Gallup Campus

The University of New Mexico–Gallup

Christopher Dyer, Ph.D., Chancellor
705 Gurley Avenue
Gallup, NM 87301
(505) 863-7500

The Gallup Campus was established to fulfill the educational needs of this large diverse multicultural region. Growth and development continues in accord with the desires of the people who reside in this service area.

Opened on September 16, 1968, the University of New Mexico Gallup Branch has grown from operating out of the Gallup High School to its present campus on more than 80 acres. In October 1985 the college moved into its new complex. It includes additional classrooms, faculty offices, a student services complex, administrative offices, student food services area and remodeling of the Career Education Building. The new Zollinger Library was completed in March 2001, and the new Health Career Center and Zuni Campus opened in 2002. In addition, there were expansions to the PE complex and a math/sciences addition.

The University of New Mexico Gallup Branch Campus is committed to the philosophy that post-secondary educational opportunities should be provided to all individuals regardless of age, gender, race, religious affiliation or handicap.

Post-secondary educational opportunities are essential in a community the size of Gallup to assist with its economic growth and social changes. The Gallup campus has no greater purpose than that of making higher education available to all. From this philosophical base emerge the following goals of the Gallup Campus:

  • The University of New Mexico–Gallup will foster and promote educational opportunities through aggressive recruitment efforts and systematic retention strategies.
  • The University of New Mexico–Gallup will continue to build new collaborations with community stakeholders while solidifying our existing interactive partnerships.
  • The University of New Mexico–Gallup, partnering with students and stakeholders, will determine and maintain a positive learning environment, now and for the future.
  • The University of New Mexico–Gallup will diversify sources of funding needed to support our activities.
  • The University of New Mexico–Gallup will develop and refine communication systems to enhance internal and external relationships.

The College offers academic courses transferable to the University of New Mexico main campus and to other institutions. Also available is a full range of preparatory and vocational-technical courses. The Gallup Branch Campus offers degree and certificate programs in a variety of academic and technical fields. The student may earn an Associate of Science degree, an Associate of Arts, or an Associate of Applied Science degree. The College also offers a number of certificate programs.

The College also operates four Adult Basic Education Centers. The centers are located in Gurley Hall, the Northside Campus, UNM-G South-Zuni and Navajo. The Centers provide instruction in preparation for the GED exam, Adult Basic Education tutoring and workshops and also, English as a Second Language (ESL) at the Northside location. The program is a branch of the Transitional Studies Program. The College offers the GED exam on a monthly basis. The GED exam is also available in Spanish.

The College also serves as a Center for Career and Technical Education for high school students. High school students are bussed in daily for two-and-one-half hours of instruction in career and technical education fields. Students come to the Gallup campus from the Fort Wingate BIA School, Gallup Catholic School, Gallup Christian School, Gallup McKinley County School District, Rehoboth Christian School, Middle College High School, and the Zuni School District. Students are dually enrolled for up to fifteen credits in the following disciplines: Automotive Technology, Business Technology, Collision Repair Technology, Construction Technology, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Design and Digital Media, Early Childhood Multi-Cultural Education, Fire Science Technology, Health Careers, Multi-Vocational Service Occupations, Students Achieving New Directions, and Welding Technology.

The Middle College High School (MCHS) is a New Mexico public charter middle college high school located on the University of New Mexico–Gallup campus in portables next to the Gymnasium. Students from the area who are residents of New Mexico with 10 high school credits can enroll into this rigorous academic and career-focused program. The MCHS has a small enrollment of only 60 students who can take part in the program. A lottery is held before each semester for enrollment. The MCHS students are enrolled both in the high school program to earn their diploma as well as with the University of New Mexico–Gallup. Students take college courses only while earning both college and high school credits. Students are also required to take part in other components of the MCHS program. These include: small group seminar, tutoring, professional mentoring, job shadowing, service learning and work-study.

The goals of the Middle College High School are to:

  1. Provide high quality, learning-centered education through a seamless continuum between high school and college:
    • i. Earn a high school diploma while earning college credits.
    • ii. Explore vocational and career aspirations.
    • iii. Prepare themselves for college: Certificate, A.A.
  2. The staff members provide support in an atmosphere that is caring and yet have high expectations of the students. The charter requires that students must receive a C- or better in a college course in order for the credit to transfer to their graduation transcript.

Entrance packets for the MCHS can be picked up in the MCHS office in Calvin Hall, portables next to the gymnasium, from May through July for the Fall semester and from August to December for the Spring semester. All students must meet the minimum requirements of the program before they can be registered.

For more information contact the MCHS at (505) 722-9945.

The College also offers a number of courses at its satellite campus located in Zuni, New Mexico.

UNM Gallup Bachelor and Graduate Programs: A Main Campus department located in Calvin Hall, Room 228, offering students the opportunity to start and complete baccalaureate and graduate programs on the Gallup Campus.

B.S.N. Nursing Program: The University of New Mexico College of Nursing offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing completion program for RNs. For specific information, contact the College of Nursing Advisement Office at (505) 272-4223.

All registered nurses seeking entrance into the College of Nursing must meet requirements for admission to the University and to the College of Nursing. Also needed are: a valid RN license; at least 26 credit hours of college coursework applicable to the B.S.N. degree; and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50.

A requirement of the College of Nursing is that all students complete ENGL 1120, Composition II prior to enrolling in any upper-division nursing courses. For students admitted prior to 2006, Pathophysiology and the NLN Mobility Profile II exams must be completed prior to enrolling in the B.S.N. completion option.

College credit earned in associate degree nursing programs or in hospital-based diploma schools of nursing is transferable to the University, provided the original program was offered in a regionally accredited institution and the nursing program was accredited by the National League for Nursing. Such credit may be applied toward meeting the graduation requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. See Transfer of Credit.

RN students are allowed to accelerate through the upper-division major according to individual capacity based upon a credit by examination process and enrollment in required nursing courses. Each RN student must demonstrate achievement of the outcomes expected of all College of Nursing baccalaureate students.

Each registered nurse student is counseled individually to help clarify career goals and to plan an educational program which will be of greatest benefit in meeting those goals.

Prospective registered nurse students are urged to contact the College of Nursing Student Advisement Office prior to registration. The College of Nursing supports career mobility for nurses.

B.S.Ed. Elementary Education Program: Through the College of Education and Human Sciences, students are able to earn a Bachelor of Science in Education in Elementary Education at the Gallup Campus. Depending upon the student’s special area of interest, some coursework may have to be completed at the Albuquerque campus. For specific information, contact the Extended University Office at the Gallup Campus, (505) 863-7618.

B.B.A. Business Administration Program: Through the Anderson Schools of Management, students are able to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration at the Gallup Campus. For specific information, contact the Extended University Advisor at (505) 863-7618.

B.A. Liberal Arts Program: Students are able to earn a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts degree at the Gallup Campus. The interdisciplinary degree program allows students to design a program of study that meets their academic or professional needs. For specific information, contact the Extended University Advisor at (505) 863-7554.

Graduate Studies at Gallup: Several Graduate Programs in Education are offered on the Gallup Campus through the University of New Mexico College of Education and Human Sciences. For information on degrees and individual course offerings call (505) 863-7618.

The College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of New Mexico offers Master of Arts programs in Elementary Education and Secondary Education at the Gallup Branch campus. For additional information regarding the program and for application packets, inquire at the University of New Mexico–Gallup with the Extended University Office, (505) 863-7618.

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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