Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Sociology Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.0 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Communication.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Department of Sociology major admission coursework with grades of "C" or better:

  • Criminology: SOCI 1110 and (2120 or 2210).
  • Sociology: SOCI 1110 and one SOCI course at any level.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Criminology (B.A.)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (B.A.)
    Concentrations: Human Services and Social Policy; Pre-Law.

Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program

Undergraduate students in the B.A. in Sociology program may seek admission to the Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) under the Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program. See the "Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program" section of this page for specific admission information and requirements.

Major Study Requirements

Because double-majors are intended to substantially broaden students' education, students may not double major in Criminology and Sociology.

Major in Criminology

The Sociology Department offers a specialized program in Criminology, designed to give students a comprehensive introduction to the field. Courses focus on the characteristics and causes of crime and deviance and on the origins, nature and consequences of societal reactions to crime and deviance, giving particular attention to the criminal justice system. Basic instruction is also given in sociological theory and research methods.

A cumulative GPA of 2.25 or better in all courses completed is required for regular admission to the Criminology major.

The program is particularly appropriate for students wishing to pursue one of the following career options:

  • graduate work in the social sciences with a special emphasis on criminology or criminal justice;
  • a career in criminal justice (e.g., law enforcement, corrections, crime prevention), especially in agencies or departments involved in planning and evaluation;
  • a career in law, social work or counseling.

Students must complete 34 credit hours of coursework in criminology, which includes 28 credit hours core courses and 6 credit hours of pertinent electives as advised.

Core courses: SOCI 1110, 2120, 2210, 312, 371, 380, 381L; two of SOCI 412, 414, 416, 419, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427. Generally, students should follow core courses in sequence, beginning with 1000-level requirements, proceeding to 2000-level requirements, and so on.

Electives: Students must choose 6 credit hours (two courses) from the approved list available from the Department of Sociology, or any upper-division Sociology course. Students may not count the same course as both a core course and an elective. Some upper-division electives require other courses as prerequisites.

Major in Sociology

The Sociology major requires 34 credit hours of coursework, including the following 13 credit hours of required courses: SOCI 1110, 380, 371, 381L. Students must choose 12 credit hours (4 courses) from the list of upper-division elective courses, available from the department, and select 9 credit hours (3 courses) drawn from all Sociology courses not specifically required.

The Department accepts the grade of "C" in required and elective Sociology courses as counting toward graduation but requires that the student achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 in the Sociology major or minor and a 2.00 overall GPA. A cumulative GPA of 2.25 or better in all courses completed is required for regular admission to the Sociology major.

The student may select from a number of designated courses that provide a concentration in one of the following subfields of sociology:

  • Human Services and Social Policy. Appropriate for future work in public and private agencies, as preparation for law school or for graduate study in social work, public administration and business administration.
  • Pre-Law. Provides background for careers or further training in police, correctional or legal institutions.

Concentration in Human Services and Social Policy

The concentration in Human Services and Social Policy is designed for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree or a career in human services, social work, social policy, health care, mental health, or education (K-12 and post-secondary). The concentration aims to provide broad thematic coverage of these fields by drawing upon elective courses that address topics critical to understanding the context within which welfare, health, mental health, and educational institutions operate, including social problems, race/ethnic relations, and socio-economic inequality.

Requirements: 12 credit hours from the following courses, with 9 of these credit hours selected from 300- or 400-level courses:

SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems 3
SOCI 2315 The Dynamics of Prejudice 3
SOCI 308 Sociology of Gender 3
SOCI 310 Sociology of Aging and the Aged 3
SOCI 325 Couples, Family and Friendship 3
SOCI 340 Sociology of Medical Practice 3
SOCI 345 Youth and Society 3
SOCI 415 Inequality and Power 3
SOCI 420 Race and Inequality 3
SOCI 421 Sociology of Education 3
SOCI 427 Sociology of Madness 3
SOCI 488 Field Observance and Experience 3
SOCI 490 Directed Study (limited to topics approved for the concentration) 1-3

Concentration in Pre-Law

The concentration in Pre-Law is designed for students interested in law school or other careers in the legal field, and highlights those aspects of law that overlap with crime and criminal justice. The concentration provides students with an introduction to the causes of crime and deviance as well as social and institutional responses to this behavior. Students can choose from courses focusing on the personal and social forces that give rise to crime, as well as courses that examine the role of the legal and criminal justice systems in dealing with criminals and reducing crime rates.

