International Studies

Stephen Bishop, Ph.D.
Director, International Studies Institute
Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures  

Ian Stewart, Ph.D.
Associate Director, International Studies Institute
Lecturer III, International Studies 

Humanities Building, Room 420
MSC03 2165
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-1991

International Studies Institute Executive Board
Stephen Bishop, Foreign Languages and Literatures; Director, International Studies Institute
Ronda Brulotte, Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies; Director, Latin American Studies
Kenneth Carpenter, Director, Global Education Office, Retired
Loyola Chastain, Administrative Assistant, International Studies Institute (ex officio)
Chris Duvall, Geography and Environmental Studies
Tiffany Florvil, History
Farah Nousheen, Senior Academic Advisor, College of Arts and Sciences (ex officio)
Jami Nunez, Political Science
Caleb Richardson, History
Ian Stewart, International Studies, Associate Director, International Studies Institute
Emma Trentman, Foreign Languages and Literatures
Osman Umurhan, Foreign Languages and Literatures

International Studies Institute Contemporary Jewish Studies Lecture Series Board
David Bennahum, Professor Emeritus Internal Medicine, Resident Scholar UNM HSC Institute for Ethics
Stephen Bishop, Foreign Languages and Literature; Director, International Studies Institute
Adams Carney, Undergraduate Student Representative
Loyola Chastain, Administrative Assistant, International Studies Institute (ex officio)
Sarah Davis-Secord, History, Institute for Medieval Studies
Noel Pugach, Professor Emeritus History
Erika Rimson, Executive Director, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
Vivian Skadron, Board, Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico


International Studies is an interdisciplinary undergraduate major and minor that draws on the courses, faculty, and resources of a large number of UNM departments and colleges, with a central orientation toward contemporary global themes and different world areas. Because of its interdisciplinary nature, the program is housed in the International Studies Institute (ISI) in the College of Arts and Sciences, yet also draws on faculty and courses from across the university. The ISI not only provides the administrative support and advising for the International Studies major and minor but also organizes lectures, lecture series, and special events and provides scholarships to undergraduates.

The core elements of the International Studies major and minor allow students to combine studies in languages, humanities, and social sciences with studies in other fields in order to create an integrated, interdisciplinary undergraduate concentration.


INTS 1101. Introduction to International Studies. (3)

INTS 320. Study Abroad Research Methods. (1-3, may be repeated once Δ)

INTS 400. Capstone Seminar in International Studies. (3)

INTS 402. Honors in International Studies. (3)

INTS 499. Topics in International Studies. (1-3 to a maximum of 9 Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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