
Jane Ellen Smith, Chairperson
Gordon K. Hodge, Associate Chair for Undergraduate Education
Sarah Erickson, Associate Chair for Graduate Education
Elizabeth Yeater, Director of Clinical Training

Department of Psychology, Logan Hall
MSC03 2220
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87131-0001
(505) 277-4121
Web site:

Distinguished Professor
Barbara McCrady, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island

Vincent Clark, Ph.D., University of California (San Diego)
Derek Hamilton, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Kent Kiehl, Ph.D., University of British Columbia
Jane Ellen Smith, Ph.D., State University of New York (Binghamton)
Garnett S. Stokes, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Claudia Tesche, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Kevin Vowles, Ph.D., West Virginia University
Katie Witkiewitz, Ph.D., University of Washington

Associate Professors
James P. Cavanagh, Ph.D., University of Arizona
Kristina T. Ciesielski, Ph.D., Polish Science Academy (Nencki Institute)
Marco Del Giudice, Ph.D., University of Turin
Sarah Erickson, Ph.D., Stanford University
Gordon K. Hodge, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)
Geoffrey F. Miller, Ph.D., Stanford University
Theresa Moyers, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Eric Ruthruff, Ph.D., University of California (San Diego)
Bruce W. Smith, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Steven Verney, Ph.D., San Diego State University/University of California (San Diego)
Jacob M. Vigil, Ph.D., University of Missouri (Columbia)
David C. Witherington, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Elizabeth Yeater, Ph.D., University of Nevada (Reno)

Assistant Professors
Benjamin J. Clark, Ph.D., Dartmouth College
Jeremy Hogeveen, Ph.D., Wilfrid Laurier University
Nathan Pentkowski, Ph.D., University of Hawai'i
Davood Tofighi, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Kamilla Venner, Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Distinguished Professors Emeriti
Henry C. Ellis, Ph.D., Washington University
Steven W. Gangestad, Ph.D., University of Minnesota
William R. Miller, Ph.D., University of Oregon

Professors Emeriti
Lynette F. Cofer, Ph.D., Cornell University
Harold D. Delaney, Ph.D., University of North Carolina
Michael J. Dougher, Ph.D., University of Illinois (Chicago)
Dennis M. Feeney, Ph.D., University of California (Los Angeles)
John P. Gluck, Jr., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Timothy E. Goldsmith, Ph.D., New Mexico State University
William Gordon, Ph.D., Rutgers University
Richard J. Harris, Ph.D., Stanford University
Peder J. Johnson, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Robert Meyers, Ph.D., California Coast University
Eligio R. Padilla, Ph.D., University of Washington
Samuel Roll, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Britton Ruebush, Ph.D., Yale University
Ronald A. Yeo, Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Research Faculty
Timothy Condon, Research Professor
Scott Tonigan, CASAA, Research Professor
Teddy Warmer, Research Professor
Jon Houck, Research Assistant Professor
Matthew Pearson, Research Assistant Professor
Pilar Sanjuan, Research Assistant Professor

Principal Lecturer
Stephen Alley, M.S., University of New Mexico

Senior Lecturer III
Alan Butt, Ph.D., University of New Mexico

Term Lecturer
Eric Jackson, M.S., University of New Mexico

Lecturer III
Romina Angeleri, Ph.D., University of Turin


PSY 302. Psychological Research Techniques. (3)

PSY 313. Case Management in Addictions. (1)

PSY 324. Infant Development. (3)

PSY 329. Adolescent Psychology. (3)

PSY 331. Psychology of Personality. (3)

PSY 332. Abnormal Behavior. (3)

PSY 335. Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 335L. Clinical Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 342. Evolution and Human Behavior. (3)

PSY 344. Human Neuropsychology. (3)

PSY 345. Neuroscience of Aging and Dementia. (3)

PSY 347. Drugs and Behavior. (3)

PSY 360. Human Learning and Memory. (3)

PSY 364. Psychology of Perception. (3)

PSY **367. Psychology of Language. (3)

PSY 373. The Psychology of Horror. (3)

PSY 374. Cross-cultural Psychology. (3)

PSY 375. Psychology of Women. (3)

PSY 376. The Psychology of Love. (3)

PSY 391. Junior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 392. Junior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY *400. History of Psychology. (3)

PSY *405. Crisis Worker Practicum. (1, may be repeated five times Δ)

PSY 408 / 508. Psychological Research with Diverse Populations. (3)

