Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Biology Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Biology admission coursework with grades of "C" or better:

  • BIOL 2110C.
  • CHEM 1215.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Biology (B.A.)
    Concentration: Conservation Biology.
  • Bachelor of Science in Biology (B.S.)
    Concentrations: Biotechnology; Conservation Biology; Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology.

Major Study Requirements

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Biology

1.  A minimum of 32 credit hours earned in biology courses. These courses must include:
     •  BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L.
The remainder of the total required credit hours is to be earned in elective biology courses. The elective courses must include two upper-division courses (300- or 400-level) each of which carries at least 3 credit hours and is exclusive of BIOL 400, 402, and 499 (BIOC *423 may be included).

2.  Required Supportive Courses:
A total of seven semesters of math, physics, and chemistry courses must be completed from the following four sets of courses:
     •  two semesters of math courses: (BCIS 1110 or MATH 1350 or 1440 or 1522) and (MATH 1430 or 1512);
     •  two semesters of physics courses: (GEOL 1110 and PHYS 1115) or (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320);
     •  two semesters of general chemistry courses: ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L);
     •  one semester of organic chemistry: CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L).

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology

1.  A minimum of 37 credit hours earned in biology courses. These courses must include:
     •  BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L; at least one of the following: **351 and **352L, 360L, *371L, 386L.
The remaining credit hours are to be earned in elective biology courses (BIOC *423 may be included).

2.  Upper-Division Breadth Requirement:
Each student must complete at least four 400-level courses that are spread across three of the following five categories:
1) Cell/Molecular (CM); 2) Physiology (PH); 3) Organismal (OR); 4) Ecology/Evolution (EE); 5) Interdisciplinary Science (ID).
Note: the category to which each eligible course belongs is listed in parentheses (CM, PH, OR, EE, or ID), and completing three of these courses from only one or two categories does NOT satisfy the breadth requirement.

3.  Required Supportive Courses:
     •  (MATH 1430 and 1440) or (MATH 1512 and 1522);
     •  (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320);
     •  ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L) and (CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L)).
For those interested in microbiology, molecular/cellular biology, physiology or medicine, CHEM **301-303L and **302-304L are recommended.

No minor study is required for the B.S. in Biology.

Additional Information

For both the B.A. and B.S., a grade of "C" or better is required for:
     •  the Biology core (2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L); 
     •  all required supporting courses in Computer Science, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Mathematics, and Physics;
     •  all elective courses in Biology.

BIOL 1110, 1110L, 1140, 1140L and 2305 are not allowed for credit for the B.A. in Biology or the B.S. in Biology.

No credit toward the major is given for courses completed with a grade of "C-" or below. Transfer students must obtain 16 Biology credit hours at UNM for the B.A., or 19 Biology credit hours at UNM for the B.S. Only Biology courses completed within the previous ten years may apply.

Credit Conflicts: Content on specific courses overlaps enough to necessitate restricting credit of both courses toward a student’s degree. These courses are not considered equivalent and the completion of the second course in a pair will not affect a student’s earned hours on the transcript. Students should consult their advisor if they feel the incorrect course is applied for credit on their degree audit. 

Students will be allowed to apply only one of the following courses in each pair for credit towards a degree:
     •  BIOL 1110 -or- BIOL 1140
     •  BIOL 2305 -or- BIOL **351/**352L

Areas of Study

The courses offered by the Biology Department can be used to pursue specialized programs in the following areas: Botany, Computational Biology, Evolution/Ecology, Microbiology, Molecular/Cellular Biology, Physiology, Systematics, and Zoology. Departmental advisement is recommended for students who wish to complete one of these informal specializations. Formal concentrations in Biotechnology, Conservation Biology, and Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology are also offered (see below).

Concentration in Biotechnology

Students who complete the Associate of Science (A.S.) in Biotechnology and Biotechnology Certificate at CNM may receive a B.S. degree in Biology at UNM with a concentration in Biotechnology. The concentration in Biotechnology provides students with specific laboratory skills required for employment in biological and health professions, and make graduates more competitive and successful candidates for admission into graduate programs around the country. The concentration is based on existing CNM Biotechnology coursework and the curriculum is designed to meet competencies common to biotechnology programs around the nation and to be responsive to industry needs. 

Departmental advisement is required for students who wish to complete the concentration in Biotechnology.

Requirements (B.S.)

1.  A minimum of 45 credit hours earned in biology courses. These courses must include:
     •  BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L; at least one of the following: **351 and **352L, *371L, 386L.

