School of Law

Sergio Pareja, Dean
Camille Carey, Associate Dean, Academic Affairs
Aliza Organick, Associate Dean, Experiential Learning
Christine Zuni Cruz, Associate Dean, Institutional Climate and Equity
Bratton Hall
MSC11 6070
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 277-4700

Distinguished Professor
James W. Ellis, J.D., University of California-Berkeley

Marsha Baum, M.S.L.S., Columbia University; J.D., State University of New York, Buffalo
Reed Benson, J.D., University of Michigan
Camille Carey, J.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Barbara Creel, J.D., University of New Mexico
Scott Hughes, LL.M., Temple University
April Land, LL.M., Georgetown University
John P. LaVelle, J.D., University of California, Berkeley
Nathalie Martin, LL.M., Temple University
Alfred D. Mathewson, J.D., Yale University
Jennifer Moore, J.D., Harvard University
Aliza Organick, J.D., University of New Mexico
Sergio Pareja, J.D., Georgetown University
Carol Suzuki, J.D., Columbia University
Christine Zuni Cruz, J.D., University of New Mexico

Associate Professors
George Bach, J.D., University of New Mexico School of Law
Serge Martinez, J.D., Yale University
Mary Leto Pareja, J.D., Georgetown University
Alex Ritchie, J.D., University of Virginia
Laura Spitz, J.D., University of British Columbia
Jeannette Wolfley, J.D., University of New Mexico

Assistant Professors
Maryam Ahranjani, J.D., American University Washington College of Law
Paul Figueroa, J.D., American University Washington College of Law
Joshua E. Kastenberg, J.D., Marquette University Law School
Gabriel Pacyniak, J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
Sarah Steadman, J.D., University of New Mexico School of Law
Clifford Villa, J.D., Lewis and Clark College

Legal Writing Instructors
Scott England, J.D., Northwestern University
Steven Homer, J.D., Harvard University
Lurecia Jaramillo, J.D., New York University
David Stout, J.D., University of New Mexico

Law Library Faculty
Marquita Harnett, M.L.A., University of Arizona
Jennifer Laws, M.L.I.S., University of Texas at Austin
Ernesto A. Longa, J.D., St. Thomas University, M.L.I.S., University of Washington
Michelle Rigual, J.D., M.S., University of Illinois
Alexandra Siek, J.D., University of New Mexico School of Law, M.L.I.S., San Jose State University
Sherri Thomas, J.D., University of New Mexico School of Law

Professors Emeriti
Barbara E. Bergman, J.D., Stanford University
Barbara Blumenfeld, J.D., Wayne State University
Michael B. Browde, J.D., Georgetown University
Sherri L. Burr, J.D., Yale University
Robert J. Desiderio, J.D., Boston College
Charles T. DuMars, J.D., University of Arizona
Willis H. Ellis, J.D., Indiana University
Myron Fink, M.S.L.S., Columbia University; LL.M., New York Law School
Denise Fort, J.D., Catholic University of America
Christian G. Fritz, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley; J.D., University of California, Hastings
Eileen Gauna, J.D., University of New Mexico
Richard A. Gonzales, J.D., New York University
Frederick Hart, LL.M., New York University
G. Emlen Hall, J.D., Harvard University
Michele S. G. Hermann, LL.M., Harvard University
Ruth L. Kovnat, LL.B., Southern Methodist University
Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, J.D., University of California, Los Angeles
William T. MacPherson, Jr., J.D., University of New Mexico
Jose L. Martinez, J.D., University of California, Berkeley
Margaret Montoya, J.D., Harvard University
J. Michael Norwood, J.D., University of New Mexico
Mario E. Occhialino, Jr., J.D., Georgetown University
Theodore Parnall, J.D., University of New Mexico
Elizabeth Rapaport, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University; J.D., Harvard University
Leo M. Romero, LL.M., Georgetown University
Robert L. Schwartz, J.D., Harvard University
Gloria Valencia-Weber, J.D., Harvard University
Peter A. Winograd, LL.M., New York University
Sheryl Wolf, LL.M., Yale University


The State Bar of New Mexico having previously adopted a resolution to that end and the Legislature having financial provision, the Regents of The University of New Mexico, on March 31, 1947, as expressly authorized by Laws 1889, Ch. 138, Sec. 15, approved the establishment of a School of Law.


The school is fully accredited; it was approved by the American Bar Association on February 24, 1948, and membership in the Association of American Law Schools was granted in December 1948.

Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

The School of Law policy on academic retention and suspension governs School of Law students with regard to academic probation, suspension, and dismissal. See the School of Law Bulletin and Handbook of Policies.

Associated Departments

Graduate Program

Juris Doctor

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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