PSY 410 / 510. Advanced Health Psychology. (3)

PSY 411. Treatment of Addictions. (3)

PSY 412. Applied Clinical Experience in Addictions Counseling (Field Work). (1-6 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

PSY 416 / 516. Health Disparities. (3)

PSY 421 / 521. Advanced Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSY 422. Child Language. (3)

PSY 423. Human Emotions. (3)

PSY 430. Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use Disorders. (3)

PSY 433. Depression: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention. (3)

PSY 434. Behavior Therapies. (3)

PSY 439 / 539. Child Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 441. Sleep: Scientific Investigation. (3)

PSY 443 / 643. Psychobiology of Emotion. (3)

PSY 444 / 644. Advanced EEG Analysis in MatLab. (3)

PSY 445L. Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory. (2, may be repeated once Δ)

PSY 450 / 650. Special Topics in Psychology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 450L. Special Topics in Psychology Laboratory. (2, no limit Δ)

PSY 454. Positive Psychology. (3)

PSY 455L. Positive Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 464 / 564. Intelligence and Creativity. (3)

PSY 465L. Gorilla Observation Laboratory. (3)

PSY 480L. Health Psychology Laboratory. (2)

PSY 491. Senior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 492. Senior Honors Seminar. (3)

PSY 499. Undergraduate Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PSY 501. Advanced Statistics. (3)

PSY 502. Design and Analysis of Experiments. (3)

PSY 503L. Advanced Statistics Laboratory. (1)

PSY 504L. Design and Analysis of Experiments Laboratory. (1)

PSY 505. Research Seminar. (2)

PSY 506. Seminar in Mathematical Psychology. (3)

PSY 507. Teaching Seminar. (2)

PSY 508 / 408. Psychological Research with Diverse Populations. (3)

PSY 510 / 410. Advanced Health Psychology. (3)

PSY 515. Social Psychology of Health Promotion. (3)

PSY 516 / 416. Health Disparities. (3)

PSY 521 / 421. Advanced Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSY 528. Seminar on Cognitive Development. (3)

PSY 531. Pre-Clinical Practicum. (1)

PSY 532. Seminar in Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 533. Psychological Evaluation: Cognitive and Neuropsychology Functions. (3)

PSY 535. Psychological Evaluation: Personality Functions. (3)

PSY 538. Introduction to Clinical Science. (3)

PSY 539 / 439. Child Psychopathology. (3)

PSY 540. Biological Bases of Behavior. (3)

PSY 541. Introduction to Functional Neuroimaging. (3)

PSY 542. Seminar in Recovery of Function and Epilepsy. (3)

PSY 547. Drugs and Behavior. (3)

PSY 551. Graduate Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 554. Positive Psychology. (3)

PSY 561. Cognitive Processes I. (3)

PSY 564 / 464. Intelligence and Creativity. (3)

PSY 565. Seminar in Thought and Language. (3)

PSY 569. Seminar in Psycholinguistics. (3, no limit Δ)

PSY 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

PSY 601. Multivariate Statistics. (3)

PSY 604. Latent Variable Modeling. (3)

PSY 605. Advanced Latent Variable Modeling. (3)

PSY 610. Case Conference Practicum. (1, no limit Δ)

PSY 629. Culture and Human Development. (3)

PSY 630. Seminar in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. (3)

PSY 631. Psychotherapy Practicum. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 634. Ethics and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 635. Behavioral Couple Therapy. (3)

PSY 636. Diversity Multicultural Perspectives in Clinical Psychology. (3)

PSY 637. Empirically Supported Treatments. (3)

PSY 641. Seminar in Cognition, Brain and Behavior. (2, no limit Δ)

PSY 643 / 443. Psychobiology of Emotion. (3)

PSY 644 / 444. Advanced EEG Analysis in MatLab. (3)

PSY 650 / 450. Special Topics in Psychology. (1-3, no limit Δ)

PSY 691. Clinical Internship. (1-6)

PSY 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

PSYC 1110. Introduction to Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2110. Social Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2120. Developmental Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2220. Cognitive Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2250. Brain and Behavior. (3)

PSYC 2270. Psychology of Learning and Memory. (3)

PSYC 2320. Health Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2330. Psychology of Human Sexuality. (3)

PSYC 2510. Statistical Principles for Psychology. (3)

PSYC 2996. Topics [Special Topics]. (1-6, no limit Δ [1-3, no limit Δ])


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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