2.  At CNM the curriculum includes 11 credit hours encompassed within three laboratory-based classes. The three classes are taught in sequential order, starting in the summer semester (Term 1 - BIOT 1020: Biotechnology Lab Techniques I), continuing in the fall semester (Term 2 – BIOT 2110: Biotechnology Lab Techniques II) and culminating the following spring semester (Term 3 – BIOT 2210: Biotechnology Lab Techniques III). These courses transfer to UNM as BIOL 2XX (4 credit hours), 2XY (4 credit hours), and 2XZ (3 credit hours).

3.  Upper-Division Breadth Requirement: 
Each student must complete at least four 400-level courses that are spread across three of the following five categories:
1) Cell/Molecular (CM); 2) Physiology (PH); 3) Organismal (OR); 4) Ecology/Evolution (EE); 5) Interdisciplinary Science (ID).
Note: The category to which each eligible course belongs is listed in parentheses (CM, PH, OR, EE, or ID), and completing three of these courses from only one or two categories does NOT satisfy the breadth requirement.

4.  Required Supportive Courses:
     •  (MATH 1430 and 1440) or (MATH 1512 and 1522);
     •  (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320);
     •  ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L) and (CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L)).
For those interested in microbiology, molecular/cellular biology, physiology or medicine, CHEM **301-303L and **302-304L are recommended.

A minimum of 6 credit hours to be taken from a list of complementary interdisciplinary electives available from the department advisor.


  • A course fulfilling one requirement cannot be used towards another (e.g., no double-dipping); although each BIOL 419 section is considered a different course if it has a different instructor/title.
  • Student must verify that coursework meets requirements for a B.S. in Biology.
  • Grade of "C" or better required in all of the above courses.
  • Transfer students must complete at least 19 credit hours of biology coursework at UNM.

Concentration in Conservation Biology

The growing emphasis on conservation in the biological sciences supports this concentration. Students may receive either the B.A. or B.S. in Biology with a concentration in Conservation Biology. The concentration provides students with a strong background in biology as well as the complementary interdisciplinary skills critical to understanding and addressing contemporary conservation questions. 

Departmental advisement is required for students who wish to complete the concentration in Conservation Biology.

Requirements (B.A.)

1.  A minimum of 37 credit hours earned in biology courses. These courses must include:
     •  BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L, 310, 360L, 379; at least one of the following: **351 and **352L, *371L, 386L.
     •  A minimum of 3 credit hours must be from BIOL 402 T: Conservation Biology Seminar. A minimum of one 400-level course must be successfully completed.

2.  Required Supportive Courses: 
A total of seven semesters of math, physics, and chemistry courses must be completed from the following four sets of courses:
     •  two semesters of math courses: (BCIS 1110 or MATH 1350 or 1440 or 1522) and (MATH 1430 or 1512);
     •  two semesters of physics courses: (GEOL 1110 and PHYS 1115) or (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320);
     •  two semesters of general chemistry courses: ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L);
     •  one semester of organic chemistry: CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L).

Requirements (B.S.)

1.  A minimum of 45 credit hours earned in biology courses. These courses must include:
     •  BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L, 310, 360L, 379; at least one of the following: **351 and **352L, *371L, 386L.
     •  A minimum of 3 credit hours must be from BIOL 402 T: Conservation Biology Seminar.

2.  Upper-Division Breadth Requirement: 
Each student must complete at least three 400-level courses that are spread across three of the following five categories:
1) Cell/Molecular (CM); 2) Physiology (PH); 3) Organismal (OR); 4) Ecology/Evolution (EE); 5) Interdisciplinary Science (ID).
Note: the category to which each eligible course belongs is listed in parentheses (CM, PH, OR, EE, or ID), and completing three of these courses from only one or two categories does NOT satisfy the breadth requirement.

3.  Required Supportive Courses
     •  (MATH 1430 and 1440) or (MATH 1512 and 1522);
     •  (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320);
     •  ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L) and (CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L)).
For those interested in microbiology, molecular/cellular biology, physiology or medicine, CHEM **301-303L and **302-304L are recommended.

Candidates for both the B.A. and the B.S. with a concentration in Conservation Biology must take a minimum of 6 credit hours to be taken from a list of complementary interdisciplinary electives available from the department advisor.


  • Grade of "C" or better required in all of the above courses.

Concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology

Climate change and other pressing environmental problems have led to the increased importance of a solid understanding of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology (EEOB). The concentration provides a depth of understanding at multiple hierarchies of biological organization and exposes students to the techniques, methodologies and approaches used by these sub-disciplines. Students develop expertise in the biology of a group of organisms, familiarity with methodologies used in study, expertise in the systematics of classification, and significant hands-on experience in the field or research laboratory. The concentration is designed to provide a comprehensive background for students planning to pursue graduate school or seek a career in a governmental agency.

