Undergraduate Program

Degree Offered

  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.S.M.L.)

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.S.M.L.) degree is offered at the University of New Mexico through the Department of Pathology in the School of Medicine. The program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), 5600 N. River Rd., Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018-5119, (773) 714-8880. Students who successfully complete the program are eligible to sit for the national certification examination given by the Board of Certification (ASCP).

The Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) program may be taken as part of a four-year curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences from the UNM School of Medicine OR as part of a degree from another four-year academic institution. The program follows a prescribed curriculum which requires two and one half years of pre-professional academic study and one and one half years in the MLS program.

Students earning a B.S. degree from an academic institution other than the University of New Mexico must meet the degree requirements established by that university in addition to the minimum educational requirements specified below for entering the UNM MLS program. Students register through UNM for all MEDL courses.

Admission Requirements

Minimum education requirements are 69 credit hours of acceptable coursework from a college or university approved by a recognized accrediting agency including the required courses listed below. All credit hours must be acceptable towards a baccalaureate degree. A minimum grade of "C" or better in all subjects and a grade of "C" or better in each prerequisite biology, chemistry and math course is required. All students are required to meet with the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program advisor on North Campus if they are interested in applying for the program.

Students coming from other universities or colleges who will earn their baccalaureate degree from their parent institutions or students who already have a baccalaureate degree must have the following prerequisites for admission to the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program at the University of New Mexico.

Total of 69 credit hours including:

  1. Biological Sciences: approximately 16 credit hours including courses in anatomy and physiology and microbiology.
  2. Chemistry: approximately 12 credit hours including one course in organic or biochemistry.
  3. Mathematics: a minimum of one course in college-level algebra or a higher math course.

NOTE: Remedial and survey courses are not acceptable. Other recommended courses are: anatomy and physiology, cell biology, parasitology, pathogenic bacteriology, biochemistry, psychology, sociology, computer science, communications, management and education.

Students can be admitted to the program at the beginning of the Spring semester or Fall semester. An application must be submitted to the Office of Medical Laboratory Sciences by the October 15 deadline for January admission or June 15 for August admission. Application may be made while completing the final semester of prerequisites. Official transcripts of all college course work must be sent directly from each institution unless all course work was completed at UNM. Admission is limited, with selection based on cumulative grade point average, grade point average in chemistry, math, and science courses, letters of recommendation, and a personal interview. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required. Selection of applicants is made by the Medical Laboratory Sciences Admissions Committee. All applicants are notified of their admission status. Selection is given to qualified persons regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, qualified handicap or military involvement. Residents of New Mexico receive preference in admission.

Students earning their B.S. degrees from the School of Medicine at the University of New Mexico must follow the prescribed curriculum outlined below.

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences

The Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences program begins each Spring semester or Fall semester. Courses may be taken as a part-time student allowing up to three years instead of the normal one and one half years to complete the program. Students are assigned to an affiliated clinical laboratory for practical experiences in the rotation courses. Hospital and reference laboratories currently used are: Quest Diagnostics, TriCore Reference Laboratories, and VA Medical Center and hospitals located throughout the state of New Mexico.

Pre-Admission Curriculum

Biological Sciences:
  Approximately 14-18 credit hours to include:  
(BIOL 1140
BIOL 1140L)
(BIOL 2110C
BIOL 2410C)
Biology for Health Sciences

Biology for Health Sciences Laboratory

Principles of Biology: Cellular and Molecular Lecture and Laboratory 

Principles of Biology: Genetics Lecture and Laboratory


BIOL 2210 Human Anatomy and Physiology I  3
BIOL 2225 Human Anatomy and Physiology II 3
BIOL 2305
(BIOL **351
BIOL **352L)
Microbiology for Health Sciences

General Microbiology

General Microbiology Laboratory
Approximately 12 credit hours to include:
(CHEM 1215
CHEM 1225)
(CHEM 131
CHEM 132)
General Chemistry I for STEM Majors

General Chemistry II for STEM Majors

Principles of Chemistry

Principles of Chemistry
CHEM 1215L General Chemistry I for STEM Majors Laboratory 1
CHEM 1225L General Chemistry II for STEM Majors Laboratory  1
CHEM 2120
(CHEM **301
CHEM 303L)
Integrated Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Minimum of 2 courses to include a choice of:  
MATH 1220 College Algebra 3
MATH 1350 Introduction to Statistics (recommended) 3
Higher-level math or statistics  
  Competence in writing English as determined by the English Department or the following two English courses:  
ENGL 1110
ENGL 1110Y
ENGL 1110Z
Composition I