Requirements: 12 credit hours from the following courses, with 9 of these credit hours selected from 300- or 400-level courses: 

SOCI 2120 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems  3
SOCI 2210 Sociology of Deviance 3
SOCI 2310 Contemporary Social Problems 3
SOCI 312 Causes of Crime and Delinquency 3
SOCI 412 Sociology of Police and Social Control 3
SOCI 414 Sociology of Corrections 3
SOCI 416 Sociology of Law 3
SOCI 423 Women, Gender, and Crime 3
SOCI 424 Race, Class, and Crime 3
SOCI 425 Crime Through the Life Course 3
SOCI 426 Drugs, Crime, and Social Control 3
SOCI 488 Field Observation and Experience 3
SOCI 491 Directed Study in Criminology 1-3

Further details are available on each concentration from the Department of Sociology and undergraduate advisors in the Department.

Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program

The Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program offers B.A. in Sociology students an accelerated route to earning both the B.A. (with a minor in Public Administration) and Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.) degrees. The Program allows students to earn graduate credit during their senior academic year, thereby reducing time and costs for completing both degrees. 

Through the B.A. in Sociology/M.P.A. Shared-Credit Degrees Program, students complete a minimum of 120 credit hours for the B.A. and 42 credit hours for the M.P.A.


  • Step 1: Application typically occurs at the end of a student's first semester of junior year. However, since student schedules vary, academic records for all Sociology students are reviewed at the end of each academic semester in order to identify students who have satisfied the Shared-Credit degrees program criteria. Invitations are sent to qualifying Sociology students. Students wishing to participate in Shared-Credit degrees program may then apply for admission to the School of Public Administration and, upon acceptance, into the Shared-Credit degrees program.
  • Step 2: Student completes B.A. in Sociology requirements, including all General Education curriculum, lower- and upper-division, Sociology major coursework, and the Public Administration shared-credit minor. The Sociology Department and the College of Arts and Sciences determine that all B.A. degree requirements have been met. 
  • Step 3: Student completes selected M.P.A. 500-level courses. Upon completion of all the undergraduate requirements, the student will receive a B.A. in Sociology. The student will then be formally admitted into the M.P.A. program.
  • Step 4: The student prepares a M.P.A. Study Plan Worksheet with the Student Advisor, which documents coursework to be completed during the M.P.A. program. The M.P.A. Study Plan Worksheet will be updated at the end of each academic term during the M.P.A. program. 
  • Step 5: The student will complete a Program of Studies to be filed with Graduate Studies. 
  • Step 6: Once M.P.A. coursework is completed, the student completes the M.P.A. capstone component. The component may be a Thesis or Professional Paper. 
  • Step 7: The final step is graduation with the Master of Public Administration.

Admission Requirements

This Shared-Credit Degrees Program is available only to UNM B.A. in Sociology students who have achieved junior-year academic standing or higher. Invitation is based on academic performance; only students with an overall cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or higher are considered.

Admission to the graduate portion of the program is provisional until completion and award of the undergraduate degree.

Shared-Credit Minor: Public Administration

Once accepted into the Shared-Credit degrees program, the undergraduate student must complete the Public Administration shared-credit minor as part of the bachelor's degree requirements. Required courses are as follows:

  • PADM 500 Public Management and Policy
  • PADM 521 Institutional Development and Behavior
  • PADM 525 Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
  • PADM 544 Public Budgeting
  • PADM 595 Research Methods I: Data Collection
  • PADM 596 Research Methods II: Data Analysis

Graduate Year Requirements

After the student is awarded the undergraduate degree and is admitted into the M.P.A. program, the following courses are required:

  • PADM 553
  • PADM 597
  • Six PADM elective courses

Should an admitted student choose not to complete the graduate portion of the program, the B.A. in Sociology is awarded on completion of all undergraduate requirements. Refer to the School of Public Administration: Graduate Program section of this Catalog for graduate degree and course information.

Minor Study Requirements

Because minors are intended to broaden students' education, multiple degree components within the Department of Sociology are not permitted. Students may not major in Criminology and minor in Sociology, or vice versa.

Minor in Criminology

The Criminology minor requires a total of 21 credit hours (seven courses), consisting of core courses and others as described below:

Core courses: SOCI 1110; (2120 or 2210 or 312); two of: 412, 414, 416, 419, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427 (additional courses from the set may be used as electives).

The 21 credit hours must also include 6 credit hours from the approved list available from the Department of Sociology, or any upper-division Sociology course. Students may not count the same course as both a core criminology course and an elective.

Minor in Sociology

The Sociology minor requires a total of 21 credit hours (seven courses), consisting of core courses and others as described below:

Core courses: SOCI 1110, 380, 371.

The 12 elective credit hours (four courses) are drawn from all sociology courses not specifically required above but must include at least 6 credit hours (two courses) from the upper-division elective courses, available from the department.

