Undergraduate Program

Minor Study

The minor in Sustainability Studies requires the successful completion of 21 credit hours.

  • Required core courses (12 credit hours): SUST 1134, (334 or 364 or *384), 434, 499.
    SUST 499 is a stretch course spanning two semesters, where students apply lessons from the sustainability minor in the context of their major discipline or other arena. Students may select a mentor to co-advise their project.
  • Elective courses (9 credit hours): one course from each of 3 groups of electives, described below.


Select one elective from each of 3 areas of focus:

  • Economic Vitality, Politics and Policy
  • Environmental Protection
  • Social Equity

Courses from Freshman Learning Communities (FYEX, UNIV) and the University Honors Program (UHON) may be substituted as electives with approval of the SSP advisor. Specific listings are available each semester. In addition, courses from praxis-oriented regional institutes of sustainability may qualify as electives, with approval of the SSP advisor and registration for UNM independent study credit hours. Consult the current Schedule of Classes online for each semester’s offerings and check the Sustainability Studies Program Web site for a complete list of options.

Areas of Focus

Economic Vitality, Politics, and Policy (choose one):

AMST 320 Topics in Environmental and Social Justice 3
BIOL 379 Conservation Biology 3
CCST 1110 Introduction to Comparative Global and Ethnic Societies 3
CJ 313 EcoCultural Communication: Humans and "The Environment" 3
CRP 470 Sem: Ecotourism and Community Development 3
ECON 2110 Macroeconomic Principles 3
ECON 2120 Microeconomic Principles 3
ECON 342 Environmental Economics 3
ECON *343 Natural Resource Economics 3
GEOG 1150 Introduction to Environmental Studies 3
GEOG **360 Land Use Management 3
GEOG 461 Environmental Management 3
GEOG 462 Water Resources Management 3
GEOG 463 Public Land Management 3
GEOG 464 Food and Natural Resources 3
GNDR 2110 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies  3
HIST 433 U.S. Environmental History 3
MGMT 451 Problems: Intro to Microfinance 3
POLS 1120 American National Government 3
POLS 2110 Comparative Politics 3
POLS 2120 International Relations 3
POLS 2130 Political Ideas: Introduction to Political Theory 3
POLS 2150 Public Policy and Administration 3
POLS 376 Health Policy and Politics 3
POLS 377 Population Policy and Politics 3
SUST *402 T: Climate Change and Sustainability 3
UHON 301-302 Honors Seminar
As appropriate by topic and recommended by the UHP Curriculum Committee.

Environmental Protection
(choose one):

ANTH 1170 Human Life Course 3
ARTS 429 T: Species, Space, and the Politics of Survival 3
BIOL 300 Evolution 3
BIOL 310L Principles of Ecology Laboratory 4
BIOL 379 Conservation Biology 3
BIOL *490 Biology of Infectious Organisms 3
CE 438 Sustainable Engineering 3
CRP 181 Environmental Issues in a Changing World 3
CRP 427 Watershed Management 3
ECON 2125 Society and Environment 3
ENVS 1130 The Blue Planet 3
ENVS 330 Environmental Systems 3
EPS 352 Global Climate Change 3
EPS 481L Geomorphology and Surficial Geology 4
EPS 485L Soil Stratigraphy and Morphology 4
GEOG 1160 Home Planet: Land, Water and Life 3
GEOG 352 Global Climate Change 3
GEOG 464 Food and Natural Resources 3
GEOL 1110 Physical Geology 3
GEOL 1120 Environmental Geology 3
LA 335 Site-Environment 3
LA 458 Plant Materials 3
NATV 1150 Introduction to Native American Studies 3
PHIL 341 T: Aldo Leopold and the Land Ethic 3
PHIL 363 Environmental Ethics 3
SUST *402 T: Climate Change and Sustainability 3
SUST *418 Nuclear New Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts 3
UHON 301-302 Honors Seminar
As appropriate by topic and recommended by the UHP Curriculum Committee.

Social Equity (choose one):

AMST 1110 Introduction to Environmental and Social Justice 3
AMST 2110 American Life and Thought 3
AMST 309 Topics in Social Movements 3
ANTH 339 Human Rights in Anthropology 3
ARTS 429 Undergraduate Topics in Studio Art (Art and Ecology) 3
ARTS 441 Art and Ecology: Computational Sustainability 3
CCS 393 Topics in Chicano Hispano Mexicano Studies 3
CCST 1110 Introduction to Comparative Global and Ethnic Societies 3
CELR *410 T: Lobo Gardens Community-Based Research 3
CJ 314 Intercultural Communication 3
CJ 318 Language, Thought and Behavior 3
CJ 320 Conflict Management and Mediation 3
CJ 339 Rhetoric and the Environment 3
COMM 2120 Interpersonal Communication 3
CRP 165 Social Issues in Urban and Regional Development 3
CRP 265 Sustainable Community Planning Methods 3
CRP 473 Planning on Native American Lands 3
CRP 474/574 Cultural Aspects of Community Development Planning 3
HIST 300 Studies in History 3
MGMT 308 Ethical, Political and Social Environment 3
MGMT 362 Leadership Development 3
NATV *436 Environmental Ethics and Justice in Native America 3
PHIL 363 Environmental Ethics 3
SOC 305 Environmental Sociology 3
SOC 308 Sociology of Gender 3
SOC 331 Social Movements 3
SOC 398 ST: Community Organizing Theory and Practice 3
SOC 461 Visualizing Global Change 3
SOCI 2120 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems  3
SOCI 2340 Global Issues 3
SUST *418 Nuclear New Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts 3
UHON 301-302 Honors Seminar
As appropriate by topic and recommended by the UHP Curriculum Committee.


SUST 1134. Introduction to Sustainability Studies. (3)

SUST 334. Environmental Justice Practicum to Benefit the Campus and Community [Sustainability Practicum to Benefit the Campus or Community]. (3)

SUST 364. Local Food Systems Practicum. (3)

SUST *384. Heritage Farming Practicum. (3)

SUST *402. Topics in Sustainability Studies. (1-6 to a maximum of 18 Δ)

SUST *418. Nuclear New Mexico: Environmental and Social Impacts. (3)

SUST 434. Synthesis of Sustainability Perspectives and Innovations. (3)

SUST 499. Sustainability Independent Capstone Project as Research or Creative Expression. (1-3 to a maximum of 3 Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

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1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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