Completion of a minor is not required for students in this concentration.


1. Successful completion of the four-course introductory sequence:
BIOL 2110C Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory  4
BIOL 2410C Principles of Biology: Genetics Lecture and Laboratory 4
BIOL 303
Ecology and Evolution

Ecology and Evolution Laboratory
BIOL 304
Plant and Animal Form and Function

Plant and Animal Form and Function Laboratory
Subtotal 16
2. Successful completion of upper-division courses in both Ecology and Evolution:
BIOL 300 Evolution 3
BIOL 310 Principles of Ecology 3
Subtotal 6-7
3. Successful completion of at least one taxonomic based course from the following:
BIOL *450 General Virology 3
BIOL *463L Flora of New Mexico 4
BIOL 482L Parasitology 4
BIOL 484 Biology of Fungi 3
BIOL 485L Entomology 4
BIOL *486L Ornithology 4
BIOL *487L Ichthyology 4
BIOL *488L Herpetology 4
BIOL *489L Mammalogy 4
Subtotal 3-4
4. Successful completion of at least one synthetic/comparative taxonomic based course and lab from the following:
BIOL **351 General Microbiology 3
BIOL 360L General Botany 4
BIOL *371L Invertebrate Biology 4
BIOL 386L General Vertebrate Zoology 4
Subtotal 4
5. Successful completion of at least one statistics course from the following:
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics 3
PSYC 2510 Statistical Principles for Psychology 3
STAT **345 Elements of Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory 3
STAT 427 Advanced Data Analysis I 3
Or other course with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
Subtotal 3
6. Successful completion of at least one course from each of the following clusters:
A. Individual (Genes/Physiology) Cluster
BIOL *401 T: Microbial Genetics 3
BIOL *435 Animal Physiology 4
BIOL 471 Plant Physiological Ecology 3
Or other course with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
B. Population (Behavior/Population Biology) Cluster
BIOL 409 T: Conservation Genetics 3
BIOL 409 T: Sexual Systems in Animals: Diversity and Evolution 3
BIOL *455 Ethology: Animal Behavior 3
BIOL 491 Population Genetics 3
ANTH 360 Human Behavioral Ecology 3
ANTH 363 Primate Social Behavior 3
ANTH 491 Population Genetics 3
Or other course with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
C. Community/Ecosystem Cluster
BIOL 405 Ecosystem Dynamics 3
BIOL 409 T: Ecology of Plant Microbe Symbiosis 3
BIOL 419 T: Global Change Biology 3
BIOL *451 Microbial Ecology 3
BIOL 475 Community Ecology 3
BIOL *495 Limnology 3
BIOL 511 Macroecology 3
BIOL 514 Ecosystem Studies 3
BIOL 535 Freshwater Ecosystems 3
Or other course with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
500-level courses need Graduate Studies approval for undergraduate enrollment.
Subtotal 9-12
7. Demonstration of significant hands-on experience in the field or research laboratory. Choose one:
BIOL 400 Senior Honors Thesis varies
BIOL 408L Bosque Internship 4
BIOL 409 T: Ornithological Field Expedition 3
BIOL 461L Introduction to Tropical Biology 4
BIOL *463L Flora of New Mexico 4
BIOL *496L Limnology Laboratory 1
BIOL 499 Undergraduate Problems 1-4
PSY 465L Gorilla Observation Laboratory 3
Successful completion of an approved field course offered at UNM or at another accredited institution 
Participation in a NSF REU program at UNM or elsewhere
Other field experience with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
Subtotal 0-4
8. Successful completion of at least one interdisciplinary synthetic course:
BIOL 324L Natural History of the Southwest 4
BIOL 379 Conservation Biology 3
BIOL 419 Topics in Interdisciplinary Science 3
BIOL 445 Biology of Toxins 3
BIOL *490 Biology of Infectious Organisms 3
BIOL 492 Introductory Mathematical Biology 3
BIOL *494 Biogeography 3
BIOL *495 Limnology 3
BIOL 535 Freshwater Ecosystems 3
ANTH *350 Human Biology 3
ANTH 357 Human Origins 3
BIOC *423 Introductory Biochemistry 3
EPS 352 Global Climate Change 3
EPS *439 Paleoclimatology 3
Or other course with prior approval from EEOB faculty advisory committee
500-level courses need Graduate Studies approval for undergraduate enrollment.
Subtotal 3-4
9. Successful completion of at least one semester of the "Brown Bag" seminar:
BIOL 402 T: Brown Bag 1
Subtotal 1-2
10. Successful completion of additional Biology courses so that the total number of Biology credit hours is greater than or equal to 48.
11. Successful completion of supporting courses in Math, Physics, and Chemistry:
Math: (MATH 1430 and 1440) or (MATH 1512 and 1522)
Physics: (PHYS 1230 and 1240) or (PHYS 1310 and 1320)
  Chemistry: ((CHEM 1215 or 131) and 1215L) and ((CHEM 1225 or 132) and 1225L)
Organic chemistry: CHEM 2120 or (**301 and 303L).
Subtotal 24-27


