Graduate Program

Degree Offered

  • Master of Science in Clinical Laboratory Sciences (M.S.)

Admission Information

Formal admission to the University is an initial requirement for admission to the Master of Science (M.S.) in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree program. Acceptance into the program is based on the recommendations of the Admissions Committee and Program Director.

Up to five students are admitted each year into the program. A good academic record is essential, but it does not guarantee acceptance. Students are admitted once a year, with classes beginning in the Fall semester. Students must have an acceptable baccalaureate degree with at least a 3.0 GPA on the last 50 credit hours or total of their bachelor degree program.

Six basic areas are considered in the selection process:

  1. Earned baccalaureate degree (Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences is preferred);
  2. ASCP (U.S.) Certified Medical Laboratory Scientist/Clinical Laboratory Scientist;
  3. The student’s academic record (including completion of prerequisite courses);
  4. Three letters of reference;
  5. Life experiences statement;
  6. Personal interview.

The UNM Graduate Program application is available on the Graduate Studies Web site.

Deadline: All application materials and letter of intent must be received by June 15th in order to be considered for Fall admission. Admission is for the Fall semester of the same year of application. All applicants are informed of their admission status; those applicants who are provisionally selected are notified in early July. Selection is given to qualified persons regardless of their race, color, religion, national origin, age, qualified disability or military involvement. Equal opportunity for admission is given to all qualified applicants.

Advisement and interview sessions are scheduled through the program of Medical Laboratory Sciences. Call the office at (505) 272-5434 for an appointment.


BIOC *423 Introductory Biochemistry (if taken three or more years prior to application to M.S. program) 3
CHEM **301
CHEM **302
Organic Chemistry 6
Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2
MATH 1240 Pre-Calculus 3
MATH 1512 Calculus I 4

Graduation Requirements

  • Satisfactory completion of all graduate courses.
  • Students who have completed graduate-level coursework (grade of "B" or higher) at an accredited institution other than UNM may apply for the credit(s) to be transferred.
  • Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA or higher.
  • Students must complete the Master’s Apprenticeship/Project Requirement in an approved laboratory.
  • All work toward a Master’s degree, including transferred coursework must be completed within a seven-year period.
  • Students must inform their graduate unit in writing of their intention to graduate at the end of a particular semester by submitting a “Notification of Intent to Graduate” letter.
  • Unanimous recommendation for graduation by the full-time faculty of the Medical Laboratory Sciences graduate program, the Department of Pathology and the School of Medicine.

Master of Science in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

Program Curriculum

The M.S in Clinical Laboratory Sciences degree program follows a required six-semester graduate-level curriculum, which begins each year during the Fall semester. Resources limit each class size to no more than five students. Students are responsible for transportation fees to and from externships at off-campus sites. 

The M.S in Clinical Laboratory Sciences is offered under Plan II (non-thesis), according to the regulations set forth in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog. The program requires a one-year apprenticeship program with a mentoring laboratory, clinical or education site; provided mainly through the research/clinical/education faculty of the Department of Pathology at the University of New Mexico.


Program Core
MEDL 500 Sel T: Laboratory Medicine 2
MEDL 550 Sem: Laboratory Management 2
BIOC 545 Intensive Introductory Biochemistry I 4
BIOM 507 Advanced Molecular Biology 4
BIOM 508 Advanced Cell Biology 4
BIOM 555 Problem-Based Research Bioethics 1
PH 538 W: Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1
Subtotal 18
Electives (Select from):
BIOM 522 Experimental Design and Methods in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences 3
BIOM 509 Principles of Neurobiology 3
BIOM 532 Neurochemistry 1
BIOM 535 Sem: Neuroscience 1
  Cell Biology/Physiology  
BIOL 545 Biology of Toxins 3
BIOM 510 Physiology 3
BIOM 515 Cancer Biology 3
  Immunology/Infectious Disease  
BIOM 514 Immunobiology 3
Subtotal 6
Plan II
MEDL 600 Clinical Lab Sciences Master's Degree Apprenticeship Program 10
Subtotal 10
Total 34


MEDL 121. A Career in Laboratory Science. (1)

MEDL 234. Introduction to Clinical Immunology. (3)

MEDL 300L. Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences. (2)

MEDL 310. Introduction to Clinical Chemistry. (3)

MEDL 311L. Introduction to Clinical Chemistry Lab. (2)

MEDL 315L. Clinical Serology. (2)

MEDL 320. Introduction to Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis. (4)

MEDL 321L. Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis Lab. (2)

MEDL 330. Introduction to Clinical Microbiology. (3)

MEDL 331L. Introduction to Clinical Microbiology Lab. (2)

MEDL 340L. Introduction to Clinical Immunohematology. (2)

MEDL 350L. Clinical Urinalysis. (2)

MEDL 351. Basic Clinical Chemistry Rotation. (3)

MEDL 352. Basic Hematology/Hemostasis Rotation. (3)

MEDL 355. Clinical Urinalysis Rotation. (1)

MEDL 410L. Advanced Clinical Chemistry. (3)

MEDL 420L. Advanced Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis. (3)

MEDL 430. Advanced Clinical Microbiology. (3)

MEDL 431L. Advanced Clinical Microbiology Lab. (2)

MEDL 432L. Clinical Parasitology. (2)

MEDL 440L. Advanced Clinical Immunohematology. (2)

MEDL 445. Clinical Management and Education. (2)

MEDL 451. Advanced Clinical Chemistry Rotation. (1)

MEDL 452. Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis Rotation. (2)

MEDL 453. Clinical Microbiology Rotation. (5)

MEDL 454. Clinical Immunohematology Rotation. (4)

MEDL 463. Laboratory Operations and Laboratory Mathematics. (2)

MEDL 498. Research Honors. (1, may be repeated twice Δ)

MEDL 499. Special Topics in Medical Laboratory Sciences. (2 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

MEDL 500. Selected Topics in Pathology. (1, may be repeated twice Δ)

MEDL 550. Lab Management Seminar: Selected Topics. (1, may be repeated once Δ)

MEDL 600. Clinical Lab Sciences Master's Degree Apprenticeship Program. (1-4 to a maximum of 10 Δ)


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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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