- >Colleges
- >School of Engineering
- >Chemical and Biological Engineering
- >Graduate Program
Director of Graduate Programs
Sang Eon Han
The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering offers programs in chemical engineering leading to the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degrees. A GPA of 3.0 in the last two years of undergraduate study, and/or in previous engineering graduate study, is normally required for admission. In addition, the GRE is required of all Chemical Engineering applicants.
Students with an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering may directly enter the graduate chemical engineering program. Students from other engineering/science fields are also encouraged to apply. However, certain undergraduate background courses, as determined by the graduate advisor on an individual basis, must be completed as prerequisites to graduate study.
Undergraduate students in the School of Engineering may seek admission to the M.S. in Chemical Engineering under the Shared-Credit Undergraduate/Graduate Degrees Program. See the School of Engineering section of this Catalog for specific admission information and requirements.
Biomedical Engineering: This department participates in the Biomedical Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. concentration programs. For more information, see the Biomedical Engineering: Graduate Program section of this Catalog.
Computational Science and Engineering: The Computational Science and Engineering interdisciplinary graduate certificate program prepares students to effectively use high-performance computing within their disciplines and is open to graduate students in this department. See the School of Engineering section of this Catalog.
Manufacturing Engineering: The department is a participating home department in the Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering (M.E.M.E.) program. For more information, see the School of Engineering section of this Catalog.
Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering: This department participates in the interdisciplinary Nanoscience and Microsystems Engineering M.S. and Ph.D. programs; for more information, see the Graduate Interdisciplinary Studies section of this Catalog.
Fall semester: | July 15 |
Spring semester: | November 10 |
Summer session: | April 29 |
NOTE: Deadlines for international applicants are found in the Admissions section of this Catalog.
The Department has a variety of established research programs in chemical, biological and materials engineering. These include nano- and biomaterials synthesis, ceramics, bioanalytical micro- and nanosystems, tissue engineering, catalysis, fuel cells, optoelectronic materials, and interfacial and transport phenomena. In many cases, research is done in conjunction with industry and national laboratories. Research is being conducted in a variety of areas, including etching and thin films deposition for microelectronics, fuel cell technology, sol-gel synthesis, CVD thin films, ceramic composites, surface science, catalysis, coal utilization, solar energy, radioactive waste management, ceramics, inorganic membranes, advanced thermal insulation, separation processes and biomedical research.
The principal characterization facilities in the chemical engineering research laboratories provide equipment for: particle size analysis based on sedimentation as well as light scattering, surface area and density measurement of powders, surface analysis via x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, confocal microscopy with hyperspectral imaging, fluorescence and UV-Vis spectroscopy, in-situ IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis with mass spectrometry, fluid rheology and surface tension measurements and a small angle x-ray scattering facility based on a rotating anode generator and pinhole and Bonse-Hart optics. Additional facilities are available in the Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBME), Center for Emerging Energy Technologies (CEET), Center for Microengineered Materials (CMEM) and the Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM). These include aerosol and catalytic reactors, fuel cell test stations, tissue culture and microbiology laboratories, MOCVD and MBE crystal growth facilities, sol-gel synthesis and optoelectronic materials fabrication and testing.
The Master of Science (M.S.) in Chemical Engineering degree is offered under Plan I, Plan II, and Plan III. Under Plan I (thesis), 30 credit hours are required with 24 credit hours of coursework and 6 credit hours of thesis. Of the 24 credit hours of coursework, 9 credit hours are required at the 500-level with a maximum of 3 credit hours in problems courses. Plan II (non-thesis) requires 30 credit hours of coursework, including a maximum of 6 credit hours for problems courses and completion of a Master's Project and Master's Examination. Plan III (coursework) requires 30 credit hours of coursework, including a maximum of 6 credit hours of problems courses.
A program that allows the Plan II to be completed in one calendar year is also offered. This program should be requested at the time of application and should begin in the summer or fall semester. The program typically includes a course load of 14 credit hours in the fall semester (two core courses, two electives and graduate seminar), 13 credit hours in the spring semester (two core courses, two electives and graduate seminar) and 6 credit hours in the summer semester (elective courses and/or individual problems).
All candidates for the M.S. degree must satisfactorily pass a final examination which emphasizes the fundamental principles and applications in chemical engineering. This examination is normally the thesis defense for Plan I students, and is normally based on a short-term project for Plan II students, including those in the one year program. The examination is conducted by a committee of at least three faculty members. This committee is formed in consultation with the student’s research advisor or project advisor and is approved by the Department Chairperson.
The following courses are required of all M.S. in Chemical Engineering students:
Credit Hours |
CBE 501 | Chemical and Biological Engineering Seminar | 1 |
CBE 502 | Chemical and Biological Engineering Research Practices | 3 |
CBE 521 | Advanced Transport Phenomena I | 3 |
CBE 525 | Methods of Analysis in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineering | 3 |
CBE 542 | Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 3 |
CBE 561 | Kinetics of Chemical Processes | 3 |
Equivalent courses taken at another institution may be used to satisfy these requirements, but they must be approved by the graduate committee. A maximum of 3 credit hours of Seminar can be applied toward the minimum degree requirement for the M.S. Additional coursework is chosen in consultation with the research advisor or Graduate Advisor.
Concentration in Entrepreneurship and Technology Management: For information and requirements, see the School of Engineering section of this Catalog.