  • A course fulfilling one requirement cannot be used towards another (e.g., no double-dipping); BIOL 419 is considered a different course if it has a different instructor/title.
  • Upper-Division Breadth Requirement: This concentration fulfills the Ecology/Evolution (EE) and Organismal (OR) categories. To ensure that the requirements for the B.S. in Biology are met, students should consult with their Arts and Sciences advisor to select at least one 400-level course from one of the remaining three categories: Cell/Molecular (CM); Interdisciplinary Science (ID), and Physiology (PH).

Minor Study Requirements

BIOL 2110C, 2410C, 303 and 303L, 304 and 304L, plus 6 additional credit hours of biology. BIOL 1110, 1110L, 1140, 1140L, 2305, and 499 are not allowed for credit for the minor in Biology.

Grades of "C" or better are required in all courses counted for the minor. Transfer students must obtain 6 Biology credit hours at UNM.

Departmental Honors

Students interested in the Biology Honors program must complete and submit the application form to the Biology Program Coordinator. Upon entering the honors program, the student’s research must be approved by both members of the honors committee. Students ideally should apply for this program in their junior year.

1.  Students pursuing Biology honors must form their honors committee consisting of two faculty members, a research advisor, and a reader, as described below:

      • One committee member must be a member of the Biology core faculty. Students must register in the section of BIOL 400 taught by this faculty member.
      • The other committee member may also be selected from the Biology core faculty, or may be an adjunct, research, or regular faculty member at UNM with approval of the Biology Department Honors Program Chair.

2.  One of the two honors committee members must be designated as the research advisor, usually the committee member with whom the student conducts the majority of their research project.

      • The student works with the research advisor to develop a program of independent research that results in the preparation and submission of an honors thesis and a formal presentation.
      • Students must submit their final thesis, approved by their honors committee, to the Biology Department Honors Program Coordinator by the end of the 5th week in the semester in which they intend to graduate.

3.  The formal presentations can be an oral or poster presentation at the Biology Research Day or at an approved scientific venue. Presentations must also be submitted to the Biology Department Honors Program Coordinator by the 5th week in the semester in which they intend to graduate. Students may present up to the end of their graduating semester.

4.  Enrollment in BIOL 400 is required for two semesters while in the Biology Department Honors program. In addition to working on their project, students in BIOL 400 are required to participate in periodic meetings.

5.  The Biology Department Honors Committee consults with the student's committee to determine the level of honors to be awarded.

Curricula Preparatory to Health Sciences

See School of Medicine.


BIOL 1110. General Biology. (3)

BIOL 1110L. General Biology Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 1140. Biology for Health Sciences. (3)

BIOL 1140L. Biology for Health Sciences Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 1150 [191]. Biodiversity. (2)

BIOL 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

BIOL 2110C. Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory. (4)

BIOL 2210. Human Anatomy and Physiology I. (3)

BIOL 2210L. Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 2225. Human Anatomy and Physiology II. (3)

BIOL 2225L. Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 223. Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques I. (4)

BIOL 224. Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques II. (4)

BIOL 225. Biotechnology Laboratory Techniques III. (3)

BIOL 2305. Microbiology for Health Sciences. (4)

BIOL 2410C. Principles of Biology: Genetics Lecture and Laboratory. (4)

BIOL 2996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

BIOL 300. Evolution. (3)

BIOL 303. Ecology and Evolution. (3 [3, may be repeated three times Δ])

BIOL 303L. Ecology and Evolution Laboratory. (1 [1, may be repeated three times Δ])

BIOL 304. Plant and Animal Form and Function. (3 [3, may be repeated three times Δ])

BIOL 304L. Plant and Animal Form and Function Laboratory. (1 [1, may be repeated three times Δ])

BIOL 310. Principles of Ecology. (3)

BIOL 310L. Principles of Ecology Laboratory. (1)

