Undergraduate Program

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services (B.S.)
    Concentration: International Mountain Medicine.

The Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services (B.S.) degree is intended to prepare graduates to meet the professional requirements for pre-hospital emergency care providers. 

The program accepts academic credit from accredited institutions of higher education for course work deemed equivalent to program requirements. Of the total credit hours required for the degree, a minimum of 30 credit hours in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) major must be taken at the University of New Mexico to satisfy University residency requirements.

Completion of all of the paramedic core courses with a minimum grade of "C" and successful completion of all program requirements are required for eligibility to apply for National Registry of EMTs examination and New Mexico Licensure.

Application and Admission Requirements

All students seeking acceptance to the School of Medicine Paramedic program must meet requirements for admission to the University. See the Admissions section of this Catalog for information on University admission requirements.

Check the EMS Academy Web site for application process information. This application is in addition to the application for admission to the University as an undergraduate student.

Screening for admission to the College is conducted at periodic intervals. All applications, fees and official transcripts must be received by the deadline. Students should submit applications early to allow for adequate advisement and processing of applications.

Requirements for Admission

  1. Submit application and required academic records by the deadline dates; successfully complete all Pre-Paramedic classes, with an overall cumulative and prerequisite 2.50 GPA or better, by the date specified in the current application packet.
  2. Additional information may be utilized to rank applicants; examples may include grade point average, interview, entrance exam, and geographical differences.

NOTE: Preference is given to New Mexico residents.

The School of Medicine, EMS Academy reserves the right to request the student supply any additional information as necessary. Students are required to be fluent in the English language.

Application Deadlines

Check the EMS Academy Web site for current application deadlines.

Program Policies

The EMS Academy maintains and updates a student handbook whose purpose is to provide important information to help students through the curriculum. The most current student handbook may be accessed on the EMS Academy Web site

Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services

Requirements for Graduation

The B.S. in Emergency Medical Services is granted to students upon fulfillment of the following:

  1. Completion of 123 credit hours of coursework from the prescribed curriculum.
  2. Completion of General Education curriculum requirements. Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for information on courses that meet General Education curriculum and U.S. and Global Diversity and Inclusion requirements.
  3. Compliance with the minimum residence requirements, as stated in the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.
  4. Maintenance of an overall grade point average of 2.50 minimum.
  5. Recommendation for the degree by the faculty of the School of Medicine.


All students seeking the B.S. in Emergency Medical Services take the following courses:

General Education Curriculum
  Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.
Subtotal 31
Admission Requirements Courses below noted with an asterisk (*) may be used to fulfill General Education curriculum requirements.
EMS 113 EMT-Basic 8
EMS 142 EMT-Basic Lab 2
EMS 120 Introduction to EMS System 3
(BIOL 1140
BIOL 1140L)
BIOL 2110C
Biology for Health Sciences *

Biology for Health Sciences Laboratory *

Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory 
BIOL 2210 Human Anatomy and Physiology I  3
BIOL 2210L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory 1
BIOL 2225 Human Anatomy and Physiology II  3
BIOL 2225L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory 1
(CHEM 1215
CHEM 1215L)
(CHEM 1225
CHEM 1225L)
General Chemistry I for STEM Majors *

General Chemistry I for STEM Majors Laboratory *

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors *

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors Laboratory *
ENGL 1110
ENGL 1110Y
ENGL 1110Z
Composition I

Composition I: Stretch II

Enhanced Composition
ENGL 1120 Composition II * 3
MATH 1220
MATH 1240
MATH 1430
College Algebra *

