Radiologic Sciences

Gary Mlady, M.D., St. Louis University School of Medicine, Chair
Associate Professor
University of New Mexico School of Medicine
Department of Radiology
MSC10 5530
1 University of New Mexico 87131-0001
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 272-0011, FAX (505) 272-5821

Rebecca Blankley, M.F.A., RT (R)(CT)(MR)(M)
Director and Senior Lecturer III, Radiologic Sciences
Department of Radiology
MSC09 5260
1 University of New Mexico 87131-0001
Albuquerque, NM  87131

Elizabeth Greer, M.Ed., RT (R)(QM)
Principal Lecturer III, Radiologic Sciences
Department of Radiology
MSC09 5260
1 University of New Mexico 87131-0001
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 272-5254

Lynnette Trujillo, M.S., CNMT, RT (N)
Program Director and Lecturer III, Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Medicine Imaging Program
MSC09 5260
1 University of New Mexico 87131-0001
(505) 272-5254, FAX (505) 272-8079

Lecturers III
Alison Kleven, B.U.S., CNMT (N)
Kathlynn Roberts, B.S., RT (R)(CT)


Four options are available for students seeking an undergraduate certification and/or degree in Radiologic Sciences:

Medical Imaging
• Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences, Medical Imaging concentration
• Certificate in Advanced Computed Tomography Imaging
• Certificate in Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
• Certificate in Structured Education Requirements Computed Tomography
• Certificate in Structured Education Requirements Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Nuclear Medicine
• Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Sciences, Nuclear Medicine concentration

Tuition and Fees

Books, uniforms and fees (for those students attending clinical) are determined upon acceptance into our clinical programs. Tuition is determined by the Board of Regents each year for the following school year, beginning in fall.

To verify current tuition, visit the Bursar's Office Web site.

For financial aid information, please visit the Financial Aid Office Web site.

For program information, please visit the Radiologic Sciences Program Web site.

Please note, tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.


NUCM 315. Radiation Safety. (2)

NUCM 320. Clinical Nuclear Technology I. (4)

NUCM 354. Clinical Radiopharmacy. (3)

NUCM 360. Imaging Instrumentation I. (3)

NUCM 365. Clinical Nuclear Technology II. (4)

NUCM 375. Nuclear Physics and Instrumentation. (3)

NUCM 380. Nuclear Medicine Cross Sectional Anatomy. (2)

NUCM 385. Imaging Instrumentation II. (3)

NUCM 392. Pathology Seminar. (4)

NUCM 396. Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging I. (3)

NUCM 400. Clinical Nuclear Technology III. (3)

NUCM 412. Nuclear Radiation Biology. (2)

NUCM 415. Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Imaging II. (3)

RADS 330. Patient Care. (2)

RADS 331. Patient Care Lab. (1)

RADS 378. Healthcare Delivery and Compliance. (3)

RADS 381. Medical Language Systems Review. (1)

RADS 398. Topics in Healthcare Ethics and Diversity. (3)

RADS 405. Introduction to Research and Medical Imaging. (3)

RADS 406. Community Engagement and Service Learning. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

RADS 410. Physics of Computed Tomography. (3)

RADS 411. Physics of Computed Tomography II. (3)

RADS 412. Computed Tomography Physics Review. (1)

RADS 420. Computed Tomography Clinical I. (3)

RADS 421. Computed Tomography Clinical II. (3)

RADS 422. Computed Tomography Clinical III. (2)

RADS 450. Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging I. (3)

RADS 451. Physics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging II. (3)

RADS 452. MRI Physics Review. (1)

RADS 460. MRI Clinical I. (3)

RADS 461. MRI Clinical II. (3)

RADS 462. MRI Clinical III. (2)

RADS *480. Human Cross Sectional Anatomy. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

RADS 481. Human Cross Sectional Pathology. (3)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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