BIOL **351. General Microbiology. (3)

BIOL **352L. General Microbiology Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 360L. General Botany. (4)

BIOL 365. Evolution of Human Sexuality. (3)

BIOL *371L. Invertebrate Biology. (4)

BIOL 379. Conservation Biology. (3)

BIOL 386L. General Vertebrate Zoology. (4)

BIOL 400. Senior Honors Thesis. (1-3, no limit Δ)

BIOL *401. Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL 402 / 502. Topics in Biology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

BIOL 404 / 504. Topics in Physiology. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL 405 / 505. Ecosystem Dynamics. (3)

BIOL *406. Topics in Organismal Biology. (3 or 4, may be repeated once Δ)

BIOL 408L / 508L. Bosque Internship. (3, may be repeated twice Δ)

BIOL 409 / 509. Topics in Ecology-Evolution. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL *412. Developmental Biology. (3)

BIOL 413. Human Microanatomy: Histology of Organs, Tissues, and Cells. (3)

BIOL 419 / 519. Topics in Interdisciplinary Science. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL *425. Molecular Genetics. (3)

BIOL *429. Molecular Cell Biology I. (3)

BIOL *435. Animal Physiology. (3)

BIOL 445 / 545. Biology of Toxins. (3)

BIOL 446 / 546. Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology. (4)

BIOL *450. General Virology. (3)

BIOL *451. Microbial Ecology. (3)

BIOL *455. Ethology: Animal Behavior. (3)

BIOL 456 / 556. Immunology. (3)

BIOL 457 / 557. Diversity and Evolution of Animal Sexual Strategies. (3)

BIOL 461L. Introduction to Tropical Biology. (4)

BIOL *463L. Flora of New Mexico. (4)

BIOL 471 / 571. Plant Physiological Ecology. (3)

BIOL 475 / 575. Community Ecology. (3)

BIOL 480 / 580. Global Change Biology. (3)

BIOL 482L / 582L. Parasitology. (4)

BIOL *483L. Discovering Arthropods. (4)

BIOL 484 / 584. Biology of Fungi. (4)

BIOL 485L / 585L. Entomology. (4)

BIOL *486L. Ornithology. (4)

BIOL *487L. Ichthyology. (4)

BIOL *488L. Herpetology. (4)

BIOL *489L. Mammalogy. (4)

BIOL *490. Biology of Infectious Organisms. (3)

BIOL 491 / 591. Population Genetics. (3)

BIOL 492 / 592. Introductory Mathematical Biology. (3)

BIOL *494. Biogeography. (3)

BIOL *495. Limnology. (3)

BIOL *496L. Limnology Laboratory. (1)

BIOL 497. Principles of Gene Expression. (3)

BIOL 498L / 598L. Genome Editing. (4)

BIOL 499. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

BIOL 500. New Graduate Student Seminar. (1)

BIOL 502 / 402. Topics in Biology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

BIOL 504 / 404. Topics in Physiology. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL 505 / 405. Ecosystem Dynamics. (3)

BIOL 508L / 408L. Bosque Internship. (3, may be repeated twice Δ)

BIOL 509 / 409. Topics in Ecology-Evolution. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL 511. Macroecology. (3)

BIOL 514. Ecosystem Studies. (3)

BIOL 516. Basic Graduate Ecology. (4)

BIOL 517. Basic Graduate Evolution. (4)

BIOL 519 / 419. Topics in Interdisciplinary Science. (3 or 4, may be repeated three times Δ)

BIOL 520. Topics in Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences. (3, no limit Δ)

BIOL 545 / 445. Biology of Toxins. (3)

BIOL 546 / 446. Laboratory Methods in Molecular Biology. (4)

BIOL 551. Research Problems. (1-12, no limit Δ)

BIOL 556 / 456. Immunology. (3)

BIOL 557 / 457. Diversity and Evolution of Animal Sexual Strategies. (3)

BIOL 561. Tropical Biology. (4)

BIOL 571 / 471. Plant Physiological Ecology. (3)

BIOL 575 / 475. Community Ecology. (3)

BIOL 580 / 480. Global Change Biology. (3)

BIOL 582L / 482L. Parasitology. (4)

BIOL 584 / 484. Biology of Fungi. (4)

BIOL 585L / 485L. Entomology. (4)

BIOL 591 / 491. Population Genetics. (3)

BIOL 592 / 492. Introductory Mathematical Biology. (3)

BIOL 598L / 498L. Genome Editing. (4)

BIOL 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

BIOL 651. Advanced Field Biology. (4-8)

BIOL 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)


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