General requirements for the Ph.D. degree are set by the School of Engineering and Graduate Studies, and are stated on other pages of this Catalog. Required core courses are mentioned above. Students who wish to be admitted to the doctoral program in Chemical Engineering must pass a program qualifying examination. The qualifying examination consists primarily of an oral examination based on a short research proposal developed by the student. Written exams in core subject areas may also be required depending on performance in the core courses. The qualifying exam should be completed as soon as possible after entering the program and completing the core courses. Advancement to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering requires the student to demonstrate potential for independent study and research. A comprehensive examination based on the student’s written research proposal for their dissertation research is used to determine if the student should be advanced to candidacy status.
In addition to the general University doctoral degree requirements listed in the Graduate Program section of this Catalog, students pursing a Ph.D. in Engineering with a concentration in Chemical Engineering must meet the following criteria:
The following core courses are required of all Ph.D. Engineering students who concentrate in Chemical Engineering:
Credit Hours |
CBE 501 | Chemical and Biological Engineering Seminar | |
CBE 502 | Chemical and Biological Engineering Research Practices | |
CBE 521 | Advanced Transport Phenomena I | 3 |
CBE 525 | Methods of Analysis in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineering | 3 |
CBE 542 | Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 3 |
CBE 561 | Kinetics of Chemical Processes | 3 |
Equivalent graduate-level courses taken at another institution may be used to satisfy these requirements, but this must be decided on a case-by-case basis by the Graduate Advisor or Graduate Committee in the CBE department. A maximum 6 credit hours of Seminar can be applied toward the minimum degree requirement for the Ph.D.
Qualifying Examination: The Qualifying Examination must be passed before applying for Candidacy or proceeding to the Comprehensive Exam.
Comprehensive Exam/Admission to Candidacy: Students are admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree by the University following approval of their application for candidacy by the program faculty and Dean of Graduate Studies and successfully passing a Doctoral Comprehensive Examination.
Defense of Dissertation: All candidates must pass a Final examination (Defense of Dissertation). The Dissertation Committee conducts the defense of the dissertation.
Graduate students interested in obtaining a minor in Chemical Engineering must apply to the program. Forms are available on the department Web site. The student must complete a total of 9 credit hours by choosing three out of the four core courses listed below:
Credit Hours |
CBE 521 | Advanced Transport Phenomena I | 3 |
CBE 525 | Methods of Analysis in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineering | 3 |
CBE 542 | Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics | 3 |
CBE 561 | Kinetics of Chemical Processes | 3 |
CBE 101. Introduction to Chemical Engineering and Biological Engineering. (1)
CBE 213. Laboratory Electronics for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineers. (3)
CBE 251. Chemical Process Calculations. (3)
CBE 253. Chemical and Biological Engineering Computing. (3)
CBE 302. Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. (3)
CBE 311. Introduction to Transport Phenomena. (3)
CBE 312. Unit Operations. (3)
CBE 317. Numerical Methods for Chemical and Biological Engineering. (3)
CBE 318L. Chemical Engineering Laboratory I : Introduction to Experimentation. (3)
CBE 319L. Chemical Engineering Laboratory II. (1)
CBE 321. Mass Transfer. (3)
CBE 371. Introduction to Materials Engineering. (3)
CBE 403 / 503. Heterogeneous Catalysis Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 404 / 504. Nanomaterials Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 406 / 506. Bioengineering Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 412 / 512. Characterization Methods for Nanostructures. (3)
CBE 417 / 517. Applied Biology for Biomedical Engineers. (3)
CBE 418L. Chemical Engineering Laboratory III. (1)
CBE 419L. Chemical Engineering Laboratory IV. (1)
CBE 447 / 547. Biomedical Engineering Research Practices. (3)
CBE 451. Senior Seminar. (1)
CBE 454. Process Dynamics and Control. (3)
CBE **461. Chemical Reactor Engineering. (3)
CBE 472 / 572. Biomaterials Engineering. (3)
CBE 477 / 577. Electrochemical Engineering. (3)
CBE 479 / 579. Tissue Engineering. (3)
CBE 486 / 586. Introduction to Statistics and Design of Experiments. (3)
CBE 491. Undergraduate Research. (1-3, no limit Δ)
CBE 493L. Chemical Engineering Design. (3)
CBE 494L. Advanced Chemical Engineering Design. (3)
CBE 495–496. Chemical and Biological Engineering Honors Problems I and II. (1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ; 1-6 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
CBE 499. Selected Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)
CBE 501. Chemical and Biological Engineering Seminar. (1, no limit Δ)
CBE 502. Chemical and Biological Engineering Research Practices. (3, no limit Δ)
CBE 503 / 403. Heterogeneous Catalysis Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 504 / 404. Nanomaterials Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 506 / 406. Bioengineering Seminar. (2 to a maximum of 20 Δ)
CBE 512 / 412. Characterization Methods for Nanostructures. (3)
CBE 515. Special Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)
CBE 517 / 417. Applied Biology for Biomedical Engineers. (3)
CBE 521. Advanced Transport Phenomena I. (3)
CBE 525. Methods of Analysis in Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Engineering. (3)
CBE 530. Surface and Interfacial Phenomena. (3)
CBE 542. Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. (3)
CBE 547 / 447. Biomedical Engineering Research Practices. (3)
CBE 551–552. Problems. (1-3, no limit Δ; 1-3)
CBE 561. Kinetics of Chemical Processes. (3)
CBE 572 / 472. Biomaterials Engineering. (3)
CBE 575. Selected Topics in Material Science. (1-3, no limit Δ)
CBE 576. Selected Topics in Aerosol Science. (3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)
CBE 577 / 477. Electrochemical Engineering. (3)
CBE 579 / 479. Tissue Engineering. (3)
CBE 586 / 486. Introduction to Statistics and Design of Experiments. (3)
CBE 599. Master's Thesis. (1-6, no limit Δ)
CBE 699. Dissertation. (3-12, no limit Δ)
MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-8900
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