Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering

Sang M. Han, Director
MSC01 1141
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-3118

NSME Executive Committee
Dean, School of Engineering
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Dean, Office of Graduate Studies
Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Affiliated Faculty
Alejandro Aceves, Mathematics and Statistics
Carl Agee, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Yemane Asmeron, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Susan R. Atlas, Physics and Astronomy
Ganesh Balakrishnan, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Adrian Brearley, Earth and Planetary Sciences
C. Jeff Brinker, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Tione Buranda, Pathology
Heather Canavan, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Nichlaus Carroll, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Francesca Cavallo, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Carlton M. Caves, Physics and Astronomy
Joseph L. Cecchi, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Bryce Chackerian, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Jingkuang Chen, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Eva Chi, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Christos Christodoulou, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Laura J. Crossey, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Abhaya Datye, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Elizabeth L. Dirk, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Robert V. Duncan, Physics and Astronomy
David Dunlap, Physics and Astronomy
Jeremy Edwards, Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Deborah Evans, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Hongyou Fan, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Daniel Feezell, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Charles B. Fledderman, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ramesh Giri, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Steven Graves, Chemical and Biological Engineering
John K. Grey, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Hua Guo, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Terefe Habteyes, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Sang Eon Han, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Sang M. Han, Chemical and Biological Engineering
David Hanson, Biology
Majeed Hayat, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Gabriel Huerta, Mathematics and Statistics
Nathan Jackson, Mechanical Engineering
Ravinder K. Jain, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rhian Jones, Earth and Planetary Sciences
David Keller, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Richard Kemp, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Tariq Khraishi, Mechanical Engineering
Martin L. Kirk, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Andrew Landahl, Physics and Astronomy
Matthew Lakin, Computer Science
Fu-Sen Liang, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Diane S. Lidke, Pathology
Ronald E. Loehman, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Eric Sam Loker, Biology
Alejandro Manjacavas, Physics and Astronomy
Jason McConville, Pharmacy
Christopher Moore, Computer Science
Pavan Muttil, Pharmacy
Aaron Neumann, Pathology
Marek Osinski, Electrical and Computer Engineering
David S. Peabody, Molecular Genetics
Dimiter N. Petsev, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Yang Qin, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Jeffrey Rack, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Wolfgang Rudolph, Physics and Astronomy
Andres Salazar, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pradeep Sen, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Andrew Schuler, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Randy Schunk, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Zachary Sharp, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Yu-Lin Shen, Mechanical Engineering
Andrew Shreve, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Larry Sklar, Pathology
Darko Stefanovic, Computer Science
Deborah L. Sulsky, Mathematics and Statistics
Mahmoud R. Taha, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Rafiqul Tarefder, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
James L. Thomas, Physics and Astronomy
Graham Timmins, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lok-kun Tsui, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Angela Wandinger-Ness, Pathology
Helen Wearing, Biology
David G. Whitten, Chemical and Biological Engineering
Lance R. Williams, Computer Science
John Wood, Mechanical Engineering


NSMS 510. Chemistry and Physics at the Nanoscale. (3)

NSMS 512. Characterization Methods for Nanostructures. (3)

NSMS 518. Synthesis of Nanostructures. (3)

NSMS 519. Advanced Micro- and Nanosystems Engineering. (4)

NSMS 550. Social and Ethical Issues in Nanotechnology. (1-3)

NSMS 574L. Microelectronics Processing. (3)

NSMS 581. Colloidal Nanocrystals for Biomedical Applications. (3)

NSMS 595. Special Topics. (1-3 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

NSMS 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)

NSMS 650. Research. (1-12 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

NSMS 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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