Composition I: Stretch II

Enhanced Composition
ENGL 1120 Composition II 3
Interpersonal Communicative Skills:
  One course from the following:  
COMM 2120 Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM 2140 Small Group Communication 3
Management Theory:
  One course on general management theory:  
BUSA 1110 Introduction to Business 3
Computer Science:  
  One course:  
BCIS 1110 Fundamentals of Information Literacy and Systems 3
General Education Curriculum
Courses must be taken to fulfill General Education curriculum requirements in the following areas listed. Refer to the Undergraduate Program section of this Catalog for information on courses that meet General Education curriculum and U.S. and Global Diversity and Inclusion requirements.
Area 4: Social and Behavioral Sciences 6
Area 5: Humanities 6
Area 6: Second Language 3
Area 7: Arts and Design 3

Major Requirements

MEDL 234 Introduction to Clinical Immunology 3
MEDL 300L Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences 2
MEDL 310 Introduction to Clinical Chemistry 3
MEDL 311L Introduction to Clinical Chemistry Lab 2
MEDL 315L Clinical Serology 2
MEDL 320 Introduction to Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis 4
MEDL 321L Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis Lab 2
MEDL 330 Introduction to Microbiology 3
MEDL 331L Introduction to Microbiology Lab 2
MEDL 340L Introduction to Immunohematology 2
MEDL 350L Clinical Urinalysis 2
MEDL 410L Advanced Clinical Chemistry 3
MEDL 420L Advanced Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis 3
MEDL 430 Advanced Clinical Microbiology 3
MEDL 431L Advanced Clinical Microbiology Lab 2
MEDL 432L Clinical Parasitology 2
MEDL 440L Advanced Clinical Immunohematology 2
MEDL 445 Clinical Lab Management and Education 2
Subtotal 44
Clinical Rotation Courses
MEDL 351 Basic Clinical Chemistry Rotation 3
MEDL 352 Basic Hematology/Hemostasis Rotation 3
MEDL 355 Clinical Urinalysis Rotation 1
MEDL 451 Advanced Clinical Chemistry Rotation 1
MEDL 452 Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis Rotation 2
MEDL 453 Clinical Microbiology Rotation 5
MEDL 454 Clinical Immunohematology Rotation 4
Subtotal 19
Total 63

Information Requests

Communications regarding information and applications should be addressed to Medical Laboratory Sciences, MSC09 5250, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001.

NOTE: Changes in the MLS program could occur. Therefore, students should remain in touch with the MLS program advisor.


MEDL 121. A Career in Laboratory Science. (1)

MEDL 234. Introduction to Clinical Immunology. (3)

MEDL 300L. Introduction to Medical Laboratory Sciences. (2)

MEDL 310. Introduction to Clinical Chemistry. (3)

MEDL 311L. Introduction to Clinical Chemistry Lab. (2)

MEDL 315L. Clinical Serology. (2)

MEDL 320. Introduction to Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis. (4)

MEDL 321L. Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis Lab. (2)

MEDL 330. Introduction to Clinical Microbiology. (3)

MEDL 331L. Introduction to Clinical Microbiology Lab. (2)

MEDL 340L. Introduction to Clinical Immunohematology. (2)

MEDL 350L. Clinical Urinalysis. (2)

MEDL 351. Basic Clinical Chemistry Rotation. (3)

MEDL 352. Basic Hematology/Hemostasis Rotation. (3)

MEDL 355. Clinical Urinalysis Rotation. (1)

MEDL 410L. Advanced Clinical Chemistry. (3)

MEDL 420L. Advanced Clinical Hematology/Hemostasis. (3)

MEDL 430. Advanced Clinical Microbiology. (3)

MEDL 431L. Advanced Clinical Microbiology Lab. (2)

MEDL 432L. Clinical Parasitology. (2)

MEDL 440L. Advanced Clinical Immunohematology. (2)

MEDL 445. Clinical Management and Education. (2)

MEDL 451. Advanced Clinical Chemistry Rotation. (1)

MEDL 452. Advanced Hematology and Hemostasis Rotation. (2)

MEDL 453. Clinical Microbiology Rotation. (5)

MEDL 454. Clinical Immunohematology Rotation. (4)

MEDL 463. Laboratory Operations and Laboratory Mathematics. (2)

MEDL 498. Research Honors. (1, may be repeated twice Δ)

MEDL 499. Special Topics in Medical Laboratory Sciences. (2 to a maximum of 4 Δ)

MEDL 500. Selected Topics in Pathology. (1, may be repeated twice Δ)

MEDL 600. Clinical Lab Sciences Master's Degree Apprenticeship Program. (1-4 to a maximum of 10 Δ)

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Office of the Registrar

MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 277-8900
Fax: (505) 277-6809

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