Departmental Honors

Superior sophomore or junior students majoring in Criminology or Sociology with a GPA of 3.5 in the major and 3.25 overall are invited to apply for admission to the department's 6 credit hour Undergraduate Honors Thesis Program, beginning in their junior year. Students participating in this program are eligible to graduate with departmental honors if recommended by the faculty on the basis of outstanding performance. Honors students are required to take SOCI 399 (Advanced Workshop in Sociology) in the Spring term to be followed by SOCI 499 (Senior Honors Thesis) in a subsequent semester. See the Department's Honors Coordinator for specific requirements.


SOCI 1110. Introduction to Sociology. (3)

SOCI 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 2120. Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems. (3)

SOCI 2210. Sociology of Deviance. (3)

SOCI 2310. Contemporary Social Problems. (3)

SOCI 2315. The Dynamics of Prejudice. (3)

SOCI 2340. Global Issues. (3)

SOCI 2996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 305. Environmental Sociology. (3)

SOCI 307. Nonviolent Alternatives. (3)

SOCI 308. Sociology of Gender. (3)

SOCI 310. Sociology of Aging and the Aged. (3)

SOCI 312. Causes of Crime and Delinquency. (3)

SOCI 325. Couples, Family and Friendship. (3)

SOCI 326. Sociology of New Mexico. (3)

SOCI 328. Sociology of Native Americans. (3)

SOCI 331. Social Movements. (3)

SOCI 340. Sociology of Medical Practice. (3)

SOCI 345. Youth and Society. (3)

SOCI 346. Health and Social Inequalities I. (3)

SOCI 347. Health and Social Inequalities II. (3)

SOCI 351. The Urban Community. (3)

SOCI 354. Introduction to Latin American Society I: Social Sciences. (3)

SOCI 371. Sociological Theory. (3)

SOCI 380. Introduction to Research Methods. (3)

SOCI 381L. Sociological Data Analysis. (4)

SOCI 398. Special Topics in Sociology. (3, no limit Δ)

SOCI 399. Advanced Undergraduate Workshop in Sociology. (3)

SOCI 412. Sociology of Police and Social Control. (3)

SOCI 414. Sociology of Corrections. (3)

SOCI 416. Sociology of Law. (3)

SOCI 418. Selected Topics in Criminology. (3-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOCI 419. Social Networks and Crime. (3)

SOCI 420. Race and Inequality. (3)

SOCI 421. Sociology of Education. (3)

SOCI 422. Sociology of Religion. (3)

SOCI 423. Women, Gender, and Crime. (3)

SOCI 424. Race, Class and Crime. (3)

SOCI 425. Crime Through the Life Course. (3)

SOCI 426. Drugs, Crime and Social Control. (3)

SOCI 427. Sociology of Madness. (3)

SOCI 428. Sociology of Mexican Americans. (3)

SOCI **430. Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Class for Social Policy. (3)

SOCI 452. Community Organizing and the Struggle for Justice in America. (3)

SOCI *478. Seminar in International Studies. (3)

SOCI 488. Field Observation and Experience. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

SOCI 490. Directed Study. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOCI 491. Directed Study in Criminology. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

SOCI 499. Senior Honors Thesis. (3)

SOCI 500 . Classical Sociological Theory. (3)

SOCI 501. Knowledge and Power. (3)

SOCI 507. Topics in Sociological Theory. (3, no limit Δ)

SOCI 510. Social and Political Movements. (3)

SOCI 512. Political Sociology. (3)

SOCI 513. Constructing and Analyzing Contemporary Sociological Theory. (3)

SOCI 515. Criminological Theory. (3)

SOCI 518. Special Topics in Criminology. (3)

SOCI 520. Racial and Ethnic Relations. (3)

SOCI 521. Sociology of Education. (3)

SOCI 523. Proseminar. (1)

SOCI 528. Sociology of Mexican Americans. (3)

SOCI 530. Social Science Writing and Publishing. (3)

SOCI 531. Sociology Teaching Seminar. (3)

SOCI 533. Critical Race Gender and Class: Intersectionality and Critical Race Theory for Inquiry and Praxis. (3)

SOCI 540. Medical Sociology and Health Policy. (3)

SOCI 551–552 . Problems. (2-3, no limit Δ; 2-3, no limit Δ)

SOCI 580. Methods of Social Research. (3)

SOCI 581. Advanced Social Statistics I. (3)

SOCI 582. Advanced Social Statistics II. (3)

SOCI 585. Qualitative Research Methods. (3)

SOCI 595. Special Topics in Sociology. (3, no limit Δ)

SOCI 596. Professional Paper. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 696. Reading in Sociology. (1-6, no limit Δ)

SOCI 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

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