Pre-Calculus *

Applications of Calculus I *
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics * 3
PSYC 1110 Introduction to Psychology * 3
General Education Curriculum and Admission Requirements Subtotal 56
  Major Requirements
Phase 1
EMS 309 Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Operations 3
EMS 310 Prehospital Pharmacology 3
EMS 311 Medical Assessment and Management 3
EMS 312 Cardiovascular and Pulmonology Emergencies 3
EMS 341 Paramedic Lab I 2
EMS 351 Paramedic Clinical Rotation I 3
Subtotal 17
Phase 2
EMS 320 Medical Emergencies 3
EMS 321 Special Patient Populations 2
EMS 331 Trauma Emergencies 2
EMS 342 Paramedic Lab II 2
EMS 352 Paramedic Clinical Rotation II 4
EMS 400 Advanced Assessment 3
Subtotal 16
Phase 3  
EMS 454 Paramedic Field Internship 4
Subtotal 4
Required EMS Courses
EMS 469 Epidemiology and Statistics 3
EMS 470 EMS Research and Analysis 3
 Subtotal 6
Major Requirements Subtotal 43
Choose to complete the B.S. with a selection of EMS Electives, or with the optional International Mountain Medicine concentration:
EMS Electives  
Choose from: EMS Instructor, EMS Management and Operations, Fire Science, International Disaster, Pre-Health Professional (M.D., PA, Graduate Allied Health). 24
Subtotal 24
Concentration in International Mountain Medicine
EMS 403 Mountain Medicine 3
EMS 404 Technical Rescue Course 3
EMS 405 Austere Medicine 3
EMS 406 Mountain Medicine Laboratory I 3
EMS 408 Mountain Medicine Laboratory II 3
EMS Electives chosen from list above. 9
  Subtotal 24
Degree Total 123

National Registry Paramedic to Bachelor of Science in Emergency Medical Services 
Degree Completion Option 

The National Registry Paramedic (NRP) to B.S. in Emergency Medical Services degree completion option is available at the UNM EMS Academy through online/distance education courses. This option is designed for students who have a current Paramedic license and have the National Registry Emergency Medical Services (NREMT) Paramedic certification. 

All Paramedics seeking entrance into the EMS Academy must meet UNM and EMS Academy requirements for admission. See the EMS Academy Web site for application information. Admission to the B.S. in Emergency Medical Services degree as a transfer student requires a current National Registry Paramedic license (which must be kept current throughout enrollment). 

Active NRPs currently holding an active license in the U.S. will be awarded 47 transfer credit hours towards the B.S. in Emergency Medical Services. Proof of current paramedic licensure and NRP certification is required. 

A Plan of Studies (POS) for each student is determined at the time of enrollment in the NRP to B.S. in Emergency Medical Services program. Students are expected to follow the POS throughout the program. Each Paramedic student must demonstrate achievement of the outcomes expected of all EMS Academy baccalaureate students. 

Prospective Paramedic students are urged to review the EMS Academy Web site, and contact the EMS Academy Advisement Office prior to registration.


Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for information on courses that meet General Education curriculum and U.S. and Global Diversity and Inclusion requirements.

General Education Curriculum
Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog.
Subtotal 31
Admission Requirements Courses below noted with an asterisk (*) may be used to fulfill General Education curriculum requirements.
(BIOL 1140
BIOL 1140L)
BIOL 2110C
Biology for Health Sciences *

Biology for Health Sciences Laboratory *

Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory 
BIOL 2210 Human Anatomy and Physiology I  3
BIOL 2210L Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory 1
BIOL 2225 Human Anatomy and Physiology II  3
BIOL 2225L Human Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory 1
(CHEM 1215
CHEM 1215L)
(CHEM 1225
CHEM 1225L)
General Chemistry I for STEM Majors *

General Chemistry I for STEM Majors Laboratory *

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors *

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors Laboratory *
ENGL 1110
ENGL 1110Y
ENGL 1110Z
Accelerated Composition

Composition II

Enhanced Composition
ENGL 1120 Composition II * 3
MATH 1220
MATH 1240
MATH 1430
College Algebra *

