
Sharon Erickson Nepstad, Chairperson
Social Science Building, Room 1103
MSC05 3080
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-2501, FAX (505) 277-8805

Distinguished Professor
Sharon Erickson Nepstad, Ph.D., University of Colorado (Boulder)

Kristin Barker, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Lisa Broidy, Ph.D., Washington State University
Nancy Lopez, Ph.D., City University of New York
Christopher Lyons, Ph.D., University of Washington
Richard L. Wood, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Assata Zerai, Ph.D., University of Chicago 

Associate Professors
Georgiann Davis, Ph.D., University of Illinois (Chicago)
Jessica Goodkind, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Kimberly Huyser, Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin)
Noah Painter-Davis, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Ranita Ray, Ph.D., University of Connecticut
Reuben Thomas, Ph.D., Stanford University
Owen Whooley, Ph.D., New York University

Assistant Professors
Maricarmen Hernandez, Ph.D., University of Texas (Austin)
Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Ph.D., Rice University
Kiwoong Park, Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY
Daniel Ragan, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Eli Wilson, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles

Professors Emeriti
Dodd H. Bogart, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Beverly H. Burris, Ph.D., New York University
Richard M. Coughlin, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Pedro David, Ph.D., Indiana University
Phillip B. Gonzales, Ph.D., University of California (Berkeley)
Jane C. Hood, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Roberto Ibarra, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Gary D. LaFree, Ph.D., Indiana University|
Philip A. May, Ph.D., University of Montana
Gilbert W. Merkx, Ph.D., Yale University
Arthur St. George, Ph.D., University of California (Davis)
Paul D. Steele, Ph.D., University of Texas
Susan B. Tiano, Ph.D., Brown University
Nelson P. Valdes, Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Howard Waitzkin, Distinguished Professor, Ph.D., M.D., Harvard University


The student interested in sociology and related specializations should take both SOC 380 and SOCI 1110. These courses are recommended for all beginning students and are required for a major or minor in Sociology and a major in Criminology. Most higher level courses specify one or both of these introductory courses as prerequisites.

Normally, students should follow the introductory courses with at least one or two 200-level courses before attempting more advanced courses. In some areas there is a progression from less to more advanced courses and following such progressions is strongly recommended even when the lower level course is not explicitly listed as a prerequisite for the higher level course.

Note that courses applied toward a major degree may not be used for any of the minor degree programs. In cases of overlapping required or elective courses, students must take additional courses as approved by the sociology undergraduate advisor. 


SOC 305. Environmental Sociology. (3)

SOC 307. Nonviolent Alternatives. (3)

SOC 308. Sociology of Gender. (3)

SOC 310. Sociology of Aging and the Aged. (3)

SOC 312. Causes of Crime and Delinquency. (3)

SOC 325. Couples, Family and Friendship. (3)

SOC 326. Sociology of New Mexico. (3)

SOC 328. Sociology of Native Americans. (3)

SOC 331. Social Movements. (3)

SOC 340. Sociology of Medical Practice. (3)

SOC 345. Youth and Society. (3)

SOC 346. Health and Social Inequalities I. (3)

SOC 347. Health and Social Inequalities II. (3)

SOC 351. The Urban Community. (3)

SOC 354. Introduction to Latin American Society I: Social Sciences. (3)

SOC 371. Sociological Theory. (3)

SOC 380. Introduction to Research Methods. (3)

SOC 381L. Sociological Data Analysis. (4)

SOC 398. Special Topics in Sociology. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 399. Advanced Undergraduate Workshop in Sociology. (3)

SOC 412. Sociology of Police and Social Control. (3)

SOC 414. Sociology of Corrections. (3)

SOC 415. Inequality and Power. (3)

SOC 416. Sociology of Law. (3)

SOC 418. Selected Topics in Criminology. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOC 419. Social Networks and Crime. (3)

SOC 420. Race and Inequality. (3)

SOC 421. Sociology of Education. (3)

SOC 422. Sociology of Religion. (3)

SOC 423. Women, Gender, and Crime [Gender and Crime]. (3)

SOC 424. Race, Class and Crime. (3)

SOC 425. Crime Through the Life Course [From Youthful Misbehavior to Adult Crime]. (3)

SOC 426. Drugs, Crime and Social Control. (3)

SOC 427 [*427]. Sociology of Madness. (3)

SOC 428. Sociology of Mexican Americans. (3)

SOC **430 [*430]. Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class for Social Policy. (3)

SOC 452. Community Organizing and the Struggle for Justice in America. (3)

SOC *478. Seminar in International Studies. (3)

SOC 481. Data Analysis. (3)

SOC 488. Field Observation and Experience. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

SOC 490. Directed Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOC 491. Directed Study in Criminology. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOC 499. Senior Honors Thesis. (3)

SOC 500. Classical Sociological Theory. (3)

SOC 501. Knowledge and Power. (3)

SOC 506. Globalization and Transnational Sociology. (3)

SOC 507. Topics in Sociological Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 510. Social and Political Movements. (3)

SOC 512. Political Sociology [International Political Sociology]. (3)

SOC 513. Constructing and Analyzing Contemporary Sociological Theory. (3)

SOC 515. Criminological Theory. (3)

SOC 518. Special Topics in Criminology. (3)

SOC 520. Racial and Ethnic Relations. (3)

SOC 521. Sociology of Education. (3)

SOC 523. Proseminar. (1)

SOC 528. Sociology of Mexican Americans. (3)

SOC 530. Social Science Writing and Publishing. (3)

SOC 531. Sociology Teaching Seminar. (3)

SOC 540. Medical Sociology and Health Policy. (3)

SOC 551–552. Problems. (2-3, no limit Δ; 2-3, no limit Δ)

SOC 570. Special Topics in Sociological Research. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 580. Methods of Social Research [Methods of Social Research I]. (3)

SOC 581. Advanced Social Statistics I. (3)

SOC 582. Advanced Social Statistics II. (3)

SOC 583. Special Topics in Advanced Social Statistics. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 584. Interdisciplinary Seminar on Problems of Modernization in Latin America. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 585. Qualitative Research Methods [Sociological Fieldwork Methods: Ethnography, Interviews, Focus Groups]. (3)

SOC 595. Special Topics in Sociology. (3, no limit Δ)

SOC 596. Professional Paper. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOC 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOC 696. Reading in Sociology. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOC 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

SOCI 1110. Introduction to Sociology. (3)

SOCI 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 2120. Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems. (3)

SOCI 2210. Sociology of Deviance. (3)

SOCI 2310. Contemporary Social Problems. (3)

SOCI 2315. The Dynamics of Prejudice. (3)

SOCI 2340. Global Issues. (3)

SOCI 2996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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