University College

Robert DelCampo, Ph.D., Interim Dean
University Advisement and Enrichment Center, Room 265
MSC06 3680
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-0841

Associate Dean for Curriculum and Development
Sonia M. Gipson-Rankin, J.D.

Associate Dean for Innovation

Associate Dean, Office of Community Engaged Learning and Research
Monica M. Kowal, PhD. 

Director, Office of Pre-Health Professions Student Development
James V. McKinnell, M.D.

Director of Advisement for the University College Advisement Center

Laura E. Valdez, M.A.

University College's mission is to provide collaborative opportunities for integrative learning that foster personal, academic and professional excellence. University College does this by delivering academically rich undergraduate programs that cross departmental and college boundaries. University College supports incoming students and provides an administrative structure for important interdisciplinary programs.

University College is the administrative unit that includes the multidisciplinary degree Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts, the interdisciplinary degree Bachelor of Integrative Studies and Innovation, and interdisciplinary academic programs in Aging Studies and National Security Strategic Analysis.

The University College Advisement Center (UCAC) serves students who are exploring their major options or who are working towards admission to a health career program. The UCAC is committed to helping each UNM student engage in academic life and succeed in attaining the undergraduate degree that best suits his or her interests and aspirations, regardless of which college or school confers that degree.

The Community Engaged Learning and Research Center is housed within University College and provides interdisciplinary opportunities for students to earn academic credit while working with community partners.

The Office of Pre-Health Professions Student Development is also located in University College and provides student development, training, and information related to preparing to enter Health Science careers.

Admission Requirements and Regulations

All undergraduate, non-degree undergraduate and non-degree graduate students who are admitted to the University but have not yet met the requirements to enter their desired degree-granting college are admitted to University College (UC). Students who have declared an intended major are advised in the school or college that houses that major. Students who have not declared an intended major or who are seeking admission to the College of Nursing, the College of Pharmacy, or the School of Medicine (Dental Hygiene, Emergency Medical Services, Medical Laboratory Sciences, and Radiologic Sciences) are advised by the University College Advisement Center (UCAC). UCAC is responsible for regulating and administering the University Academic policies and procedures. UCAC works in collaboration with advisement centers across campus to assist students in the formulation of their academic directions, goals, and plans. All students in University College are required to meet with a UCAC academic advisor every semester prior to registration.

Students in UC receive a hold on their academic accounts each semester. The purpose of the hold is to ensure that students are meeting with an academic advisor, and are taking the courses needed to transfer to their degree-granting colleges in a timely manner. Students who are unsure of their academic interests or who wish to explore several possible programs of study, should meet with an academic advisor in UCAC. The advisor helps the student explore interests and abilities, discuss academic strengths and weaknesses, and explains the applicable university regulations and policies.

Students with an area of interest or a definite major in mind should also meet with that departmental advisor as well as their appropriate college or program advisor to ensure that they obtain current curriculum and admissions information.

All students who are admitted to or who transfer into the Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts and the Bachelor of Integrative Studies and Innovation degree programs are required to receive academic advisement during their first enrolled semester to complete the application process.

Students who have earned 26 credit hours and have not met the requirements to transfer into their degree-granting colleges are required to meet with a pre-major advisor at UCAC.

Foundational Math, Critical Text Analysis or English Stretch

Even though a student is qualified for admission to UNM, he or she may be required to take one or more UNIV courses or specific sections of English core courses. These courses are designed to strengthen a student's preparation for university-level work and to provide foundational academic support.

Required enrollment in these courses is based upon established minimum standards of performance on placement exams. Students required to take these courses should do so in their first semester(s) at UNM, and they must do so before they are eligible to proceed to other courses in those areas or to enroll in a degree-granting college.

Admission to Degree-Granting Colleges

Students are highly encouraged to select a major by the time they have earned 45 credit hours. Students should apply for transfer to a degree-granting program as soon as they meet the admission requirements for the college or school of their choice. Transfer is not always automatic. Students must initiate the transfer process at the college or school of their intended major.

Many students' academic records will exceed the stated minimums required for admission to schools and colleges. If the pool for a given application period is exceptionally competitive, a student may need a GPA that is much higher than the minimum to gain admission. In addition, most programs also have specific course requirements before students are admitted to their program. For information on admission requirements of a particular degree-granting college or school, students should refer to the admission regulations set forth in the individual college or school sections of this Catalog.


Students enrolled in University College are placed on probation at the end of any semester in which the cumulative grade point average on the University of New Mexico work falls below 2.00. Students on probation are required to periodically meet with their academic advisor during their probation semester and comply with terms of their probation status.

Students on probation will be academically suspended at the end of their probation semester if the cumulative grade point average does not rise to 2.00 or better.

Students on probation may be continued on probation if they substantially raise the cumulative grade point average and are making reasonable progress in meeting degree requirements. “Substantially raise the cumulative grade point average” is defined as earning a semester grade point average of at least 2.5. “Reasonable progress” is met if one-half of the student's course load applies toward the student's major, minor, or core requirements, and the student has passed at least two-thirds of his or her course credits. Failures, incompletes, and withdrawals negatively impact reasonable academic progress. If these conditions are not met, the student is suspended from the University of New Mexico.


  1. Students suspended for the first time may not enroll for classes for a period of one semester from the date of the suspension.
  2. Students suspended for the second time may not enroll for classes for a period of two semesters from the date of the suspension.
  3. Students suspended for the third time may not enroll for classes for a period of five academic years from the date of the suspension.

Students suspended for the second or third time are required to successfully complete 12 credit hours at another institution without receiving a grade of W, WP, WF, I, NC, or a letter grade below C, and must apply for readmission.

Students who return immediately after satisfaction of their suspension period must see an Academic Advisor in the UCAC to discuss their requirements for the probation contract.

Students placed on suspension that have documentable extenuating circumstances may appeal the decision. Suspension appeal decisions are final.

Students on suspension may not enroll for classes at any UNM campus, including Extended University or a Branch campus, until their suspension period has been completed. Summer terms are included in the suspension period. Refer to the Student Services Information section of this Catalog for further regulations regarding suspension.

At the end of the suspension period, if a student does not return within three semesters, the student must apply for readmission to UNM at which time intervening course work from another institution will be reviewed. All petitions for readmission or revocation of suspension must be received by the UCAC at least thirty days before the start of the semester in which the student wishes to return.

Students in non-degree status are subject to the same standards of academic good standing, probation, or suspension.

Dean’s List

University College's undergraduate students who demonstrate academic excellence are recognized by the college's Dean's List each Fall and Spring semester. To be placed on the Dean's List, students must achieve a minimum semester grade point average of 3.5, with a minimum of 15 graded credit hours. University College may post the Dean's List for public viewing. Such awards are considered directory information and may be released without the student's written consent unless the student has previously requested that directory information be withheld. More information on the Dean's List and on withholding directory information is found in the Student Services Information section of this Catalog.

Associated Departments

Academic Communities

Aging Studies

Bachelor of Integrative Studies and Innovation

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts

Civic and Community Engagement

National Security and Strategic Analysis


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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