Graduate Program

Degree Offered

  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.)

Admission Information

It is recommended that interested students attend an advisement session in the Physical Therapy Program during the spring, summer or fall semesters. Students may sign up for one of these sessions either by email or by phone. Students are admitted once a year, with classes beginning in the fall. The application deadline is mid-October.

Instructions to submit applications and deadlines are available online through the Physical Therapy Program Web site. Applications are submitted via the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS).

Applicants who appear to be best qualified are invited for an interview. Final selection is made from the group of candidates interviewed. The program’s selection process does not discriminate against any student on the basis of gender, age, race, religion, creed or national group.

For further information, the program may be contacted at the address and phone number below:

University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Division of Physical Therapy
Attn: Admissions Chair
MSC09 5230
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
(505) 272-5479 

Pre-professional Educational Requirements

Applicants to the program must have a degree at the baccalaureate level from an accredited university, including 36 credit hours of science prerequisites. Contact the program or visit the Physical Therapy Program Web site for specific course requirements.

Only candidates with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.67 and a minimum science prerequisite GPA of 3.0 or higher are considered.

Professional Curriculum

The professional program is eight semesters in length and begins with the fall session each year. Students take professional courses in the theory and practice of physical therapy and affiliate at clinical sites for professional experiences that are correlated with classroom activities. Professional courses are open only to those students that are admitted to the Physical Therapy Program.

This curriculum is in effect for students entering the program effective Fall 2021 and reflects changes to course titles and credit hours not in effect until the indicated semester.

First Year Fall Semester
PT 505 Foundations 3
PT 506L Musculoskeletal Intervention I 2
PT 507L Musculoskeletal Concepts and Management I 4
PT 521L Human Anatomy I 4
PT 534 Evidenced Based Practice I 2
PT 632 Evidence Based Practice II 2
PT 693 Integrated Clinical Experiences 1
  Subtotal 18
  Spring Semester  
PT 508L Musculoskeletal Concepts and Management II 6
PT 509L Musculoskeletal Intervention II 3
PT 512 Professional Patient Management 1
PT 522L Anatomy II 4
PT 613 Cardiopulmonary 3
PT 693 Integrated Clinical Experiences 1
  Subtotal 18
  Summer Session
PT 511 Clinical Education Experience I 6
  Subtotal 6
Total Year 1 42
Second Year Fall Semester  
PT 550 Pathophysiology 2
PT 606L Management of Neurologic Dysfunction I 4
PT 609L Management of Neurologic Dysfunction II 4
PT 662L Pediatrics 5
PT 693 Integrated Clinical Experiences 1
Subtotal 16
  Spring Semester
PT 513 Management of Integumentary Dysfunction 2
PT 546 Pharmacology for Physical Therapists 2
PT 605L Management of Neurologic Dysfunction IV 4
PT 608L Management of Neurologic Dysfunction III 4
PT 660 Health, Wellness, and Fitness 2
PT 670 Gerontology 3
PT 693 Integrated Clinical Experiences 1
  Subtotal 18
  Summer Session  
PT 610 Acute Care 3
PT 622 Biopsychosocial Practice 3
PT 680 Administration and Supervision I 2
PT 691 Capstone Project 1
  Subtotal 9
Total Year 2 43
Third Year Fall Semester  
PT 580 Prosthetics 2
PT 611 Clinical Education Experience II 6
PT 640 Gender Health 2
PT 650 Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy 3
PT 685 Advanced Spinal Manipulation 3
PT 691 Capstone Project 1
Subtotal 17
Spring Semester
PT 652 Clinical Education Experience III 6
PT 653 Service and Interprofessional Learning 1
PT 654 Clinical Education Experience IV 6
PT 691 Capstone Project 3
PT 692 Board Preparation 1
Subtotal 17
Total Year 3
D.P.T. Curriculum Total  119

In addition to satisfactory completion of the didactic portion of the curriculum, students must successfully prepare and present a Capstone Project. Included in the curriculum are 33 weeks of full-time clinical practice. Hospital and healthcare facilities throughout New Mexico and a limited number of facilities outside the state are utilized in the clinical education experiences.

Students in the Physical Therapy program pay tuition based on full-time graduate status at UNM. Estimated tuition and course fee costs for resident students for three years is $92,405.44, and for non-residents $130,257.80. The additional costs associated with all clinical education experiences, including transportation, room and board (approximately $3,600/rotation dependent on location), are borne by the student. Students are required to carry health insurance which is available through the University for a reasonable fee.


PT 351. Clinical Exercise in Physical Therapy. (3)

PT 505. Foundations. (3)

PT 506L. Musculoskeletal Intervention I. (2)

PT 507L. Musculoskeletal Concepts and Management I. (4)

PT 508L. Musculoskeletal Concepts and Management II. (6)

PT 509L. Musculoskeletal Intervention II. (3)

PT 511. Clinical Education Experience I. (6)

PT 512. Professional Patient Management. (1)

PT 513. Management of Integumentary Dysfunction. (2)

PT 521L. Human Anatomy I. (4)

PT 522L. Anatomy II. (4)

PT 534. Evidenced-Based Practice I. (2)

PT 545. Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy. (2)

PT 546. Pharmacology for Physical Therapists. (2)

PT 550. Pathophysiology. (2)

PT 580. Prosthetics. (2)

PT 605L. Management of Neurologic Dysfunction IV. (4)

PT 606L. Management of Neurologic Dysfunction I. (4)

PT 608L. Management of Neurologic Dysfunction III. (4 [8])

PT 609L. Management of Neurologic Dysfunction II. (4)

PT 610. Acute Care. (3 [4])

PT 611. Clinical Education Experience II. (6)

PT 613. Cardiopulmonary. (3)

PT 622. Biopsychosocial Practice. (3)

PT 632. Evidence-Based Practice II. (2)

PT 640. Gender Health. (2)

PT 650. Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy. (3)

PT 652. Clinical Education Experience III. (6)

PT 653. Service and Interprofessional Learning. (1)

PT 654. Clinical Education Experience IV. (6)

PT 660. Health, Wellness and Fitness. (2 [3])

PT 662L. Pediatrics. (5)

PT 670. Gerontology. (3)

PT 680. Administration and Supervision I. (1-2)

PT 685. Advanced Ortho Spine. (3)

PT 691. Capstone Project. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

PT 692. Board Preparation. (1)

PT 693. Integrated Clinical Experiences. (1, may be repeated three times Δ)

PT 694. Physical Therapy Independent Study. (1-7)

PT 695. Special Topics in Physical Therapy. (1-3 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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