Pre-Calculus *

Applications of Calculus I *
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics * 3
General Education Curriculum and Admission Requirements Subtotal 43
Major Requirements
EMS Transfer Credit (Current License Required)
EMT-Basic: EMS 113, 142. 10
Paramedic: EMS 309, 310, 311, 312, 320, 321, 331, 341, 342, 351, 352, 400, 454. 37
Subtotal 47
Required EMS Courses
EMS 469 Epidemiology and Statistics 3
EMS 470 EMS Research and Analysis 3
Subtotal 6
Major Requirements Subtotal 53
Choose to complete the B.S. with a selection of EMS Electives, or with the optional International Mountain Medicine concentration:
EMS Electives  
Choose from: EMS Instructor, EMS Management and Operations, Fire Science, International Disaster, Pre-Health Professional (M.D., PA, Graduate Allied Health). 27
Subtotal 27
Concentration in International Mountain Medicine
EMS 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, and 12 credit hours of EMS Electives chosen from list above. 27
Subtotal 27
Degree Total 123

Departmental Honors Program

Students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.50 and a minimum 3.60 GPA in EMS coursework are eligible for honors under the following circumstances:

  • Completion of a minimum of 6 additional credit hours of approved research or independent study courses beyond the credit hours required to achieve the B.S. degree.
  • Submission of an approved project, submission-ready research article, or presentation at a state or national conference.
  • Endorsement of program faculty.
  • Maintenance of academic honesty and integrity, and professional conduct expected of healthcare professionals.


EMS 106. Emergency Medical Responder. (4)

EMS 113. EMT-Basic. (8)

EMS 120. Introduction to EMS System. (3)

EMS 142. EMT-Basic Lab. (2)

EMS 143. EMT-Intermediate Lab. (1)

EMS 151. EMT-I Clinical and Field Experience. (2)

EMS 180. EMT-Intermediate. (5)

EMS 193. Emergency Medicine Topics. (1-3, no limit Δ)

EMS 223. Principles of EMT Lab Instruction. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

EMS 309. Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Operations. (3)

EMS 310. Prehospital Pharmacology. (3)

EMS 311. Medical Assessment and Management. (3)

EMS 312. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Emergencies. (3)

EMS 320. Medical Emergencies. (3)

EMS 321. Special Patient Populations. (2)

EMS 331. Trauma Emergencies. (2)

EMS 341. Paramedic Lab I. (2)

EMS 342. Paramedic Lab II. (2)

EMS 351. Paramedic Clinical Rotation I. (3)

EMS 352. Paramedic Clinical Rotation II. (4)

EMS 398. EMS Topics. (1-3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

EMS 399. EMS Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

EMS 400. Advanced Assessment. (3)

EMS 403. Mountain Medicine. (3)

EMS 404. Technical Rescue Course. (3)

EMS 405. Austere Medicine. (3)

EMS 406. Mountain Medicine Lab I. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

EMS 408. Mountain Medicine Lab II. (3, may be repeated once Δ)

EMS 411. EMS Systems Management and Public Policy. (3)

EMS 412. EMS Service Operations. (3)

EMS 413. EMS Management Internship. (3)

EMS 421. EMS Education Internship. (3)

EMS 423. Principles of Paramedic Lab Instruction. (3)

EMS 424. Advanced Principles of Paramedic Lab Instruction. (3)

EMS 441. Principles of EMS Education. (3)

EMS 443. Educational Technology and Medical Simulation. (3)

EMS 454. Paramedic Field Internship. (4)

EMS 455. Disaster and Emergency Management. (3)

EMS 456. Social Dimension of Disaster. (3)

EMS 458. International Disasters. (3)

EMS 461. Advanced Pathophysiology. (3)

EMS 465. Advanced Paramedic Clerkship. (1-6, may be repeated once Δ)

EMS 469. Epidemiology and Statistics. (3)

EMS 470. EMS Research Analysis. (3)

EMS 475. Research in Acute Care. (3)

EMS 498. EMS Topics. (1-3 to a maximum of 15 Δ)

EMS 499. EMS Problems. (1-3 to a maximum of 6 Δ)

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