Undergraduate Program

College of Arts and Sciences and Africana Studies Program Undergraduate Admission Requirements

A minimum of 26 credit hours; 23 credit hours must be in courses acceptable toward graduation.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 on all work.

  • Transfer students must have a 2.00 transfer GPA.
  • Continuing UNM students must have a 2.00 institutional GPA.

Demonstrated academic achievement by satisfying the following:

  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Writing and Speaking.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Mathematics and Statistics.
  • Completion of General Education Curriculum: Second Language.

Completion of Africana Studies Program admission coursework with grade of "C" or better:

  • One AFST course at any level.

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Arts in Africana Studies (B.A.)

A Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Africana Studies is designed to sharpen and develop student's critical thinking, research, and writing skills through an interdisciplinary approach. Consequently, students are required to take an array of courses in the humanities and social sciences, as well as courses that center on civil and human rights and Diaspora studies.

The requirements listed below emphasize the historical agency of African Americans and other peoples of African descent and the centrality of race, racism, and racial formation across the Black Diaspora, with specific emphasis on the Southwest United States. Substitutions must be approved by the Africana Studies Program.

Major Study Requirements

The B.A. in Africana Studies requires 120 credit hours which includes completion of the University of New Mexico Core Curriculum, the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, and other requirements of the University of New Mexico. 36 credit hours are required for the major, distributed as follows:

AFST 1110 Introduction to Africana Studies 3
AFST 2110 African American History 3
AFST 307 African Diaspora in the Southwest 3
AFST 398 Africana Philosophy and Methods 3
AFST 498 Research Seminar 3
Subtotal 15
Foreign Language (choose from):
AFST 101 Swahili I 3
AFST 102 Swahili II 3
FREN 1110 French I 3
FREN 1120 French II 3
Subtotal 6
Chosen from AFST courses 15
Subtotal 15
Total 36

Second Major Requirements

Africana Studies as a second major for a B.A. degree requires 30 credit hours, distributed as follows:

AFST 1110 Introduction to Africana Studies 3
AFST 2110 African American History 3
AFST 307 African Diaspora in the Southwest 3
AFST 398 Africana Philosophy and Methods 3
AFST 498 Research Seminar 3
Subtotal 15
Foreign Language (choose from):
AFST 101 Swahili I 3
AFST 102 Swahili II 3
FREN 1110 French I 3
FREN 1120 French II 3
Subtotal 3
Chosen from AFST courses 12
Subtotal 12
Total 30

Minor Study Requirements

The undergraduate minor in Africana Studies requires 24 credit hours, distributed as follows:

AFST 1110 Introduction to Africana Studies 3
AFST 2110 African American History 3
AFST 307 African Diaspora in the Southwest 3
AFST 398 Africana Philosophy and Methods 3
Subtotal 12
Foreign Language (choose from):
AFST 101 Swahili I 3
AFST 102 Swahili II 3
FREN 1110 French I 3
FREN 1120 French II 3
Subtotal 3
Chosen from AFST courses 9
Subtotal 9
Total 24


AFST 101. Swahili I. (3)

AFST 102. Swahili II. (3)

AFST 1110. Introduction to Africana Studies. (3)

AFST 1120. Race in the Digital Age. (3)

AFST 1996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

AFST 2110. African American History. (3)

AFST 2140. Black Women in the African Diaspora. (3)

AFST 2996. Topics. (1-6, no limit Δ)

AFST 303. Black Liberation and Religion. (3)

AFST 307. African Diaspora in the Southwest. (3)

AFST 309. Black Politics. (3)

AFST 315. Race and the Law. (3)

AFST 322. Africana Study Abroad. (1-6 to a maximum of 9 Δ)

AFST 329. Introduction to African Politics. (3)

AFST 333. Black Political Theory. (3)

AFST 335. Sociology of Black Communities. (3)

AFST 340. Race and Globalization. (3)

AFST 345. Foundations in Critical Race Theory. (3)

AFST 360. The Harlem Renaissance. (3)

AFST 380. African Literature. (3)

AFST 381. African-American Literature II. (3)

AFST 385. The African World. (3)

AFST 388. Blacks in Latin America. (3)

AFST 391. Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 12 Δ)

AFST 395. Education in Colonial Africa. (3)

AFST 396. Emancipation and Equality. (3)

AFST *397. Interdisciplinary Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

AFST 398. Africana Philosophy and Methods. (3)

AFST 399. Race, Culture and Education. (3)

AFST 453. African American Art. (3)

AFST *495. Topics in Africana Studies. (1-3 to a maximum of 24 Δ)

AFST 498. Research Seminar. (3)

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Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
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