. (3)

PHRM 731. Mechanisms of Drug Action II. (5)

PHRM 732. Mechanisms of Drug Action III. (5)

PHRM 733L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab IV. (2)

PHRM 735. Substance Abuse Elective. (2)

PHRM 736 / 536. Introduction to Pharmacogenomics. (2)

PHRM 737. Introductory Spanish in the Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 738. Intermediate Spanish in the Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 739. Pharmacotherapy I. (6)

PHRM 740. Self-Selected Supplementary Pharmacy Education. (1-2 to a maximum of 2 Δ)

PHRM 748. Research Project (Initial). (1)

PHRM 751. Pharmacotherapy II. (6)

PHRM 752. Pharmacotherapy III. (6)

PHRM 755. Seminar in Pharmacy. (1 to a maximum of 2 Δ)

PHRM 756. Safe Medication Practices. (2)

PHRM 758. Research Project. (1)

PHRM 759. Advanced Law and Ethics. (2)

PHRM 760 / 560. Pharmacy Healthcare Management and Economics. (3)

PHRM 761. Introduction to Managed Care Pharmacy Practice. (2)

PHRM 762L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab V. (2)

PHRM 764. Emerging Technologies in Pharmaceutical Care. (1)

PHRM 765L. Pharmaceutical Care Lab VI. (2)

PHRM 766 / 566. Public Health in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 769. Pharmacy Practice Experience. (0-4, may be repeated four times Δ)

PHRM 770. Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. (2-4 to a maximum of 36 Δ)

PHRM 771. Introductory Community Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4)

PHRM 772. Introductory Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience. (3 [4])

PHRM 773 / 511. Nuclear Pharmacy Instrumentation. (3)

PHRM 774 / 512. Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry. (1)

PHRM 775 / 513. Radiation Biology and Radiation Safety. (3)

PHRM 776 / 516. Radiopharmacology. (3)

PHRM 781. Geriatric Medication Management - An Interprofessional Elective. (2)

PHRM 782. Clinical Toxicology. (2)

PHRM 784. Advanced Infectious Diseases Pharmacotherapy. (1)

PHRM 785. Advanced Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy. (1)

PHRM 786. Geriatric Interprofessional Elective. (2)

PHRM 790. Physical Assessment for the Pharmacist. (2)

PHRM 798. Problems in Pharmacy. (1-5 to a maximum of 10 Δ)

PHRM 801. Applied Biochemistry. (3)

PHRM 802. Physical Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics. (3)

PHRM 803. Aspects of Patient Care I. (3)

PHRM 804. Public Health. (2)

PHRM 805. Fundamentals of Pathophysiology and Immunology. (3)

PHRM 807. Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Communication. (2)

PHRM 809. Pharmacy and Health Care Delivery Systems. (2 [3])

PHRM 810. Fundamentals of Pharmacokinetics and Dosage Forms. (3)

PHRM 811. Introduction to Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. (4)

PHRM 813. Aspects of Patient Care II. (2 [1])

PHRM 815. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics and Self Care. (4)

PHRM 817. Introduction to Law, Ethics and Social Issues in Pharmacy. (2)

PHRM 819. Professional Development I. (1)

PHRM 820. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics I. (3)

PHRM 823. Aspects of Patient Care III. (2)

PHRM 824. Dosage Forms. (3)

PHRM 825. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics II. (3 [2])

PHRM 828. Pharmacoepidemiology and Research Design. (2)

PHRM 829. Professional Development II. (1)

PHRM 830. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics III. (3)

PHRM 832. Evidence-Based Clinical Decision Making. (2)

PHRM 833. Aspects of Patient Care IV. (2)

PHRM 835. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics IV. (3)

PHRM 836. Pharmacoeconomics. (2)

PHRM 837. Pharmacy Management and Operations. (3)

PHRM 839. Professional Development III. (1)

PHRM 840. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics V. (2)

PHRM 842. Safe Medications and Pharmacy Informatics. (3)

PHRM 843. Aspects of Patient Care V. (1 [2])

PHRM 845. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VI. (4)

PHRM 847. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VII. (2)

PHRM 849. Professional Development IV. (1)

PHRM 850. Integrated Pharmacotherapeutics VIII. (3)

PHRM 851. Emerging Trends in Pharmacy. (1)

PHRM 853. Aspects of Patient Care VI. (1 [2])

PHRM 854. Advanced Law and Ethics. (2)

PHRM 855. Clinical Capstone. (5)

PHRM 859. Professional Development V. (1)

PHRM 880. Direct Patient Care Experience I. (1)

PHRM 881. Direct Patient Care Experience II. (1)

PHRM 890. Advanced Community Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 891. Advanced Institutional Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 893. Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 894. General and Adult Medicine Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 895. Direct Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)

PHRM 896. Indirect Patient Care Pharmacy Practice Experience. (4, may be repeated three times Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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